CrossBridge Prayer List


Continue to pray for the CrossBridge friends expecting a little one: Chad and Cristy Burris. They found out they are having a baby girl due in May! Praise God! The Sabens asked that we would add to our expectant parent’s list for prayers: Brad and Ann Schroeder, the Sabens’ son and daughter-in-law!

Ky Vinsant was released from the hospital after his hip replacement surgery. Please pray for full healing.

Amber Christie has been released from the Hospital. No cancer was found in her lymph nodes. There were some malignant masses and polyps that were removed during her surgery. She may not need chemo treatment going forward so this is the best news they could have received. Praise God! Thank you for your prayers for her and keep lifting her up to the Lord praying that she is cancer free.

Randy Greene writes, “Mother received good report from Dr's. She finished treatments a couple of weeks ago, had MRI this week and spots that were found four weeks ago on brain have not changed. Possibly scar tissue from surgery. She is doing well and will go back in six weeks for scan and checkup. Praise God! Thank you guys and Crossbridge for prayers.”

John David and Andrew are both feeling better. Thank you so much for your prayers for them.

Prayer Requests

Obviously our prayers are with all those affected by the storms. We cry out to God for healing and restoration.

Andy Long writes, “Shades Valley has lost one of their senior IB students to the storm. Please pray for this family of Christine Heichelbech. This young lady was 16 years old. Please add them to our list of people that need a larger amount of God's comfort at this time. Also keep the Laullen family in your prayers they lost a car and have damage to their home. All are safe.”

Evan Bates writes, “Carol Lord, Rebekah and Samuel's elementary principal and formerly my first grade teacher, was struck by a car leaving her son's wedding over the weekend. She is in a coma at UAB. They have counselors at the school but obviously hundreds of children as well as her family are grieving and worried right now. Can you ask the church's prayers for her and all of the families?” Please lift Carol up to the Lord.

Tom Schultz had an endoscopy today revealing that he has an ulcer. Please pray for complete healing for him.

We are very sorry to share the news that Mitch Phillips’ father passed away. Funeral services were held over the weekend. Please cover the family with your prayers.

Carol Brantley is awaiting test results on her back. Please pray for healing for her.

We prayed for Tonga Mitchell’s friend Daranee Chaiprakob. She recently lost her husband. Please continue to lift her up to the Lord.

Ky Vinsant had asked for prayers for his niece’s newborn baby. His niece is Kylie and the baby is Asher. Sadly little Asher has gone to be with Jesus and while we are comforted to know he is with the Lord, we grieve. Please pray for Kylie and the entire family (Ky, Leslie, Amy Sokol and others) during these difficult days.

The Sabens’ ask that you keep praying for baby Alexis (she will be a year old Feb. 6th) as she is still struggling with several health issues and at this point is in the hospital in Atlanta, for grandson Michael Schroeder, 17 months, that he would eat more and gain weight and that my brother Harold, that has multiply myeloma, would have less pain and peace for however long the Lord lets him live. For my brother Wyndal that will have surgery soon to remove two hernias. That Duane’s Parkinson’s would be healed. We continue to be so thankful for the prayers of CrossBridge, of our LifeWalk group and my Tuesday morning ladies Bible study group. We are so blessed to have so many caring people. God bless each of you. Sue and Duane

Karen Miles writes, “I have a special prayer request. Heaven is rejoicing tonight as they welcome a sweet dear friend of mine, Adryne Davis. She was a beautiful wife, mother, friend and teacher. She has been battling cancer the past year. She taught me so much as she handled her journey with such grace. Her and her husband had a beautiful relationship as he was her rock throughout her sickness. Please pray for her husband Russ, her children, Jared, Tess and Colton, her friends and all the children lucky enough to call Mrs. Davis their teacher. She will be missed by so many in our Hoover community.”

Darla Osborne just texted the news that Doug’s mother has had a heart attack and is in surgery. Please pray the surgery goes well and for Doug and the entire family at this time.

Amanda Mundy writes, “Please add our dear friends Scott and Magan Junkin from the Chelsea congregation to the urgent prayer list. Magan was 20 weeks pregnant and the baby did not make it. She had to deliver it this morning. This is a terrible loss for the family especially at this time of year. They have three young children Anna Belle, Sam and Davis who will need lots of love too. Thanks.”

Paige Sullivan writes, “Would you please add my dad to the prayer list, Cecil Newman. He has a wound on his foot that is not healing and also is a diabetic. Pray for dad to do as the doctor has ordered so he will not have to have his toe removed. Thank you.”

Dewayne Cabaniss’ mother Gay continues to struggle. Please lift her up in prayer as she battles cancer.

Steve Lawrence writes, “On the prayer list, please add my mom Darlene next to my dad. Dad is doing well. He is going to get a full body scan to find out where the cancer is left in his body. He has aged a lot from all the treatments. My mom has recently had a lot of health related issues, but seems to be doing a lot better.”

Mandee McDonald’s Mom Mrs. Gerchow is home under the care of Hospice. Please continue to lift her up to the Lord.

Jessi (Allen) Klinger writes, “Today marks 2 years since Dad's (Paul Allen) diagnosis with pancreatic cancer. To celebrate he wants you to go to his website, sign his guestbook, donate to research, become informed regarding the lack of funding for the deadliest cancer, ask for a button to wear, donate blood, and live life to it's fullest! You all have been on this ride with my family me for 2 years now...words really cannot express how thankful I am to have a support system like you!”

Bob Gerchow (Mandee’s Dad) has begun radiation treatment for prostate cancer. Please cover him in prayer.

Sean Boogard asks for prayers to be freed from his Asperger’s symptoms.

Emma Jamison is having some health complications. Please pray for complete healing.

Susan Rogers is recovering from an injured leg. Please pray for her.

Clark Ogle has asked for prayer for macular degeneration. Please lift him and his family up to God this week and ask for healing and help.

Please edit or add to these requests. They will be distributed by e-mail on Monday.