14TH APRIL 2010

The meeting commenced at 7.00pm and finished at 8.20pm


Councillor Mrs Rampton (Chairman)

Councillors Eades, Mrs Lavender, Trent and Miss Wilson

Members of the Public Present:

Approximately 18


Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Meachin and Montrose


No declarations of interest were submitted.


RESOLVED that the Minutes of the Meeting held on 10th February 2010, having been previously circulated, be taken as read, confirmed and signed by the Chairman as a correct record.


(a)Traffic Programme 2010/11

Steve Dean, Transportation Services reported that the Area Committee had a budget of £6,100 available for the coming financial year and the following items had been approved by the Committee.

SCHEME / Est Cost
Stalham Road – Double yellow lines / £1,000 / Approved
Walisdown Road –Double yellow lines / £1,000 / Approved
Sancreed Road – single yellow lines / £1,000 / Approved
Francis Rd /Douglas Rd and Francis Road/Gwynne road junctions / £1,000 / Resident Request
Carlton Grove and Norrish Road - Relax Single yellow to apply Mon–Fri 8am-6pm / £700 / To Correspond with Layton Rd and Shillito Road
Total / £4,700

The Meeting was advised that this left approximately £1,400 unallocated.

The following points were raised:

  • Councillor Eades stated that a request had been received by him for the waiting restrictions at the eastern end of Shillito Road (outside number and 4 and 6) to be relaxed.

Steve Dean responded by stating that the proposed restrictions in Carlton Grove/Norrish Road did not include the restrictions outside number 4 and 6 Shillito Road,and there would be a need to look at this request separately.

  • Councillor Miss Wilson referred to the proposals for Wallisdown Road and felt that as this was a Prime Corridor the Transportation Advisory Group should be funding the restrictions.

Steve Dean responded by stating that the restrictions in Wallisdown Road were the responsibility of the Area Committee as the Transportation Advisory Group could only fund restrictions which were specifically required to achieve Government targets through the Local Transport Plan. The Council had devolved minor budgets to the Area Committees and the request in relation to Wallisdown Road, which related to parking on pavements had been previously approved by Members. One side of Wallisdown Road was in the Borough of Poole and the other side in the Borough of Bournemouth. He had contacted Bournemouth Borough Council who had agreed that restrictions should be provided on their side of the road and they had no objection to Poole undertaking both the consultation and the painting of the lines.

Councillor Miss Wilson felt that providing waiting restrictions at this location would merely displace parking into other adjoining side roads.

Councillor Trent felt that there was a need to consult with residents on the Bournemouth side of Wallisdown Road before proceeding with this order. He welcomed the restrictions on the Poole side of Wallisdown Road to prevent parking on the pavement but properties on one side of the road did not have off-street parking and that this could cause them a problem.

Steve Dean responded by stating that before the restrictions had been approved by the Area Committee he had contacted Bournemouth Borough Council and Bournemouth residents would aware of the proposal when the proposals were advertised. The Area Committee would also be asked to consider any representations which had been made.

Councillor Eades felt that Bournemouth Borough Council should be asked for a contribution towards the restrictions being imposed on their side of the road.

Councillor Trent stated that there were now real traffic problems in Bryant Road due to the parking associated with Woods Garage.

He also referred to the restrictions in Sancreed Road and asked whether the plan before the Area Committee was different to that which had been previously agreed?

Steve Dean responded by stating that consultation had recently taken place with St Joseph’s RC Combined School and the proposals had been revised so that waiting restrictions were proposed on the side of the road opposite to the School.

RESOLVED that the Schemes listed above be approved for implementation in this year’s Traffic Programme, subject to:

  • The revised proposals in respect of Sancreed Road being approved in accordance with Drawing NDR09/005/B; and
  • The restrictions in Wallisdown Road be approved subject to Bournemouth Borough Council being asked for a contribution towards the Scheme and that final details be delegated to Ward Councillors on what should be implemented once the decision on funding was known.


(a)Planning Obligations Funding

Richard Nicholson, Leisure Services, provided information to the Area Committee on the collection and distribution of Planning Obligations (Recreational Contributions) Funds in the Alderney, Branksome East and West Wards. The current position was as follows:

Equipped Children’s Play fund


/ Income / Expenditure /
/ Commitments / Remaining Balance
Alderney / 34,962 / -24,000 / 10,962 / 0.00 / 10,962
Branksome East / 45,160 / 0.00 / 45,160 / -8,000
Princess Gardens play improvements / 37,160
Branksome West / 53,904 / -34,050 / 19,854 / 0.00 / 19,854

Casual Play and Amenity Open Space fund

Ward / Income / Expenditure /


/ Commitments / Remaining Balance
Alderney / 160,141 / -127,452 / 32,689 /
Includes HOEC climbing wall contribution / 3,211
Branksome East / 163,489 / -65,165 / 98,323 / -1,923
HOEC climbing wall contribution / 96,400
Branksome West / 160,246 / -88,821 / 71,425 / -1,923
HOEC climbing wall contribution / 69,502

Richard Nicholson advised the Committee that, in respect of the Equipped Children’s Play Fund, the balance currently stood at £37,160, but as mentioned later on the Agenda, £33,300 had been allocated by the Planning Obligations (Recreational Contributions) Sub Group to the Wallisdown Play Area Scheme.

Councillor Eades asked whether the funding for the proposed Green Gym at Branksome Recreation Ground was still available?

Richard Nicholson responded by stating that £30,000 had been earmarked for the Green Gym, which could be used once a decision had been made on the application for Town and Village Green status.

He also responded to a question by stating that Members could add funding from the Planning Obligations Budgets to Playbuilder Schemes and he confirmed that this had already been achieved on the Playbuilder Year One Schemes. The Planning Obligations (Recreational Contributions) Sub Group would need to formally agree any enhancements and the Area Committee would be consulted accordingly. He also confirmed that there were no current Projects in Branksome East to spend the unallocated £96,400.

RESOLVED that the update on the collection and distribution of Planning Obligations Funds in Alderney and Branksome East and West Wards be noted.


Richard Nicholson, Leisure Services, presented a report, advising the Area Committee of the Playbuilder Year 2 Programme to improve Play Areas for the 8-13 year age range over the next 12 months using Playbuilder funding from the Department for Children, Schools and Families (DCSF).

He reminded the Meeting that in September 2008 Leisure Services with Children and Young People’s Integrated Services had submitted a bid to the DCSF for Playbuilder Funding. This provided the Borough of Poole with approximately £1.1M over two years to significantly improve 22 Play Areas. The bid had been successful and the funding had been received in April 2009. 11 sites had been completed in Year 1 and work was now starting on Year 2 sites with the whole project being completed by April 2011.

Year 2 sites, which had been selected as part of the initial 22 included:

  • Belben Road, Alderney
  • Hatchards Field, Rossmore
  • Scott Road, Wallisdown
  • Broadstone Recreation Ground
  • Parkway, Puddletown Crescent, Canford Heath
  • Millfield, Creekmoor
  • Pergins Recreation Ground, Creekmoor
  • Charter Road, Bearwood
  • Fenners Field, Merley
  • Selkirk Close, Merley
  • Halstock Crescent Recreation Ground

Members raised the following comments:

  • Belben Road, Alderney – Councillor Trent advised the Meeting that work was currently in progress with Groundworks/Poole Housing Partnership Limited and he hoped consultation would be dovetailed to include the Playbuilder 2 Consultation and that Officers would work together on these Projects.
  • Hatchards Field, Rossmore – Councillor Trent supported this Scheme.
  • Scott Road, Wallisdown – Councillor Trent raised concerns that younger children had no facilities in Scott Road and hoped that Leisure Services would engage with residents on what was needed at this location.

RESOLVED that the information report on Playbuilder Funding Year 2 be noted and the above comments be fed-back to the Playbuilder Officer Working Group.


Richard Nicholson presented a report informing the Area Committee on proposals to begin the process of developing an equipped play space on the playing field adjacent to Wallisdown Road and Talbot Drive. The site, although within the Borough of Poole, was owned by Bournemouth Borough Council and was currently leased to Bournemouth University. Both these organisations had agreed that some play equipment could be installed on the part of the site previously used for this purpose on the understanding that they would not be liable for any cost for installation or maintenance. The previous play equipment had been removed by Bournemouth Borough Council. The Borough of Poole had been asked if they wished to take over the play equipment but this had been turned down in view of the condition of the equipment on offer.

Local people had expressed a very strong demand for some toddler and young children play equipment in this area, which had high population density and limited open space and a petition had been presented to the Council on 9th June 2009 by the Talbot Village Residents Association, calling on the Council to install a children’s play area in the park adjacent to Talbot Village off Wallisdown Road.

Subject to the agreement of the Area Committee, Leisure Services proposed to use £33,300 of the Branksome East Equipped Children’s Play Fund to install some play equipment and create a play space. The likely timescale for design was April 2010 and construction to begin in June/July 2010. The Area Committee was asked for its views on this Scheme.

In response to a question on using funding from the Casual Play and Amenity Open Space Budget, Richard Nicholson responded by stating that if the Area Committee wished to have benches and fences at the play area an extra £30,000 could be allocated to this Scheme.

Councillor Trent stated that it had taken over 5 years to get to this stage and there was a real need to replace the play equipment which had been removed from the site by Bournemouth Borough Council, particularly for toddlers and children up to 11 years of age to match the ages of the children attending adjoining schools. The previous play equipment had been greatly appreciated in the past by parents taking their children to and from the schools nearby.

In response to a question on funding, Richard Nicholson responded by stating that equipment for the play area had to come from the Equipped Children’s Play Fund but that if any natural play facilities were provided, this could be funded from the Casual Play and Amenity Open Space Fund.

Councillor Trent hoped that funding could be allocated to this Scheme from the Alderney allocation of £10,962 so that a worthwhile Scheme could be achieved.

Councillor Eades felt that Bournemouth Borough Council should be asked for a contribution towards the Scheme. He also welcomed the increase in funding from both the Alderney fund and Casual Play and Amenity Open Space Fund. He asked whether consideration had been given to the provision of a play area at Talbot View (Winston Avenue area) and felt that this was a good place for a play area.

The Chairman felt that this was a worthwhile suggestion, which could be looked into further.

Mr Shears, on behalf of the Talbot Village Residents Association, asked if some of the bushes and shrubs around the site could be removed to make the play area larger. He also felt that older children needed play facilities at the site and would welcome inclusion of equipment for children up to 13 years of age.

Councillor Trent felt that widespread consultation with residents, schools and the community would find out what people wanted in the area so that firm proposals could then be drawn up.


(i)this Area Committee welcomes the provision of an equipped play space on the playing field adjacent to Wallisdown Road and Talbot Drive and that widespread consultation be set up as soon as possible and it is the feeling of this Area Committee that,subject to consultation, play equipment should be provided for children up to 13 years of age;

(ii)with regard to funding for the Scheme, Bournemouth Borough Council should be asked for a contribution towards the Scheme and that the Planning Obligations (Recreational Contributions) Sub Group be advised that subject to consultation, this Area Committee welcomes the use of approximately £30,000 from the Casual Play and Amenity Open Space Fund and a contribution from the Alderney Ward allocation in the Equipped Children’s Play Fund towards this Scheme.


The following issues were raised by residents:

  • A resident drew attention to the proposed re-surfacing works in Alderney Avenue and advised the Committee that signs had recently been put up stating that the road would be closed for re-surfacing but that new yellow lines had recently been painted on the road before the re-surfacing had taken place and he asked what was happening?

Steve Dean undertook to investigate the situation and respond to Mr Reid.

  • St Aldhelm’s School – a resident stated that the parking at St Aldhelm’s School had been raised at a recent meeting of the Safer Neighbourhoods Team and this had been approved as a priority for action.

Steve Dean responded by stating that he was aware that the local SNT had approved the issue of parking at St Aldhelm’s School as a priority and he hoped that the SNT would be able to improve the situation here.

The Chairman drew attention to the fact that the School could have more places provided in the future and that it was therefore necessary for a long-term solution to be provided.

A resident asked if the Council could provide a camera car at this location?

Steve Dean responded by stating that a camera car had been provided in Bournemouth and that the Borough of Poole was looking into this but he drew attention to the fact that a number of considerations had to be taken into account before a camera car was provided and the Council had to decide whether it was viable to resource.

A resident stated that parents did not care where they parked and it was them who were abusing the yellow lines and zig-zag markings. Unfortunately there was little enforcement of the restrictions.

Councillor Eades stated that the Council had to consider civil liberty issues and surveillance issues and that this matter would need to be considered by the appropriate Committee for it to decide whether a camera car should be provided.

Steve Dean stated that there were a large number of schools in the Borough with similar problems and that all had to receive the same treatment of enforcement. There were approximately 40 schools in Poole which had to be patrolled. Camera technology might be an appropriate deterrent but the Council had to reassure the Government on a number of issues before it would be allowed to use cameras for enforcement.

The Chairman stated that the school had been built in the wrong place and that this was causing real problems for residents.

Councillor Miss Wilson felt that a more sustainable solution was needed at this site and she hoped that the Area Committee would be advised of the outcome of the consideration on the use of a camera car in due course.

Councillor Trent stated that there were a large number of schools which needed enforcement and he asked if it would be viable to employ more part-time Enforcement Officers to enhance the enforcement, particularly in afternoons at schools in the Borough.

Steve Dean undertook to feedback the comments raised at the Meeting to the Parking Manager.

  • Bourne Valley Recreation Ground – Fishing Pond – Mr Reid stated that the fish in the pond had recently disappeared. He asked whether Leisure Services was going to re-stock the fish in the pond. He also stated that there was a need to dredge the pond, which was constantly being vandalised and he felt that Leisure Services needed to take more care of the area by maintaining the pond more regularly.

Councillor Trent stated that the paths were unusable and that this facility was supposed to be accessible for people with disabilities and this needed to be looked at as a priority.