American History I KBAT Colonialism - Revolution

Ms. Turner

  1. KNOW

Vocabulary– Students need to know the Who, What, When, Where and Significance of the following terms. Each set will be due on the day of the Benchmark Assessment and will be necessary to complete the Benchmark Assessment. Structure/Set-up can be designed by the student to best prepare them for the Benchmark but must be handwritten by the student.

Benchmark 1 / Benchmark 2 / Benchmark 3 / Benchmark 4
Religious freedom / Mercantilism / Boston Massacre / Revolutionary War
Enlightenment / Bacon’s Rebellion / Boston Tea Party / Loyalist
Puritans / Salutary neglect / Boycott / Tory
Quakers / Middle colonies / French and Indian War / Redcoats
Separatists / New England Colonies / Proclamation of 1763 / Hessians/ Mercenary
Virginia Gentry / Southern Colonies / No Taxation without Representation / Parliament
City Upon a Hill / Plantation System / Albany Plan of Union / Tariff
Great Awakening / Indigo / Olive Branch Petition / Battle of Saratoga
Middle Passage / Colony / Thomas Paine/ Common Sense / Battle of Trenton
Triangle Trade / John Smith / Declaration of Independence / Battle of Yorktown
Cash Crops / Pocahontas / Intolerable Acts / Valley Forge
Indentured servant / Nathaniel Bacon / 1st CC / Lord Cornwallis
Servitude / William Penn / 2nd CC / Lafayette
Columbian exchange / Lord Baltimore / Sons of Liberty / Benedict Arnold
Sir Walter Raleigh / James Oglethorpe / John Hancock / Nathaniel Greene
John White / Ann Hutchinson / Ben Franklin / Horatio Gates
Mayflower Compact / Roger Williams / Sam Adams / Bunker Hill
Jamestown Colony / Maryland Act of Toleration / Thomas Jefferson / Minute Men
Massachusetts Colony / Fundamental Orders of Connecticut / Patrick Henry / Patriot
Direct Democracy / Slave Codes / George Washington / Ticonderoga
Bicameralism / Stono Rebellion / Lexington & Concord / Treaty of paris
House of Burgesses / Stamp Act / Blockade
Representative Gov’t / John Locke / Join or Die
Colonial Charter / Natural Rights / Battle of Guilford Courthouse
Joint stock company / Paul Revere / Alliance Systems
Native American / Magna Carta / Guerilla Warfare
English Bill of Rights / Privateer
Quartering Act / Don’t Tread on me

Constructed Response Questions? – make sure you can provide answers to the following questions using SFI (Specific Factual Information)

Benchmark 1 – Exploration & Settlement

What were the motivations behind European Exploration?

How does Exploration effect the following peoples: Europeans, Africans and Native Americans?

How does Jamestown become a viable or economically beneficial colony? What economic and governmental transactions does this lead to between England and her colonies?

Were the Puritans/ pilgrims truly a “city upon a hill” (Plymouth/ Massachusetts Bay Colony)

Explain the historical significance of Anne Hutchinson and Roger Williams?

Benchmark 2 – Colonization

Be able to discuss the governmental, social, political and economic growth of the 13 colonies from 1601 – 1763?

Describe England’s approach to governing its colonies?

How did the history of British Government and the ideas of Enlightenment affect colonial government?

Benchmark 3 – Road to Revolution

How do the concepts of salutary neglect and Mercantilism act as catalysts for the American Revolution?

Did the colonists have a legitimate argument in their Declaration for Independence?

What were some of the reasons why relations between the colonies and England deteriorated after the French and Indian War?

How did Thomas Paine, Patrick Henry, Ben Franklin, and John Locke effect the call for war?

Benchmark 4 – Revolutionary War

Assess the validity of the following statement: The American Revolution was truly revolutionary?

Goal 1 Project Choices

Choose from the following choices

Reminders: At least 3 sources and they must be documented!

No printing at the beginning of class the day the project is due!

Please make sure to spell check, grammar check, and type the paper.

Wikipedia is not a valid source! Please do not use it!

Think outside the box and be creative!

1)Scrapbook: Create a visual and written document of the experiences that the colonists would have had as they came to the New World. Your scrapbook should span from the first family member that came to America through Revolutionary War members.

2)Was the American Revolution really revolutionary?: Write a 3-5 page paper answering this question. Be sure to cite at least three sources. Must be in either MLA or Chicago format.

3)Timeline of the American Revolution – Create an interactive timeline ( to show the events leading up to the Revolution (have at least 5). Be sure to include descriptions, videos and pictures to help explain the impact of each event and why you chose the event as a major event leading up to the revolution.

-You will need to create a free account. The class code is 7286.

For help with your citations:

Name: ______

Project: ______

Date: ______Period: ______Total Points: ______

Project Rubric

Knowledge of Content / Has a lack of understanding of the Revolution.
2 4 6 / Shows some understanding of the Revolution.
8 10 12 / Shows a good understanding of the Revolution.
14 16 18 / Shows a full understanding of the Revolution.
Analysis / Student includes minimal evidence of personal evaluation of historical evidence and events.
2 4 6 / Student includes a fair amount of personal evaluation of historical evidence and events.
8 10 12 / Student includes good evidence of their analysis and evaluation of historical evidence and events.
14 16 18 / Student includes a wealth of evidence of their analysis and historical evidence and events.
Organization / No evidence of planning.
2 4 6 / Some evidence of planning but not always logical.
8 10 12 / Well planned and follows a logical sequence.
14 16 18 / Extremely well planned and has a smooth transition.
Multimedia / Distracts audience from content and purpose.
2 4 6 / Does not distract audience from content and purpose.
8 10 12 / Supports content and purpose.
14 16 18 / Greatly enhances content and purpose.