John H. Guyer High School

Choir Handbook

2013 – 2014


Stephen Evans

Jeremy Bowen

Table of Contents

Welcome letter from Director

Choir President Letter

Why Choir?

Member Responsibilities

Grading Policy

Transportation and Concerts

Guyer Choir Trips and Fundraisers

Uniforms and Fees

Private Voice

Charms Software and usage

Student Forms

(To be turned in)

Student Information Forms

Travel and Medical Release

Fundraiser Agreement

Guyer Choir Parent Volunteer Sign Up

Guyer Choir Calendar Signature Form

Guyer Choir Calendar Student Copy

Patron Program Ad Sales Sheet

Welcome to Guyer High School Choir!

Dear Parents and Students,

I would like to say welcome to a new and very exciting year in Guyer High School’s Choir program. There are lots of great things happening here and we are thrilled to be a part of it! Your child will have a positive and rewarding experience this year as he or she helps maintain the standard of excellence that Guyer Choir has set these past two years. I can honestly say that your child will be a part of something great. The Fine Arts programs of Denton ISD have been a great part of what happens within our district for so many years. I consider myself very lucky to have been a part of this fine district for the past 2 years and look forward to greater years to come. Your child will also see their involvement in the programs of GHS will not only enhance their young lives but will set them up for greater successes upon leaving this distinguished institution.

The continued success of this program depends on the cooperation of students, teachers and parents throughout the school year. Please understand that the philosophy of supporting a quality choral program demands that each member must claim personal responsibility and ownership! Together, we have the power to do great things!

Student membership into Guyer choir is always a privilege and not a requirement. I have a quote that I always use in class; “The desire to win is useless without the desire to prepare!” This is a quote from the late great Coach Bear Bryant. I teach the students daily that this is not only for choir but for everything in life. If you want the best out of it, then you must prepare to do your best at whatever you choose to do. My promise to you as a parent and supporter of this program is to push your student and encourage them to strive to always do their best and to encourage others along the way to do the same. I will always give my best in and out of this classroom so I may be the model for these young minds and learners.

It is with great pride and pleasure that I serve these students as their teacher and the parents as one of the many fine educators we have here at Guyer High School. Thank you in advance for the opportunity and great honor to serve each of you in this capacity. We will have ups and downs through the year. There will be days that are great fun and rewarding and there will be days where the work becomes tedious and monotonous. Keep up the good fight and know success is our goal!

Stephen Evans and Jeremy Bowen

940.369.1149 – Office

Dear Guyer Choir,

On behalf of the choir officers of 2013 – 2014, and as your incoming Choir President, I want to say welcome back and I hope you are looking forward to a great year of making incredible music. Your newest, elected panel of Choir Officers for the coming school year is:

Evan Smith – President

Tiffany Savior – Vic e – President

Eden Welch – Secretary

Tyler Smith – Treasurer

Cheyenne Watson & Ranie Stephenson – Historians

Joshua Mendes & Katlyn Anderson – Librarians

Natalie Windle – Student Accompanist

IvanaIgbekaMicheal Hansen – Student Conductors

David Quintanilla & Kaela Works – Event Planners

Savannah Bradley – Website Manager

Nick Sawyer – Equipment Officer

First off I want to welcome you to the choir program and the new school year. I am looking forward to the year and what it will bring for this amazing program! I can assure you that for me and all of your officers, we are 100% dedicated to making this year the best one this choir has ever had. This year I hope that you have fun and really enjoy the experience of being a part of the Guyer Choir family. I am sure you will learn many new things this year, but I hope that it’s not just about choir and music. My hope is that everyone in this program learns a little bit more about themselves, what it means to work hard and get rewarded for your hard work, and many other things that are applicable disciplines and lessons that will help you out as you grow up in life. I am extremely excited and anxious to see what amazing things happen in this program and how much we can achieve working together!

Your President Elect,

Evan Smith

2013 – 2014

Formula for Success!

  • Participate in everything you can!
  • Get involved in as much as you can handle!
  • Audition for All – State, Musical, Madrigal, Solo and Ensemble etc…
  • Run for an Officer Position
  • Practice Sight – Reading daily and on your own!
  • Take private voice!
  • Study and remain eligible. Don’t miss out on the fun things!
  • Have a positive attitude daily! (even on the hard days…try)
  • Sign up for extra individualized practice time. Remember the quote!
  • Set goals for yourself through the year.
  • Set expectations for your choir and others!
  • Try to make the All –State Choir!
  • Work to advance to State in Solo and Ensemble!
  • Try to earn your letter jacket in one year! It can be done!!!
  • Build many memories of your friends and school! These few years will go by fast!

Why Choir?

The Choral Arts Department strives to promote the following attributes in each and every student.

  • Promote a positive self – image by instilling confidence and self – worth in yourself and others around you.
  • Provide each student a solid foundation of music whereby one can make an intelligent and knowledgeable judgment regarding music.
  • Provide an outlet for creativity and self – expression.
  • Provide opportunities for recognition and encouragement of individual and group achievement.
  • Develop in each student self – discipline, self – control and a sense of responsibility to yourself, members of the organization and to the entire team.
  • Instill in students the importance of their role and commitment to the goals and success of the organization and the reputation we have rebuilt for Guyer choir!

Music is…

A Science – It is precise and demands exact acoustics. A musicians score is a chart, or graph which indicates frequencies, intensities, dynamics, melody and harmony all at once and with the most exact control of time.

Mathematical – It is rhythmically based on the subdivisions of time, which must be done instantaneously, and not worked out on paper.

A Foreign Language – Most of the terms are either in Italian, German or French; the notation certainly is not English, but is a highly developed type of shorthand that uses symbols to represent cues and or musical ideas. The languages are studied in depth with regard to syllabic stress, pronunciation, these terms and symbols must be deciphered so the musical concepts of the composer(s) are shared with the listener.

A History – Music usually reflects the environment or genres happening within the period of its composition. Many composers often reflect through personal history, or events that have shaped their life or the world around us.

A Physical Education – It requires extraordinary coordination and mental exercise to remember the precision of vowel placement, the systemic work from the inhalation of the breath to the exhalation of sound. It requires great muscular control in regard to breath and sustaining sound(s). All of these systems when used together, respond to the physical energy needed to exert and perform music whether it is instrumental or vocal.

Art – It allows a human being to take all of the technical and foundational aspects of a creative Fine Art and to express them to a general audience of one or many. It brings joy and allows the performer and the listener to express emotions only humans have the capacity to express. It reveals truth, it reveals wonder and amazement, it expresses the joys and sadness of life experiences and heals the body as we express ourselves through any media of the Fine Arts. Music in general and to say the least, allows the soul to sing!


  • Get an education!
  • Give your total effort and to make the most and best with what you have been given.
  • Work to enhance your ability with growth in mind, enhancing your ability to create musical beauty through individual and group performances.
  • Demonstrate unselfish love and respect towards your fellow members, parents, volunteers and school administration.
  • Be extremely proud of your school and have pride!
  • To display traits of positive self – esteem and healthy confidence in your program.
  • Be in your seat with all materials within a timely manner. Try your best to be on time!
  • Have all class materials – Binder, pencil, class music etc…
  • To be passionate about what we and you do on a daily basis. Be enthusiastic about life and school.

I want each choir member to know and understand that we often spend many hours together whether it is for a group event, or a concert or competition. We become close and rely heavily on each other through the year. Please always be respectful of the space and others as we spend the year together!

My Commitment

  • To be loyal and honest with you in all areas of accomplishment and in failure.
  • To teach you that life is always full of problems and we must not give up!
  • To provide a positive example of leadership and training necessary to set and achieve goals!
  • To work harder than you at all times.
  • To treat you as a young adult and to love and respect you at all times.
  • To set boundaries and expect you to work within these boundaries.
  • To teach you how to exhibit poise in all situations. Winning teams do not have sore losers.
  • To teach you important skills so you can become literate in music!

Rehearsal and Performance Guidelines

  • No soft drinks or sugar based drinks in the risers.
  • Water is allowed at any time during the rehearsal.
  • Students are to actively listen and participate as the Director walks you through a piece of music.
  • Have all appropriate music and necessary items so the rehearsal can be efficient with daily progression in mind.
  • Be respectful of the rehearsal space and the spirit of rehearsing.
  • On bad days, keep a positive attitude towards work and criticism facing the challenge with the expectation to grow as a musician.
  • Will make use of the rehearsal time in a positive manner remaining positive outside the choir room.

Grading Policy

All grades are based off of the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) Curriculum set by the Texas State Board of Education. We expect all students to meet the requirements and responsibilities listed in this handbook. Choir is an academic class and requires a certain amount of obligation outside the school day. The student’s grade will reflect a certain amount of participation and a certain amount of skill assessment. Please check your choir calendar and emails often. Plan ahead at all times when possible!

Participation (30%)

  • Students must have all required materials unless specified differently.
  • Students must remain focused and on task.
  • Students MUST actively participate in all class activities.
  • Complete all class assignments. (Solfege music, write counts in etc…)

Singing Tests / Sight – Reading (20%)

  • Group and Individual SR
  • 90 Day worksheets
  • Solo and Ensemble, All – State auditions, Class Music, UIL Music etc…

Performances (30%)

  • Concerts (Fall, Mosaic, Madrigal, Pre – UIL, UIL Concert, Spring)
  • Any performances that become invitational, school or community wide.

Sectionals (20%)

Students will receive grades based on called and pre – set rehearsals. These rehearsals will be announced within a timely manner. TMEA All – State rehearsals are Monday – Thursday from 7:45am – 8:40am and are mandatory for all students involved in the TMEA process unless a conflict with athletics / zero hour classes occur. The Spring Semester is always crazy as every Monday evening will be a rehearsal. These will be called way in advance and will pertain to a different choir each week.

Major Concert Grades

  • Warm – Up
  • Attendance (Mandatory)
  • Concert Etiquette
  • Performance Etiquette
  • Concert Critique


According to DISD policy, all students must ride the provided school transportation to and from any school event that takes place off campus. There may be times, when necessary, that we travel together or caravan for the purpose of saving money. These events mostly pertain to events that take place within Denton ISD or surrounding areas. Transportation is very expensive and we do all we can to save where we can. In the event you must leave a school supported event, it is mandatory I have a note releasing you from Denton ISD liability upon your completion of the event. Please communicate with me prior to any circumstances and it will be worked out.


There are 6 major concerts all choirs MUST participate in for each choir student to receive their performance credit for the six weeks. The State of Texas has designed curriculum and expectations for performance credits each six weeks. The 6 major concerts are Fall, Mosaic (2 performances this year), Pre – UIL, Parent UIL Concert and Spring. These concerts are graded and are mandatory for every choir student. If you should ever miss a concert, you ARE REQUIRED to make that concert up for a reduced grade. The District states you have a certain number of days to make up any missed work. If the work is not made up within a reasonable time, the grade(s) are reflected as zeros. In order for the work to be made up, you must present the Director with a note stating the reason for the absence. If you know you will be missing a concert, it is your responsibility to let the Director know within a reasonable amount of time! Communication is the main key.

If you should have a conflict with another extra – curricular or co – curricular activity, please let the director know as soon as you can. Most of the time, situations can be worked out and arrangements can be made so you can attend both events. In some cases, it doesn’t work. In the event this happens, it is my personal and professional philosophy that a student should never be put in the middle and forced into making a decision. I give you my full cooperation that if an arrangement cannot be made, I will let the student choose without fear of penalty or repercussion (ex. Getting a zero). The concert MUST continue to be made up within the time frame allowed. All concerts will be performed at Guyer High School auditorium unless otherwise specified by the director in charge.

*Disclaimer – to be excused from any event must be a district or school supported event. Involvement in select sports programs are not excused from participation. To be excused, it must be a school or district supported event.

Hierarchy of UIL and District

In the event you have a concert, which is graded, and a game (UIL regulated), the UIL event takes priority. If you have a concert (graded) and a practice game (non – UIL regulated), the graded activity takes priority. Again, if this happens, I will take into consideration the student and if arrangements can be made or not. The following is the hierarchy of all events when competition or graded events occur.

UIL Regulated (Competition)

Concert (Graded)

Practice / scrimmage






It is always your responsibility to pass your classes at all times. I know things and deadlines sneak up on us, but, without passing grades, it is impossible for you to get everything out of choir that you can possibly get. Most activities we participate in each year are regulated by Texas Music Educators Association (TMEA) or University Interscholastic League (UIL) and they strictly observe and follow the “No Pass, No Play” rule. As does Guyer! This is a very important rule and we MUST follow it to the tee! If you find yourself in the position of failing a class, please get caught up as fast as possible. If, due to circumstances, you do fail, then you have the three weeks grading period to become eligible again. The Progress Report CANNOT make you ineligible, it can only help you REGAIN your eligibility. If you are having trouble with a class, let me or someone know so you can get the help you need. It is important to remember you are just as important to the group as the person you stand beside.