Choose the correct alternative.

1)  Mariana has applied for a job. She’s going to have some news tomorrow.
a) She wishes she would get the job.
b) She hopes to get the job.
c) She wishes she got the job.

2)  Pharrell saw an old red sweater on sale but he didn’t buy it. The same red sweater was the new fashion that same year.
a) Pharrell wishes he had bought that old red sweater.
b) Pharrell wishes he bought that old red sweater.
c) Pharrell wishes he would buy that old red sweater.

3)  Gloria is upset because most people in the party are smoking inside the house.
a) Gloria wishes she didn’t go to the party.
b) Gloria wishes the people hadn’t smoked inside the house.
c) Gloria wishes people wouldn’t smoke in the house.

4)  Barbara has an exam in the morning so she can’t be in the party right now.
a) Barbara hopes to go to the party.
b) Barbara wishes she had gone to the party.
c) Barbara wishes she was in the party.

5)  Daria had two invitations to the party. One from Derek, and another from Rick. Derek was handsome; but Rick was a gentleman. She went with Derek but she regrets that.
a) Daria wishes she had gone to the party with Rick.
b) Daria wishes she went to the party with Rick.
c) Daria wishes Derek would go to the party with her.

6)  Nicholas has bought a new car yesterday. Tomorrow night he’s going camping.
a) He wishes he had bought the car before.
b) He hopes to have the car by tomorrow night.
c) He wishes the car would arrive tomorrow.

7)  Josh made a big effort cooking for his girlfriend, but she told him she didn’t like it.
a) He wishes she would appreciate his effort.
b) He wishes she had appreciated his effort.
c) He wishes she appreciated his effort.

8)  Katie can’t drive her mom’s car because she is too young.
a) Katie wishes she had been older.
b) Katie wishes she would be older.
c) Katie wishes she was older.

Answer key.
1. B.

2. a.

3. c.

4. c.

5. a.

6. b.

7. a.

8. c.