St. James Trinity Lutheran Church

PO Box 279 305 S State Street

Fall Creek WI 54742



Phone: 715-877-2160 (office);715-491-7426 (home);715-829-2624 (Pastor Tom Bryan-emergency);

715-559-2502 Steve Bischoff, president; FAX: 715-877-3425






Sunday, February 5th Fifth Sunday after the Epiphany – Green– 9:00 am Worship/HC.LESSONS for the Day: Isaiah 58:1-9a (The fast God chooses); Psalm112:1-10 (Light shines in the darkness for the upright); 1 Corinthians 2:1-12(God’s wisdom reveals through the Spirit); Matthew 5:13-20 (The teaching of Christ; salt and light.)

Sunday, February12thSixthSunday after the Epiphany– Green – 9:00 am Worship.LESSONS for the Day: Deuteronomy 30:15-20(Choose life); Psalm119:1-8(Happy are they who walk in the law of the LORD.); 1 Corinthians 3:1-9 (God gives the growth); Matthew 5:21-37(The teaching of
Christ: forgiveness.

Sunday,February 19thSeventh Sunday after the Epiphany – 9:00 Worship/HC. LESSONS for the Day: Leviticus 19:1-2, 9-18 (Holiness revealed in acts of mercy and justice); Psalm 119:33-40 (Teach me, O LORD, the way of your statutes.)1 Corinthians 3:10-11, 16-23 (Allegiance to Christ, not human leaders); Matthew 5:38-48(The teaching of Christ:love).

Sunday, February 26th Eighth Sunday after Epiphany-THE TRANSFIGURATION OF OUR LORD

– White-9:00 am Worship. LESSONS for the Day:Exodus 24:12-18(Moses enters the cloud of God’s glory on Mount Sinai.); Psalm 2(You are my son; this day have I begotten you); 2 Peter 1:16-21(The apostle’s message confirmed on the mount of transfiguration); Matthew17:1-9 (Revelation of Christ as God’s beloved Son).

++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++Mission Statement++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

St. James Trinity is a member congregation of the ELCA. Our mission is to respond in faith to the call of the Holy Spirit through the Gospel, to gather around Word and Sacrament for nurture and mutual

strengthening, and to reach out to all people with the Good News of Jesus Christ through our ministry

ofworshipping, preaching, teaching and caring. “There is one body and one Spirit, just as you were called to the one hope…one Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God and Father of all…”



Loretta Carter2

Alma Zich3

Inez Dehnke 11

Dorothy Goble 22

John Schilling, Sr. 22

Ione Shong 26

Roger Baglien 27



$159,962.00. Needed weekly $3,076.00. Monthlyreceipts-

JANUARY $10,977.00;Year to date $10.977.00. Budget $15,380.00. % reached 7%.

Average Sunday attendance: (5 Sundays) 71.

TO Whom I t May Concern.

If you spearheaded a raffle in 2016 for anything, please contact Paulette Oas with the following information as soon as possible: or 715-559-5740.—Date of raffle,gross proceeds from ticket sales. Any expenses from purchase of items raffled or other expenses. I need to file the annual report prior to renewing the raffle. Thanks Paulette.


Book of Life

Death Dorothy Eleanora Jungerberg. August 7, 1922-January 26, 2017. Service February 2 at Stokes. Mundt, Prock Funeral Chapel. Altoona.

++++++++++++++++++++++Bulletins sponsors January

January22- Charles and Dorothy Kaeding in memory of Earl Honadel


January 22-In honor of Kassie Kent’s 16th Birthday, January 23 given by Jason, Angela and Katie Kent.


Men’s Breakfast Bible Study will meet on Monday,February13at the Hot Spot Café in Augusta at 6:00 am.


St. James Friends will be meeting on Tuesday, February 14 to eat at the Altoona Family Restaurant at 11:30 am. Meet at church at 11:00 am to share rides.

Newly elected council members are: Suellen Hageness, Duane Rugotzke, Maxine O’Brien elected for 3 year terms; Richard Mandehr and Travis Kaeding re-elected for a second term. President-Steve Bischoff, Don Sedgeman, Vice President, Loretta Carter, Secretary and Travis Kaeding, Treasurer. Marcy Johnson, Sue Sell and Steve Oas - nominating committee; Mary Tumm, Mission Endowment Committee, 3 year term, and Gary & Opal Kunz, Delegates for Synod Assemble , Sue Sell and Mary Tumm, Alternates.


Mission quilting group—we need help, checking on and repairing the Christmas decorations. We will check and repair on February 20th during our regular Mission work time. We welcome any help. Opal.


Attention Junior and Senior High school Students!!Herbert & Roscelia Sell Scholarship Endowment Fund.

All Senior and Junior youth of St. James Trinity should have received a letter explaining the Sell Scholarship. An application form may be picked up at the church office. If you did not receive this letter contact Sharon in the church (715-877-2160) office or Don Sedgeman, (715-877-2902) or .


Community Cupboard needs for FEBRUARY-Heart Healthy-Oatmeal, low sugar cereal, kidney beans, black beans, diced tomatoes. V8 juice. Canned green beans, pineapple, Kleenex/tissues


Communion Assistant:

February 1–Travis Kaeding

February 19 – Gary Kunz



Greg Jungergberg/Duane Cance


Fall Creek Community Cupboard

Annual Report 2016

Looking back at the past year, it flew by so fast and went well. Our pantry board continues to meet quarterly now, chaired by Pastor Scott at this time and 6 others. Pastor Scott may be stepping down soon if a new pastor takes over, we will miss him when it is time for him to leave but a new chapter awaits.

We registered about 69 families in 2016 and gave out 37,634 lbs of food, which is down somewhat from a couple years ago. The family make-up has also changed a bit since then. We also see a smaller number participating in the Back Pack program this year, unsure of the reason. If you know of anyone in F.C that could use a little help please refer them to us!

We held the following fundraisers; a silent auction and bake sale at the Lions Craft Sale, annual thrift sale, Feed My People Match Challenge, and a few bake sales. There were also community events such as Giving Bowls, CCU Brat & Bake Sale, and Boy Scout, Honor Society, and P.O. food drives, that benefited the pantry. The community as a whole donated 8,606 lbs of food through donations and food drives. Thank you!

3 >

This year we added produce days mid summer to our normal pantry days. We will be talking about the coming season very soon, looking at what went well and what needs adjusting. All in all a good experience. We are looking for ways to provide better nutrition for our people.

We purchased a laptop and projector, funded by a grant and private donations, which we plan to use for promotion and educational purposes. Our hope is that we can provide food information, food storage, nutritional values, recipes ect. This is only the beginning of what we could offer. If anyone has information that would be helpful or has material that we could incorporate please let us know.

Looking ahead we will be having a couple food drives in the spring. This is a big effort especially the P.O. drive in May and would greatly appreciate anyone who can help us with that. A great family or youth group event. Please be thinking about it. The thrift sale will be sometime mid summer, and also watch for community sponsored fund raisers and support them when you can.

I would like to thank all who have contributed to the pantry, and all who have volunteered in the past year. A special thank you to the local churches who partner with us faithfully. God bless each of you in 2017!

Mary Farnsworth

Director; Fall Creek Community Cupboard
