Eagle Bluff PowerSupply

Project Plan

Project Number

May 04-10


Eagle Bluff Environmental LearningCenter
Joe Deden, Executive Director

1991 BrightsdaleRoad
Route 2 Box 156A
Lanesboro, MN 55949

Faculty Advisors

Dr. James McCalley

Dr. Mani Venkata

Dr.Delly Oliveira

Project Team

Abdul Kader Abou Ardate

Darko Brokovic

Daniel M. Disenhouse

Lucas J Kirkpatrick

September 23, 2003

Table of Contents

List of Figures...... LOF-

List of Tables...... LOT-

List of Symbols...... LOS-

List of Definitions...... LOD-

Introductory Materials



Problem Statement

General Problem Statement

General Solution Approach

Operating Environment

Intended Users

Intended Uses



Expected End Product and Other Deliverables

Proposed Approach and Statement of Work

Proposed approach

Statement of Work

Task Chart

Gantt Chart

Estimated Resource Requirement


Project Team Information

Closing Summary




List of Figures and Charts

Figure 1: An Example of Energy Supplied by Multiple Sources………...………………4

Chart.1Project Labor Cost…….…...……………………………………………………13

Chart.2Project Labor Cost ...……………………………………………………………15


List of Tables

Table 1: Personnel Effort Requirements...... 13

Table 2: Estimated Project Cost...... 15


List of Symbols

KW: Kilo (103) Watts

KV:Kilo (103) Volts

MV:Mega (106) Volts

MW: Mega (106) Watts


List of Definitions

Bio-Thermal –The use of biodegradable products such as wood and corn stalks to create energy.

Grid– The transmission network that connects all power lines and nodes

Interconnection– The point of connection between a power source and the utilities distribution or transmission system.

NEC – National Electric Code

NESC – National Electric Safety Code


Introductory Materials


Eagle Bluff is an environmental learning center, which has the goal to become energy self-sufficient using environmentally friendly sources. A plan to make Eagle Bluff energy self-sufficient must be reliable, cost effective and environmentally friendly. Sources of generation that will be examined to see if they meet these criteria are wind, bio-thermal, solar, and fuel cells. After all generating sources are investigated a number of plans will be developed, which use combinations of these sources. An electric layout will be designed that connects the generating sources to Eagle Bluff and to the local utility. Finally an economic analysis will be performed, which examines the investment costs and the future energy production costs. The end result will be a set ofplans, which provide for Eagle Bluffs energy needs, meet regulations, are environmentally friendly, and economically feasible.


Eagle Bluff has been very helpful in the initial consultations. They were able to identify their specific zone of interest and were more then willing to supply the necessary information for demand calculations. They provided the team with monthly electric bills going back over a year. Therefore a chart of their average and peak energy usage and demand will be produced. A chart will help view the difference in demand during different parts of year.

The clients were also very cooperative and took the team on a tour through the buildings showing their main load demands. They also showed the team the 350 KW gas powered back-up generator. This unit was installed as a back-up power supply for the learning center. Eagle Bluff uses the back-up generator during peak demands, as requested by the electric company. Currently the electric utility tells them to use it approximately once a month for 5-6 hours, resulting in a 30% discount on the electric bill.

To help estimate the load accurately, Eagle Bluff provided the team with original building blueprints. This will provide the square footage of the building area and therefore could be used to estimate lighting load, power outlets and other smaller loads. Also, Eagle Bluff initiated the collection of local wind measurements which will be provided to the team at a later date. This supplemental information should be used to estimate the possibilities of wind generation compared to the other sources such as bio-thermal or solar energy production.

The team was briefed on the facility’s bio-energy resources as a possible solution to the problem. While some facilities have been installed for turning wood into electricity, the necessary equipment such as a high efficient furnace is not in place.

Problem Statement

General Problem Statement

Eagle Bluff is a residential environmental learning center located in southeast Minnesota. Its maximum energy consumption is 500 KW. The center would like to become energy self-sufficient and remove itself from the electrical grid, except for backup purposes. The center is looking for a solution that is environmentally friendly, reliable, economically feasible and cost effective. A plan that meets these criteria should provide a number of energy sources, an electric layout, economic analysis, and a future cost analysis.

General Solution Approach

In order to provide Eagle Bluff with the required plan a variety of energy sources and storage devices will be investigated. These sources will include wind generation, hydrogen production, solar cells, fuel cells, and bio-thermal. The electric layout needs will be investigated and a proper system will be designed. All governmental and industrial regulations that apply to Eagle Bluffs situation will be investigated and the results will be reflected in any designs. At the end of the researchrecommendations will be given to Eagle Bluff on what systems they should implement according to their finances, location and the available resources. The expected end product will be a report that will include: (1) system requirements and environment, (2) options considered and descriptions, (3) prioritized options and reasons for prioritization, (4) a detailed system design and (5) economic analysis o f investment cost and future operating cost.

Operating Environment

Minnesota weather is known to range from hot to cold. Any system designed for Eagle Bluff will need to with stand wind, snow, ice, and low and high temperatures. Because of the latitude, summer daylight hours are long while winter daylight hours are short. These factors will be considered when deciding on particular types of equipment for power generation. If solar or wind are used, they will need to be placed in particular location to best optimize the sun and the wind. Using Minnesota wind demographics as well as average solar exposures for the area needs to be taken into account when providing the end result. If bio-thermal or hydrogen production are used theimpact be on the environment will need to be consideredand the local available resources will need to be examined. Due to the changing of weather conditions, whether it is seasonal or bad weather will depend on which power source they could use.

Intended Users

The plans created by the design team are intended to be used by Eagle Bluff in selecting new energy sources. The plans will allow Eagle Bluff to determine what forms and amounts of energy sources they would like to install. Also the plans will allow money to be raised to install the new generation and electrical systems. The plans will be used by potential sponsors in determining if Eagle Bluff meets the donation requirements. Visitors to the center will benefit from the implementation of the design. They will be able to view renewable resources and see energy production as it happens.

Intended Uses

Expected uses are separated into two categories:

  1. The project will be used to giveEagle Bluff and understanding of the possible energy solutions. Also the project will be used to determine the best plansforproducing electric energy in the most economical and environmentally friendly way.The ultimate goal of having some form of the plans implemented.
  2. Educational purposes. This project should increase education opportunities in the Eagle Bluff learning community and open awareness of energy conservation and clean energy production.


  1. The total power needed will not exceed 1 MW.
  2. The protective system used will be accepted by the local utility.
  3. Project should also provide reliability of the system and its actual dependency on the electrical grid.


  1. Most importantly is that all of the research done by this project team will be concentrated on environmentally friendly way to produce electric energy.
  2. Project must include a protective system, that consists of a proven technology and applicable for Eagle Bluff.
  3. Project results are to be understandable to the persons not familiar with energy production and distribution. It needs to be understandable so it can be used as an educational material for students visiting the Eagle Bluff learning center.

Expected End Product and Other Deliverables

The expected end product is to deliver a set of plans that proved Eagle Bluff with a set of energy alternatives. Eagle Bluff should be able to use the plans to raise money and support for the goal of becoming energy self-sufficient. The goal of the project does not include delivering any hardware or software product to Eagle Bluff.

Figure 1: An Example of Energy Supplied by Multiple Sources

Proposed Approach and Statement of Work

Proposed approach

A. Functional requirements

  1. Meeting the demand power consumption of Eagle Bluff

The combination of power resources that Eagle Bluff can use must meet the demand needed by them to fully maintain their facility.

  1. Minimum impact on the environment.

Being an environmentally conscienceous place with the least amount of impact on the environment is one of their goals.

  1. Upgradeable system design

The design would allow the facility to upgrade the system to generate more power in regard to their needs and expansions.

  1. Staying connected to the electrical grid and selling any excess power

The design would help to offset the costs associated with new generator as well as helping to lower costs of daily activities.

  1. Back-up generator on standby

This will help if main source becomes unusable for a period of time

  1. Educational uses for visiting residents

To have the ability to show them the alternative methods of power production

B. Constraints considerations

  1. Weather concerns that limit wind and solar power generation

Wind and solar are not constant which would limit their use and increase the use of backup power supply.

  1. Cost

Cost of implementing the plan and cost of maintenance as well as the possible fuel supply and storage for certain types of generation

  1. Time

Time needed to implement the plan

  1. Resources

Land availability and location of generator

  1. Reliability of Generation

How reliable is the source of generation

  1. Maintenance requirements

The amount of maintenance required and the lifespan of the generation equipment

C. Technology considerations

  1. Wind power
  2. Solar power
  3. Hydrogen power
  4. Bio diesel power
  5. Fuel Cells
  6. Hydro generation
  7. Transmission

D. Technical approach considerations

  1. Researching the generation of real power usage, peak power capabilities, and demand
  2. Researching the types of generation that could be used in deciding which to use
  3. Providing detailed list of costs of the final design and other costs that accompany the system such as maintenance.
  4. Measuring the environmental and educational impact of the design
  5. Calculating the Return on Investment

E. Testing Requirements

For this particular power system design, power simulation program such as

Modelica. This would enable the visualization of the design before it is


F. Safety and Security considerations

There are no real safety and security considerations for generating the end

report, but they will be a factor in deciding the what method of power

generation that we will recommend.

G. Commercial Considerations

The main commercial consideration involved will be land usage where the new generator will be built.

H. Intellectual Property

The concern for intellectual property is minimal the report shall be an original report infringing on no intellectual rights of someone else.

I. Possible Risks and Risk Management

The loss of a team member could be a factor, as well as not sufficient data for modeling.

J. Project Proposed Milestones and Evaluation Criteria

A. Milestones

  1. Calculate all power usages at Eagle Bluff
  2. Explore costs of generation

Explore the costs of the following solar power, wind power, hydrogen power, bio diesel power, fuel cells, and hydro generation

  1. Explore costs of Transmission to the facilities
  2. Explore costs and benefits of 500KW vs. 1MW
  3. Study the detailed aspects of the Load Demand
  4. Contact companies to see what other costs are associated with all generation possibilities
  5. Explore the possibilities of having multiple power generators for educational purposes
  6. Devise the best solution to the generation of power
  7. Design a complete power plan system including transmission and backup
  8. Approve the design from the required government agencies and safety regulations
  9. Present the design to Eagle Bluff personal

B. Evaluation Criteria

After each milestone has been accomplish must confer will all group member to get a unanimous decision the task has been accomplished. Once the decision has been finalized the group will confer with an advisor to see if task has been complete in its entirety.

K. Project Tracking Procedures

Full use will be made of Microsoft Project. Weekly e-mails and group meetings will be used to asses the amount of work accomplished and how that relates to the schedule.

Statement of Work

Task1-Problem Definition

Task Objective: The goal of this project is to enable Eagle Bluff to reduce Eagle Bluff’s dependence on the grid

Task Approach: The feasible generating options will be researched and the necessary IEEE, State and Federal, NESC, and NEC electrical requirements will be studied. An analysis of Eagle Bluffs energy uses will be made and energy reduction methods will be looked at. Future energy growth will be considered.

Expected End Results: The end result of the project will be a report, which provides several solutions. Electrical plans for each solution will be provided along with an economic assessment of the cost to build and the cost to operate.

Task 2- Technology and Implementation Considerations and Selection

Task Objective: The design will provide reliability, be environmentally friendly, cost effective, provide energy storage, and provide an electrical layout.

Task Approach: Research a number of environmental friendly options and determine how they will benefit Eagle Bluff

Expected End Results: A number of power generation solutions along with a feasible electrical layout.

Subtask 2a – Wind Generation

Task Objective: A determination of the feasibility of wind generation and of what type of wind generation will be made.

Task Approach: Wind data will be collected and different types of wind generators will be researched.

Expected End Results: A determination will be made on the viability of wind generation, of the type of wind generator and on the amount of energy that can be produced

Subtask 2b – Solar Energy

Task Objective: A determination of the feasibility of solar power will be made.

Task Approach: Necessary data on will be collected and research will be made on different solar technologies.

Expected End Results: A determination will be made on the viability of solar technologies, an appropriate technology will be selected and on the amount of energy that can be produced will be found.

Subtask 2c – Bio-Thermal

Task Objective: A determination of the feasibility of bio-thermal will be made and the different type of bio-thermal resources will be researched

Task Approach: Research will be made on bio-thermal technologies.

Expected End Results: A determination the on the viability of bio-thermal technologies and how on the type of technologies that will satisfy Eagle Bluffs needs. A determination will be made on how much energy this resource produce for Eagle Bluff

Task 3 – System Design

Task Objective: The objective of the system design is to provide a set of alternative plans that Eagle Bluff can choose from. These plans may include a set of graduated steps needed to become energy self-sufficient.

Task Approach: All the research material will be evaluated. This includes estimated cost and energy outputs. From this information a set of detailed plans will be developed.

Expected End Results: The end result will be a set of detailed plans that provide Eagle Bluff with a complete design showing their alternatives

Subtask 3a– Energy Source Designs

Task Objective: The objective is to create a design for each chosen design source.

Task Approach: The research of each source will be analyzed and complied to create a design of each usable energy source.

Expected End Results: The result will be a design of each resource that has been included in possible system designs. Also design of energy reduction methods will be shown.

Subtask 3b– Electrical Layouts

Task Objective: The objective of this task is to create an electrical layout that connects the sources to EagleBluff’s facilities and to the local utility

Task Approach: The research and electrical requirements compiled will be use to create an appropriate design. These designs may be combinations of overhead and underground facilities

Expected End Results: The result will be an electrical design that satisfies all necessary regulation and that connects the energy sources to the users.

Subtask 3c– Protection Equipment and Utility Connections

Task Objective: The objective is to design the protection schemes and connections required by the local utility and by other regulations. Task Approach: All regulations from the NEC, the NESC, IEEE and the local utility will be used to determine what protective equipment is required and to determine the proper connections to the local utility.

Expected End Results:The result will be a connection and a protection scheme

that satisfies all requirements.

Subtask3d– Materials

Task Objective: The objective is to gather a list of all the need material so that the cost can be analyzed.