Term 3 Week 1 Thursday16/07/2015

Quote for the Week: “Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you have imagined.”Henry David Thoreau.

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It was great to see so many children return to school on Monday. I have enjoyed catching up with many of them and hearing about their holiday adventures.

We have a couple of new staff joining us this term. Ms Keri-Ann Bennett will be working as the school’s Curriculum Coordinator three days per week until the end of the year. Mr Derek Finlay replaces Snez Rose as the school’s Advisory Visiting Teacher – inclusion. Mrs Joan Manz has returned from leave as the Support Teacher Literacy and Numeracy.

School Opinion Survey

It’s that time of year again. As in previous years, Education Queensland is seeking the opinions of students, staff and parents regarding state schooling in Queensland. The surveys are conducted online and close on July 31st. Students for years 4, 5 and 6 will participate in the survey this year. The school has been provided with a list of randomly selected families who are provided with the option of completing the survey. Details will be sent home with students this week.


A significant amount of maintenance has been conducted over the last few months. This includes new air-conditioning in the admin block as well as A block, timber seating in the courtyard (new and upgraded) new carpet E block, new ceiling panels E block and in the Library, new flooring in the Tuckshop, new door in the Prep room.

Car Park

Somerset Council has removed the two dead trees from the car-park making parking easier and safer. We encourage ALL parents to use this car-park for drop-off and pick up rather than the staff car park near the Sports Centre. There is limited space in this car park and congestion creates an unsafe environment for children.

BVSSSA Athletics Carnival

Notes were sent home this week with students who were nominated for various events as part of this year’s carnival. Parents please note the earlier starting times for both Tuesday 21 July and Thursday 23 July. We encourage students to organise their own transport to and from the event. Staff will be in attendance both days and parents are welcome to attend.

Musical Excursion

Faith Lutheran College has generously provided our years 4, 5 and 6 students with free tickets and transport to this year’s production – “Back to the 80s”. This event takes place Wednesday 22 July. Students need to take their hat, lunch and drink in a small bag. The blue polo shirt must be worn as the official uniform.

Winter weather

It’s great to see the majority of students appropriately dressed for the cool weather. We acknowledge that children often don’t feel the cold as much as adults, however a jumper (named) packed in the school bag would be appreciated. We have had a number of children wanting to borrow a jumper from the office – plenty in lost property but none for borrowing.

Enrolments 2016

The office has already received a number of enrolment applications for 2016. If you, or someone you know, wishes to enrol a child at the school we encourage you to pick up an enrolment pack sooner rather than later. Our Enrolment Management Plan was reviewed over the break and remains at a maximum school capacity of 189 students.

2016 Prep Transition

This process has been hugely successful in previous years and will continue again this year commencing with a Prep Open Day towards the end of the term. Enrolment interviews will be conducted throughout term 4 along with 4 orientation afternoons.

Extract from Michael Grose Presentations: Raising Successful Kids

Do you sometimes feel like you need to be a mind reader to understand what your child wants?

Effective children know how to get the cooperation of others, so it's important that kids know how to ask for what they want. That means that they don’t throw tantrums, whinge or sulk and hope adults guess what’s on their minds.

When children are young, parents can help them to find the words they need to express themselves. Webecome experts after a while at interpreting what toddlers say, repeating back to them what they are saying.

We carry this on into childhood and adolescence, interpreting the silences of young people, sometimes second guessing grunts and shrugs. While we need to be patient with toddlers, we need also to give older children the chance and opportunity to ask for what they want.

Sometimes we need to ignore shrugs and grunts and expect them to articulate their wishes. This is the basis of civil behaviour, as well as a basic human skill of asking for what you want.

Here’s 2 ways you can put this into practice:

1. Help children find the words they need to ask for what they want from you and others. Use prompts such as: “Take a minute and think through what it is you want me to do.” “What would you like me to do?

2. Encourage children to ask for what they want in the following way:
• Make eye contact
• Speak clearly and to a person.
• Use a moderate, firm voice as opposed to whiny or loud voice.
• Accept that the answer they receive may not be the one they want.

The basic task for adults is a teaching task. And teaching kids how to ask for what they want is a simple, but powerful lesson that we can pass on.

Assembly Gotcha Awards

Parents and Citizens Association News


P&C meeting Monday20 July, commencing 3:30pm.


When: Thursday July 23rd, Friday July 24th, Monday July 27th and Tuesday July 28th.

Where: library

Hours: 8:15am – 8:50am and 2:30pm – 3:30pm.

Payments: cash, cheque or secure online credit card payment.

Books to the value of 30% of sales will be donated to our library.

Parents are encouraged to come and view our selection with their children.

We would appreciate the help of any parents who can assist with the book fair on the above dates and times.

Please contact: Lyn North

0401 007 494

Students are encouraged to enter the colouring-in competition in the lead-up to the book fair, for the chance to win a Scholastic prize.

Woolworths Earn & Learn is back!

This is an easy way to earn valuable resources for Minden State School.In the past we have benefited greatly from this program, it has boosted our sporting, science and maths areas.

It's simple to participate.

Runs from Wednesday 15th July to Tuesday 8th September 2015.

One Earn & Learn Sticker is received for every $10 spent (excluding liquor, tobacco, and gift cards)

1. Shop in store or online at Woolworths.

2. Collect Woolworths Earn & Learn Stickers from the checkout operator or through an online order.

3. Stick them on a Woolworths Earn & Learn Sticker Sheet. (available in store or at Minden State School Office.)

4. Once completed, simply place the Sticker Sheet in the Collection Box in Minden State School Office.

If you are unable to get a sticker sheet, we are happy for the stickers to be placed directly into the collection box at the office.

Every sticker counts!

We look forward to your participation.


Please call our uniform convenor Sharon to place an order,



Wednesday – strictly pre-orders only.

Friday – treats.

If you can spare some time between 8:45am – 12:00 noon on Wed or 11:00 am-12:00noon on Fri, please contact Erin (P&C President) on 0410686080.

Any donations of paper tuckshop bags and vinegar would be greatly appreciated.

Outside School Hours Care (OSHC)

If you would like further details please call 0408-409572.

General School News

School Banking

Dollarmites Achievement Certificates:

Bronze –


Minden Schoolhas requested AustNews provide their Newsletter service for a 12 month period. The school has chosen to distribute ElectronicNewsletters to the community.


The school distributes newslettersevery fortnight over a 12 month period to 112 families,teachers and staff.

Your ad will be displayed oneverynewsletter.

These are exclusive advertising positions (only one of each type of business on a newsletter).

If you would like to promote your business and support your local school in this way please contact Wendy on 3330 1635

School Chaplain

Term 3 is another busy term with lots of fun happening, especially in Chaplaincy.

Coming up in August, we are hosting a night at the Tivoli Drive-in to raise funds for the Lowood Chaplaincy cluster (which we are a part of). Also during August the 40hr Famine is held. This is an opportunity for students to help children in underdeveloped countries by giving up a first world comfort or pleasure. It is no longer limited to giving up food, students can also go without their Ipod's, internet or even furniture or speaking.

Students can approach me for more information about either of these activities.

For some students, school is a difficult place to fit in. For others it is a place where they enjoy coming along and learning. Each of us is unique. If your child needs some extra social or emotional support at school, please speak to your child's teacher or contact me directly. It is important that every young person is comfortable, and supported while at school. I am at Minden this week on Thursday and Friday. Please call the school office on 5425 7222 or alternatively you can send an email to me at

'Chappy Mind Challenge'

The 'Chappy Mind Challenge' is a fun competition each fortnight where the students are given the opportunity to answer a question and possibly win a prize. This term trivia and factual questions will be asked. Students can come to the library at break times to write down their answer and place it in the 'Chappy' mailbox.

Here is the first question; Is a shark a fish or a mammal?

Remember to come to the library at break times, on Thursday or Friday and have a go at answering the question.

Breakfast Club

Commencing next Thursday 23rd July, Minden will hold its first Breakfast Club. Students will be able to have toast, fruit, and a drink of juice or milo before school. This program will run each fortnight for the term in the courtyard. I would like to thank the Angels of Somerset and the PCYC – OSHC for enabling this program to be run. If you have any questions or would like to help out on these days please speak to me or send me an email. I look forward to sharing breakfast with the Minden students.

I am available for a chat on Thursday and Friday for students and parents, if the need arises. Please call the office on 5425 7222 or send me an email on the address below.

Have a fantastic week,

Mrs Hewett

Rebecca Hewett

School Chaplain

Mt Tarampa, Fernvale & Minden

Classroom News

Prep News:

Welcome Back.

*What’s happening in Prep Term 3 2015: Welcome back please make sure you read Term 3 information so you will be aware of how you can assist.

*Items needed: Please start collecting small boxes, lids, tubes (not toilet rolls), containers etc.

*Jumpers - Please make sure your child always has a jumper in their bag. The weather at the moment is very unpredictable.

*Presentation – Term 3’s presentation will be in week 9 (Tuesday 8th September 2:00pm).

*Lunchboxes – Healthy foods help your child to focus and concentrate in class!!

*Munch/Crunch – Please place munch/crunch fruit in a named container.

*Homework – Homework this Term will be extended to include sentence writing, encourage your child to complete homework by themselves.

*Please ask if you are unsure about anything…

Thank you

Mrs Williams and the Prep Students


Happy Birthday from everyone at Minden State School.

Community Notices

Quick And Easy Mower Repairs and Sales

Qualified Small Engine mechanic

Servicing Push Mowers & Ride on Mowers.

Wally Ulph

Mob: 0428573070

26 Hinze Road Minden 4311

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