Historiography – low Ti basalts – boninites – draft 3


Wilson, R.A.M. 1959. The geology of the Xeros-Troodos area. Memoir, Cyprus Geological Survey Dept., 1, 184 p.

Dallwitz, W.B., Green, D.H., and Thompson, J.E. 1966. Clinoenstatite in a volcanic rocks from the Cape Vogel area, Papua. Jour. Petrol., 7, p. 375-403

Gass, I.G. 1968. Is the Troodos Massif of Cyprus a fragment of Mesozoic Ocean Floor ? Nature, 220, p. 3942.

Vine, F.J. and Moores, E.M. 1969. Paleomagnetic results for the Troodos igneous massif, Cyprus. EOS (American Geophysical Union Transactions), 50, p. 131.

Searle, D.L. and Vokes, F.M. 1969. Layered ultrabasic lavas from Cyprus. Geol. Mag., 106, p.515530

Moores, E.M. and Vine, F.J. 1971. The Troodos Massif, Cyprus, and other ophiolites as oceanic crust: evaluation and implications. Philos. Trans. R. Soc. London, Ser. A, 268, p. 443-466.

Nicholas, A. and Jackson, E.D. 1972. Repartition en deux provinces des peridotites des Chaines alpines logeant la Mediterranee: implications geotectoniques. Schweiz miner. Petrogr. V. 52, 3, p. 479-495.

Griffiths, J.R. and Varne,R. 1972. Evolution of the Tasman Sea, Macquarie Ridge and Alpine Fault. Nature Phys. Sci., 235, p. 83-86.

Gass, I.G. and Smewing, J.D. 1973, Intrusion, extrusion and metamorphism at constrictive margins: evidence from the Troodos Massif, Cyprus. Nature, 242, p. 26-29. Off axis volcanism

Miyashiro, A. 1973. The Troodos ophiolitic complex was probably formed in an island arc. EPSL, 19, p. 218-224.

Gale, G.H. 1973. Paleozoic basaltic komatiite and ocean-floor type basalts from northeastern Newfoundland. EPSL. 18, p. 22-28.

Basic pillow lavas from northeastern Newfoundland are shown to be chemically similar to basaltic komatiites and ocean-floor basalts. New trace element data presented for basaltic komatiites indicate that they were derived from a magma more primitive than that producing ocean-floor basalts. A model for the derivation of basaltic komatiite by extensive partial melting of pyrolitic upper mantle at sites of plate separation is proposed.

Parrot, J.F. 1974. L’assemblage ophiolitique du Baer Bassit (Nord Ouest de la Syrie): etudie petrographique et geochimique du complexe filonien, des laves en coussins qui lui sont associees, et d’une partie des formations effusive du volcano sedimentaire. Cahier ORSTOM, Ser. Geol. VI, p. 97-126.

Smewing, J.D., Simonian, K.O., and Gass, I.G. 1975. Metabasalts from the Troodos massif, Cyprus : genetic implications deduced from petrography and trace element geochemistry. Cont. Min. Petr., 51 p. 4964.

Pearce, J.A. 1975. Basalt geochemistry used to investigate post-tectonic environments on Cyprus. Tectonophysics, 25, p. 41-67.

Rocci, G., Ohnenstetter, D, and Ohnenstetter, M. 1975. La dualite des ophiolites tethysiennes

Petrologie, 1, p. 172174.

Robertson, A.H.F. 1975. Cyprus umbers : basalt sediment relationship on a Mesozoic ocean ridge. Jour. Geol. Soc., v. 131, p. 511531.

Norman, R.E. and Strong, D.F. 1975. The geology and geochemistry of ophiolitic rocks exposed at Mings Bight, Newfoundland. CJES, 12, p. 777-797. Analyses used in Church and Coish 1976.

Miyashiro, A. and Shido, F. 1975. Tholeiitic and calc-alkaline series in relation to the behaviours of titanium, vanadium, chromium, and nickel. Am. J. Sci., 275, p. 265-277.

Hynes, A 1975. Comment on “The Troodos ophiolitic complex was probably formed in an island arc” by A. Miyashiro, EPSL, 25, p. 213-216.

Moores, E.M. 1975. Discussion of “Origin of Troodos and other ophiolites: a reply to Hynes” by A. Miyashiro, EPSL, 25, p. 223-226

Miyashiro, A. 1975. Origin of Troodos and other ophiolites: a reply to Moores. EPSL, 25, p. 227-235.

Gass, I.G. et al. 1975. Comment on “The Troodos ophiolitic complex was probably formed in an island arc” by A. Miyashiro, and subsequent correspondance by A. Hynes and A. Miyashiro. EPSL, 25, p. 236-238.

Hodges, F.N. and Papike, J.J. 1975. Deep-seated rocks recovered by DSDP Leg 37: pyroxene chemistry and cooling history, Geol. Soc. Am. NE Sect, 10th Ann. Meet, Abst. W. Programs, 7, p. 74-75.

Church, W.R. and Coish, R.A. 1976. Oceanic versus Island Arc origin of Ophiolites. EPSL 31, p. 8-14. Sub Dec 15 1975

“The use of titanium as a discriminant of tectonic environmentis also suspect because the titanium content of basalts associated with Appalachian ophiolites as well as those recently recovered from the Atlantic ocean floor ranges from the Atlantic ocean floor ranges from values even lower than those typical of island arc tholeiites to values typical of abyssal tholeiites.”

“Miyashiro suggests that the plutonic components of ophiolites such as Troodos and Betts cove might have formed in magma chambers located beneath volcanic complexes of oceanic island arcs.” “Miyashiro appears to be aware of this difficulty since he comments with reference to the Troodos ophiolite that “no evidence has been found on the origin of the underlying ultramafic rocks”, a statement which is clearly meant to contest the interpretation of the Troodos and Vourinas harzburgite tectonites as mantle rocks.”

“the internal stratigraphy of ophiolites in both the Appalachian and Tethyan systems can only be explained on the basis of the postulate that ophiolites originate at oceanic spreading centres rather than beneath island arcs.”

Delaune-Mayere, M. and Parrot, J-F. 1976. Evolution de la marge continentale meridionale du Bassin Tethysien oriental d'apres l'etude des series sedimentaires de la region opiolitique du NW Syrien. Cah.ORSTOM., ser. Geol., v. 8, no.2, p. 173-183

Ohnenstetter, D. and Ohnenstetter, M. 1976. Modele de fonctionnement d’une ride medio-oceanique a partir de l’etude petrologique des ophiolites corses. Bull. Geol. Soc. France v. 18, p. 889-894.

Kay, R.W. and Senechal, R.G. 1976. The rare-earth geochemistry of the Troodos ophiolite complex. J. Geoph. Res, 81, p. 964-970.

Smewing, J.D. and Potts, P.J. 1976. Rare Earth abundances in basalts and metabasalts from the Troodos Massif, Cyprus. Cont. Min. Pet. , 57, p. 245-258.

Fryer, B.J. and Hutchinson, R.W. 1976. Generation of metal deposits on the sea floor. CJES, 13, p. 126135.

Robertson, A.H.F. and Fleet, A.J. 1976. The origins of rare earths in metalliferous sediments of the Troodos Massif, Cyprus. Earth Plan. Sci. Letters, 28, p. 385394.

Robertson, A.H.F. 1976. Origins of ochres and umbers : evidence from Skouriotissa, Troodos massif, Cyprus. Trans. Sect. B, Inst. Min. Metal., v. 85, p. 245251.

Church, W.R. 1977. The ophiolites of southern Quebec: oceanic crust of Betts Cove type. CJES, 14, p. 1668-1673. Sub Dec 19 1975; Acc Jan 12 1977

DelauneMayere, M., Marcoux, J., Parrot, JF., and Poisson, A.1977. p.7994 in International Symposium on the Structural History of the Mediterranean Basins, Biju Duval, B. and Montadert, L. (eds), Editions Technip, Paris

Cleintuar, M.R., Knox, G.J., and Ealey, P.J. 1977. The geology of Cyprus and its place in the East Mediterranean framework. Geol. en Mijnbouw, 56, p. 6682

Desmet, A., 1977. Les pillow laves du Troodos (C type), Universite de Nancy; These, p. 110-132.

Smewing, J.D., Simonian, K.O., Elboushi, I.M., and Gass, I.G.1977. Mineralized fault zone parallel to the Oman ophiolite spreading axis. Geology, 5, Sept., p. 534538.

Robertson., A.H.F. 1977. Kannaviou Formation of Cyprus.; Jour. Geol. Soc., 134, p.269

Robertson. A.H.F. 1977. The Moni melange, Cyprus. Jour.Geol. Soc, 133, p. 447466.

Auden verus Robertson. 1978. Moni melange of Cyprus, Troodos. JGS 135, p.349

Coish, R.A. 1977a. Ocean floor metamorphism in the Betts Cove ophiolite, Newfoundland. Contr. Min. Pet., 60, p. 255-270. Fe3+ versus Al3+ in epidote

Coish, R.A. 1977b. Igneous and metamorphic petrology of the mafic units of the Betts Cove and Blow Me Down ophiolites, Newfoundland. University of Western Ontario, unpub. Ph.D. p. 119-124.

Church, W.R. 1977. The ophiolite of southern Quebec: oceanic crust of Betts Cove type. Can. J. Earth Sci., 14, p. 1668-1673. Comment on the dual nature of the Tethyan ophiolites (Rocci et al, 1975).

Anonymous, 1977. Initial report of the geological study of oceanic crust of the Philippine Sea Floor. Ofioliti, 2, p. 137-168.

Panayiotou, A. 1977. Geology and geochemistry of the Limassol Forest plutonic complex and the associated CoNiCoFe sulphide and chromite deposits, Cyprus. Ph. D. thesis, Univ. of New Brunswick, Canada.

1978 Feb 8th letter to Bob Nesbitt

1978 April, draft of Sun, S-S and Nesbitt, R.W. Geochemical regularities and genetic significance of ophiolitic basalts. Geology

1978 April, submitted copy of Sun, S-S and Nesbitt, R.W. Geochemical regularities and genetic significance of ophiolitic basalts. Geology. Shows concave REE pattern for sample 482/12 from the Mariana Trench “it is suggested that they may be similar to low-Ti ophiolitic basalts. ……..in some cases the depleted mantle sourece has been added to by a second component rich in light rare earth elements (LREE). ……….High magnesium low-Ti basalts from the juxtaposed Internal Zone (e.g. Betts Cove) are believed to be products of wet melting of a residual mantle at an inter-arc basin or island arc site after extraction of MOR type (e.g. External zone) magma.”

1978 May 24 letter to Bob Nesbitt

1978 Spring Coish, R.A. and Church, W.R. 1978. The Betts Cove ophiolite, Newfoundland: some unusual chemical characteristics. AGU Spring Meeting.

“The Betts Cove ophiolites are severely depleted in TiO2 (0.10 – 0.42 wt %) ……..20-30% melting of a severely depleted lherzolite can produce a Betts Cove basalt.”

1978 May 8 letter from Ray Coish “I’m not sure that the U-shaped REE pattern is real, i.e. it may be metasomatic…at AGU …I said that the LREE were enriched by metasomatism”

1978 July 31 letter to Ray. “Could the bastite replaced crystals be clinoenstatite”

Coish, R.A. and Church, W.R. 1978. The Betts Cove ophiolite, Newfoundland: some unusual chemical characteristics. Transactions American Geophysical Union, 59, p. 408.

Upadhyay, H.D. 1978 Phanerozoic Peridotitic and Pyroxenitic Komatiites from Newfoundland. Science, 202, p. 1192-1195.

Panayiotou, A. 1978. The mineralogy and chemistry of the podiform chromite deposits in the serpentinites of the Limassol Forest, Cyprus. Mineralium Deposita, 13(2), p. 259274

George, R.P., Jr. 1978. Structural petrology of the Olympus ultramafic complex in the Troodos ophiolite, Cyprus. Geol. Soc America Bull., 89, p.845865.

Simonian, K.O. and Gass, I.G.1978. Arakapas fault belt, Cyprus : a fossil transform fault. Geol. Soc. America Bull., 89, p.12201230.

Varne, R. and Brown, A.V. 1978 The geology and petrology of the Adamsfield ultramafic complex, Tasmania. Contrib. Mineral. Petrol. 67.

Varne, R. and Brown, A.V. 1978 The geology and petrology of the Adamsfield Ultramafic complex, Tasmania. Cont. Min. Petrol., v. 67, p. 195-207. Adamsfield ultramafic complex is opx bearing and low TiO2. No gabbro, dolerite, or volcanic rocks. Overlain by serpentinitic sediments of Late Dresbachian - early Franconian age.

Sun, S.S. and Nesbitt, R.W. 1978 Geochemical regularities and genetic significance of ophiolitic basalts. Geology, 6, p. 689-693

Zonenshain, L.P. and Kuzmin, M.I. 1978 The Khan-Taishir ophiolitic complex of Western Mongolia, its petrology, origin and comparison with other ophiolitic complexes. Contrib. Mineral. Petrol. 67, p. 95-109.

Meijer, A. 1978 Petrology of volcanic rocks from the Mariana arc-trench gap and gabbros from the Mariana inter-arc basin, IPOD Leg 60. Abst. Am. Geophys. Union, Tectonophysics, p. 1182

Dietrich, V.,Emmermann, R., Oberhansli, R., and 1978 Geochemistry of Basaltic and Gabbroic rocks from the West Mariana Basin and the Mariana Trench. Earth Planetary Sci. Letters, 39, p. 127-144

1979 March 14 letter from Ray “…samples NH-71-1, NH-71-2, I do have REE analyses and the patterns are enclosed. ….they have very exagerated U-shaped patterns with a possible Eu anomaly….this makes these trondhjemites good candidates for differentiated liquids of the low-TiO2 basalts. I’ve done three trondhjemites from Blow Me Down and their REE patterns are nearly float (40-60x chondrite) with an Eu anomaly which becomes bigger with increasing SiO2 content…………….I’ve redone some of the upper lavas (high TiO2) that George did. …………..I’ve also checked the low-TiO2 rock (analysys 10, 5260) done at Ross Taylor’s lab and get very good agreement…………I have 7 or 8 low-TiO2 rocks done and they all have U-shaped REE patterns. The intermediate TiO2 rocks, on the other hand, still have the LREE-depleted pattern.

Coish, R.A. and Church, W.R. 1979. Igneous geochemistry of mafic rocks in the Betts Cove ophiolite, Newfoundland. Contr. Min Pet., 70, p. 29-39. Acc June 20 179 Refers to the U-shaped pattern in sample 10; analyzed by George Jenner at ANU; other REE done by Ray at MIT

Chotin, P., et al. 1979 Le systeme d'arc insulaire des Mariannes: resultats du Leg 59, DSDP. Bull. Soc. Geol. France, 21, p. 525-528

Upadhyay, H.D. and Neale, E.R.W. 1979 On the tectonic regimes of ophiolite genesis. Earth Planetary Sc. Letters, 43, p. 93-102

Cameron, E.W., Nisbet, E.G., and Dietrich, V.J. 1979 Boninites, komatiites, and ophiolitic basalts. Nature 280, p.550-553.

Wood, D.A. 1979. Dynamic partial melting: its application to the petrogenesis of basalt lava series from Iceland, the Faero Islands, the Isle of Skye (Scotland), and the Troodos Massif (Cyprus). Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta, 43, p. 10311046.

Bryan, W.B. 1979 Regional variation and petrogenesis of basaltic glasses from the FAMOUS area, Mid-Atlantic Ridge, Jour. Petrology 20, p. 293-325

Robertson, A.H.F. and Woodcock, N.H. 1979. The Mamonia Complex, southwest Cyprus; the evolution and emplacement of a Mesozoic continental margin. Geol. Soc. of America Bull., 90 p. 651-665

1980 - 1989

Meijer, A. (1980): Primitive arc volcanism and a boninite series: example from W-Pacific Island arcs. In: D. F. Hayes (ed.): The Tectonic and Geologic Evolution of southeast Asian seas and islands. AGU Monographs, 23: p. 269-282.

Hickey, R., Frey, F.A., Jenner, G., 1980. Trace element and isotopic characteristics of Boninites: implications for their source. EOS, 61, 46, p. 1140.

“Recent projects along the Mariana arc recovered “boninite”-like lava which vary in MgO and SiO2 content, and a “boninite series” of island arc lavas has been proposed (Meijer, 1980)………..the “boninite” source component responsible for their varibale LREE enrichment and low Ti/Zr ratio is not dervied from subducted MOR basalt, but is of continental or oceanic island affinity.”

1980 Nov 11 Upadhyay, H.D. 1980. On the boninite-komatiite connection: some observations from Betts Cove and Belingwe. EOS, 61, 46, p. 1140. “some komatiites evolve into a calc-alkaline series (e.g. Betts Cove) forming a continuous komatiite – boninite –“andesite” suite.”

Cameron, E.W. 1980 Petrographic dissimilarities between ophiolite and ocean floor basalts, in Panayiotou, A., ed., Ophiolites: Proceedings, International Ophiolite Symposium, Cyprus, p. 182-192

Wood, C.P. 1980 Boninite at a continental margin. Nature 288,no. 5792, p. 692-694

Shiraki, K., Kuroda, N., Uranno, H. and Maruyama, S. 1980 Clinoenstatite in boninites from the Bonin Islands, Japan. Nature, 285, p. 31-32