After School P.E.
Tuesday-Wednesday -Friday (2:15pm-3:45pm)
Room 653
Mrs. Frasca
Course Content & Performance Standards
Students will be expected to meet or exceed all San Diego Unified & PLHS Physical Education Requirements. For example, all students are required to complete & pass the California State Fitness Test. These standards reflect the importance of maintaining a healthy lifestyle and establishing a life-long appreciation for health and fitness.
Expected Student Learning Outcomes (ESLRs)
· Complex Thinkers: Students demonstrate complex thinking through the use of knowledge of various fitness routines utilizing specific strategies in order to facilitate a favorable outcome.
· Effective Communicators: Students demonstrate effective communication skills by demonstrating their ability to actively listen, follow instructions, provide appropriate feedback, and ask questions.
· Healthy Lifestyle Advocates: Students demonstrate an understanding and application of the importance of practicing positive lifestyle behaviors of physical fitness along with nutritionally sound behaviors.
· Involved Citizens: Students demonstrate involved citizenship by showing respect for PLHS and the Point Loma community.
· Responsible Self-Directed Learners and Workers: Students demonstrate self-direction through setting health and fitness goals and persevering in order to see their goals brought to fruition.
Participation is integral to this class. Since this class meets only 2-3 times a week after school, regular attendance is a requirement; thus, students with excessive absences will be dropped from the class or fail the semester.
· Students earn points on a daily basis by dressing out in athletic attire and by participating to the best of their abilities.
· A medical excuse from a doctor is required for any absence to be considered “excused” from grade penalty.
o Any such medical absence of more than three consecutive PE days will be handled on an individual basis.
o If a student is medically excused from physical activity the student must provide a written doctor’s note with details on the student’s limitations.
o Time credit for such medically excused absences may be earned by attending class and adhering to limitations.
· On occasion, the teacher may cancel class due to mandatory meetings, professional development or for emergencies.
o On such occasions, students must check in for attendance purposes unless instructed to do otherwise by Mrs. Frasca
o Mrs. Frasca will always do her best to provide as much advanced notice as possible.
Grading Policies
Academic Grades will be based on a point system that translates into the following percentages:
· Attendance and Participation = 50 points per hour (100 points per class meeting)
· Suiting in proper uniform = 20 points per day
· A = 100 - 90%; B = 89 - 80%; C = 79 - 70%; D = 69 - 60%; F = 59 – 50%
Students will earn 2 hours of class participation per session (4-6hrs per week) if they attend & participate fully.
· 60 total hours must be earned before a student can start working toward a 2nd semester’s credit.
o Do the math! If students are motivated they can get an A for one semester, have extra time left to start working on second semester and finish early!!
Grades will be updated every 2 weeks in Powerschool
Citizenship grades will be based on the PLHS Citizenship Rubric which includes appropriate behavior and the following tardy and truancy policies:
· 2 Tardies= Maximum S; 3 Tardies= Maximum N; 4+ Tardies= Maximum U; 1st Truancy= Maximum U; 3 or More Uncleared Absences= U
o All absences must be cleared through the attendance office before class.
Dress Out Requirements:
Shorts or sweats and a t-shirt are required; students are encouraged to wear school colors whenever possible to show pride. We will be out in the Point Loma Community representing Point Loma High School, therefore students must be conscious of their attire and how they present themselves at all times.
· Athletic shoes are required and they must be worn with socks. Running or walking shoes are recommended, as we will engaging in rigorous exercise.
o Street shoes are not allowed, no flip flops, Uggs, slip-ons, et…
· Students will not receive any points for Dress Out if they are missing any part of the required athletic attire.
Frasca’s Loaner Policy:
I do have some T-shirts, shorts and shoes for emergencies. Be responsible and remember your gear!!
Student Expectations:
Students must always put the safety of themselves and their classmates first. It is expected that students conduct themselves with character and integrity at all times.
· Students are to BE DRESSED OUT & IN MY ROOM BY 2:20 PM EVERY T,Th and some F
o We will leave promptly by 2:30pm and return no later than 3:45pm.
· Students must follow directions the first time they are given.
o Student safety is extremely important!
o Students in doubt should always ask, NEVER ASSUME!
· Students must remain with the teacher throughout the entire class period; however, if students do become out of the sight of the teacher for any reason, students must not deviate from the assigned course/path.
o Any student caught deviating from the assigned course/path and/or failing to properly check in will receive a zero for that day; on the 2nd occurrence, the student will be permanently dropped from the course.
· Students will inform their teacher immediately if an accident occurs.
o Cellphones will be required and a buddy system will be enforced if we go off campus.
o Mrs. Frasca’s cellphone number will be given to all students.
o Make sure all cellphones are properly charged before class.
· Students will obey all pedestrian traffic laws.
· Students will always be aware of their surroundings, do not tune out!
· Students will be polite and respectful to others and respect the Point Loma community we will be exploring.
· Students will follow all PLHS school rules.
· Students will come prepared to have fun & work hard, dressed in appropriate athletic attire every M-W-F.
· Students will eat before or after class, not during; water only!
Parent/Teacher/Student Communication
My preparation time and conference period is 2nd period In addition, I may also be available after school on Mondays and Wednesdays upon request and advanced notice. I will be teaching this 8th period off-campus PE class and thus will not be available for after school meetings on Tuesdays, Wednesdays or Fridays.
Please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns you may have; email is the best way to get in touch with me and I will get back to you within 24 hours.
I am looking forward to a very successful and rewarding school year!
Mrs. Frasca
Room 653 619-223-3121 X 4653
------Please sign and return this form------
By signing this form I have read and I understand the information outlined in the 8th period PE Contract/Syllabus.
(Please Print Legibly)
Cell Number:
E-Mail Address: ______
Parent/Guardian, please fill-out the following information, so that I may reach you if necessary and in case of emergency.
Name: ______
(Please Print) (Relationship to student)
Home Telephone Number Cell Telephone Number
E-Mail Address: ______
Is there anything that you would like me to know about your child at this time? (i.e. Medical issues, asthma)