ST. Joseph's Parish Council of

The Catholic Women's League of Canada


September 27, 20117 p.m.

18 members in attendance

1. President Louanne R. called the meeting to order and welcomed everyone back for another great year for the CWL. Her opening remarks included:

  • An update on the inspiring CWL Sept. 24th diocesan meeting with the newly elected executive committee and Fr. Gerry DeSouza the Spiritual Advisor.
  • She was particularly impressed with the committee reports which were open, loving and wonderful to read.
  • The next diocesan meeting is on Sat. Oct. 22nd at 9am. at St. Edmunds in North Vancouver. All are welcome to attend.
  • A Communications Chair has been identified; Nithya was thanked for her commitment. She joins Teresita D. who is the Health and Education Chair.
  • TeresitaD.purchased a banner for our council. The banner was on display and Teresita was thanked for her generosity.
  • 40 Days for Life Campaign - Sept. 28th.- Nov.6th. There will be prayer and fasting, peaceful vigil and community outreach. CWL could support. Bring forward to next meeting for discussion.

2. Louanne led the group in the Opening Prayer.This month's theme was PEACE.

3. Executive Reports (e.g.; parish picnic, Banner)

Finance - Jessica

A recap from the May report:

  • $1000 in bank,
  • Sold 29 first communion and confirmation candles with a profit of $35.00 and an inventory of candles for this year.
  • Sale of baskets netted $112. 00

Communications - Nithya

  • We will have a membership drive in November
  • The communications chair will be doing bulletin announcements.
  • We will have a council website. Richard A. will work with Nithya to create the site.

Christian Family Life - Louanne gave a report

  • Funeral Reception ministry.Whenever there is a funeral CWL is now looking after it. We set up for coffee tea and refreshments. The family provides food. Having a presence at the reception is warm and welcoming andvery appreciated by the families.
  • Louanne once again asked for a volunteer to chair this committee. Cecelia H.generously volunteered to chair this committee.
  • Many thanks to Nithya and Cecelia for taking on the chairing of these committees.

5. We are happy to welcome two new members Gabriella and Marion to the CWL and we ask all members to take the initiative to invite one person to come and join us then we can increase our membership.

6. Fundraising

  • Candle sales – we will expand this popular fundraiser to include baptism and wedding candles. Jessica will leave sample candles in the office for people to see and perhaps purchase. The candles are personalized with name and date.
  • We will continue creating baskets for Thanksgiving, Christmas, Valentine's and Easter- 4Xper year.

7. CWL Social coming soon - A tentative date has been set for Sunday November 6th at 2pm. in the portable for a Flowers arranging course and social. If you are planning to attend please bring a few treats to share. Date will be confirmed so watch for more information to come.

8. Father Joseph dropped by our meeting to offer support.

9. Driving members to/from meetings - Nithya is creating a list of people who can drive members to a meeting and of people who need a ride to the meeting. Contact information to follow.

10. All paying members should have a pin. Louanne took orders for pins and scarves. Please let the executive know if you are a member and do not have a pin or if you want to order a scarf. Louanne will also order handbooks for anyone who does not have one.

11. A tour of the Abbey in Mission was suggested as a CWL social outing. This would not be a retreat but a time to spend together as a group. Majority of the group is interested in attending. Louanne will investigate further and bring more information to the next meeting.

12. Louanne will send John K. a get well card from our council.

14. Meeting adjourned at 8:20 pm

13. Closing prayer

A brief social followed

Next Meeting is Tuesday October October 25th, 2011