The Piggott School District Board of Education met in a Regularly Scheduled Meeting on Monday, January 9, 2017 in the District Administrative Office. Members present were Hope Burns, Brad Dunlap, Chris Roberts, Jennifer Rahn and Jim Threatt.
The meeting was called to order at 5:30 P.M. by the President, Hope Burns.
A motion was made by Brad Dunlap to approve the consent agenda. The motion passed 5 to 0.
Kyle Key, a representative from FEMA talked with the Board about building a safe room and the funds that were available for it. The Board was informed that the district has the opportunity to be awarded a FEMA grant in the amount of up to $600,000 to be used toward the construction costs of a saferoom based on a 75-25 percent matching funds. So any cost above $600,000 will be the responsibility of the district.
The Board discussed the results of the drainage survey. Fred Malicoat, of Malicot-Winslow Engineers, was on hand to update the board on the study recently conducted to identify flood prone areas on the two campuses. He said the total coast of the project is estimated at around $350,000.00. The board tabled the discussion pending plan drafts and bond amounts.
Kevin Rone was at the meeting to present the Board some options for the fence for the track.
Superintendent, Mrs. Powell told the Board that due to the price of the proposed project and original bid. The issue was tabled for the time being.
Upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, a motion was made by Jim Threatt to hire Malicoat-Winslow as consultant and Brackett Krennerich Architects for the Concession/Restroom building project. The motion passed 5 to 0.
Cafeteria Director, Sherry Boyster gave the Board a Report on the Cafeteria.
Elementary School Principal, Anthony Dowdy, discussed the Elementary School improvement efforts/closing achievement gaps. Reports are attached.
High School Principal, Barry DeHart, discussed the High School improvement efforts/closing achievement gaps. Reports are attached.
Upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, a motion was made by Brad Dunlap to approve the purchase of 60 Chromebooks and 2 Carts from Connection in the amount of $21,264.43 with $20,443.60 coming from District Level High Gains Funds and the remainder of $820.83 coming from NSLA funds. The motion passed 5 to 0.
Upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, a motion was made by Jennifer Rahn to approve the purchase of 90 Chromebooks and 3 carts from Connection in the amount of $31,746.65 to be purchased with NSLA funds. The motion passed 5 to 0.
Superintendent, Mrs. Powell updated the Board on the student count which is up from 860 to 874. She updated the Board on efforts to try to start a vocational technical school, indicating that she had been informed that a partnership with TRCC or SEMO was not possible. She said she would like to go visit some recommended VoTech Centers for example Siloam Springs. Board President, Hope Burns requested a review of the projects currently underway and upcoming and an accounting of the Bond Funds. The Board was recognized for their service.
Board President, Hope Burns waived the motion to enter executive session at 7:32 P.M.
Board President, Hope Burns waived the motion to return to open session at 9:30 P.M.
A motion was made by Jim Threatt to extend Charlie Powell, Superintendent’s contract by one year to include 2018-2019. The motion failed 1 to 4 with Jim Threatt voting for and Hope Burns, Brad Dunlap, Jennifer Rahn and Chris Roberts voting against.
Board President, Hope Burns adjourned the meeting at 9:31 P.M.
President Secretary