The Board of Trustees met on Monday, October 27, 2014, at the Butler Township Government Center, 3780 Little York Road, Dayton, Ohio, at 7:00pm for a Regular Session to transact the business of the township.

Michael Lang, President, called the meeting to order.

Doug Orange was not available for the meeting.


The Minutes of October 13, 2014, Regular Session, were submitted for approval. Nick Brusky made a motion for approval of the Regular Session Minutes of October 13, 2014, as submitted, with Michael Lang seconding approving the motion.


Brad Neavin with Vandalia/Butler Schools gave a brief presentation regarding the newly created Acceleron Program. (See the attached brochure for details).

Resolution #14-072 was submitted for approval authorizing the Township Administrator to Enter into a Contract with Anthem for Providing Health Insurance Coverage for the Trustees and Full-Time Employees of Butler Township. Nick Brusky made a motion for approval Resolution #14-072, as submitted, with Michael Lang seconding and approving the resolution.

Resolution #14-073 was submitted for approval authorizing the Township Administrator to Enter into a Contract with Superior Dental Care Insurance Company for Providing Dental benefits for the Trustees and Full-Time Employees of Butler Township. Nick Brusky made a motion for approval of Resolution #14-073, as submitted, with Michael Lang seconding and approving the resolution.

Resolution #14-074 was submitted for approval authorizing the Township Administrator to Enter into a Contract with EyeMed for Providing Vision Insurance Benefits for the Trustees and Full-Time Employees of Butler Township. Nick Brusky made a motion for approval Resolution #14-074, as submitted, with Michael Lang seconding and approving the resolution.

Resolution #14-075 was submitted for approval authorizing the Township Administrator to Enter into a Contract with Anthem for Providing Life Insurance Benefits for Full-Time Employees of Butler Township. Nick Brusky made a motion for approval of Resolution #14-075, as submitted, with Michael Lang seconding and approving the resolution.

Resolution #14-076 was submitted for approval authorizing the Township Administrator to Contract with Mechanical Systems of Dayton for Preventative HVAC Maintenance. Nick Brusky made a motion for approval of Resolution #14-076, as submitted, with Michael Lang seconding and approving the resolution.

Resolution #14-077 was submitted for approval authorizing the Township Administrator to Enter into a Modified Agreement with Choice One Engineering/Design Services for the Little York Road Sidewalks Project as Outlined in the Attached Scope of Services. Nick Brusky made a motion for approval of Resolution #14-077, as submitted, with Michael Lang seconding and approving the resolution.

Resolution #14-078 was submitted for approval to Enter into an Agreement with the City of Dayton to Provide Ambulance Service to the Dayton International Airport. Nick Brusky made a motion for approval of Resolution #14-078, as submitted, with Michael Lang seconding and approving the resolution.

Administrator, Kimberly Lapensee provided the proposed FY2015 Budget for review. She is requesting to schedule two work sessions for November 24th and December 8th both meetings being at 5:30pm.

A request was submitted for approval to declare surplus inventory on behalf of the Service Department. Nick Brusky made a motion for approval to declare surplus inventory in the Service Department and prepare for the sale/disposal, as submitted, with Michael Lang seconding and approving the motion.

Administrator, Kimberly Lapensee provided a list of businesses in the JEDZ that have not been paying. She requested direction by the board on how to handle collecting the money from them, whether to file suit or keep trying to collect through Vandalia. This item will also be discussed in the next month JEDZ meeting with Vandalia.


Assistant Township Administrator, Erika Vogel reported that they have started the demolition of the Villager Inn.

Chief Cresie reported that on October 23rd and 24th the police department hosted the “Blue Courage” training. The purpose of the training is to build positive working relationships with other police agencies and to learn different skills in a variety of situations. The training was provided by the Ohio Association Chiefs of Police and financially supported through a Grant provided by the Department of Justice. In attendance were 3 police chiefs and 18 police officers representing 14 different police agencies throughout the State with the possibility of sponsoring more classes in the future.

Chief Alig had no further business to report at this time.

Administrator, Kimberly Lapensee had no business to report on behalf of the Service Department. With respect to the Administration, she reported no further business.

Mark Adams, Fiscal Officer had no further business to report at this time.

Trustee, Nick Brusky reported on his concern regarding the spread of Ebola in this country and indicated that he had contacted the State Representatives. He also noted that November was Cancer Awareness Month for men.

Trustee, Michael Lang mentioned that Trustee Orange failed to remind anyone that he turned 60 years old two weeks ago and wanted to wish him a Belated Happy Birthday.


There were no comments from the audience at this time.


A request was submitted for approval to recess into Executive Session at 7:42 PM to discuss Police Department Contract Negotiations with the Police Officers. Nick Brusky made a motion for approval to recess into Executive Session to discuss Police Department Contract Negotiations with the Police Officers, as submitted, with Michael Lang seconding and approving the motion. At roll call, the vote resulted as follows:

Nick Brusky, aye

Michael Lang, aye

Nick Brusky made a motion for approval to reconvene into Regular Session at 8:22 PM, with Michael Lang seconding and approving the motion. At roll call, the vote resulted as follows:

Nick Brusky, aye

Michael Lang, aye

There was no action taken as a result of the Executive Session and no further business to discuss at this time.

Nick Brusky reported that the trustees have reviewed the financial statements and made a motion for approval to pay the bills of the township, as submitted, with Michael Lang seconding and approving the motion.

Nick Brusky made a motion for approval to adjourn the meeting at 8:24 PM with Michael Lang seconding and approving the motion.
