AP Chapter 18 Review: Russia

  1. How did the Mongol rule affect Russia?

2. What was the state of the Russian economy immediately after the expulsion of the Mongols in the 15th century?

3. Ivan IV (Ivan the Terrible) challenged the authority of what group?

4. According to Ivan the Terrible, Russia was the successor to the ______Empire.

5. Why did Russian expansion focus primarily on central Asia? What was the impact of early Russian expansion on central Asia?

6. Who were the Cossacks?

7. What was the Time of Troubles?

8. What family was selected to establish a new ruling dynasty in Russia in 1613?

9. Why didn’t Russia experience the Renaissance & Reformation?

10. Describe Peter the Great’s Reforms. What sea was critical in the development of Russian power?

11. Where did Peter the Great establish a new Russian capital?

12. What areas/fields did Peter the Great focus economic development on? (farming? mining? pottery? textiles? metallurgy?)

13. Why did he focus his economy in these areas?

14. What was the limitation of Peter the Great’s Westernization policies?

15. Who was Catherine the Great?

16. How did the Russian nobility exercise power in Russia?

17. What role did the "West" play in early modern Russia?

18. What is "westernization" and what did it mean for Russia?

190. What group was the most receptive to western or European styles & ideas?

20. How did Peter the Great and Catherine the Great modernize Russia?

21. What forces resisted modernization and westernization in Russia? Why?

22. What was the connection between modernization and expansion?

23. What were the primary differences by the 18th century between Russia and the West?

24. What themes have dominated Russian history and how have they affected Russian developments?

25. What is a multinational state and how does it differ from a nation-state?

26. Who was Pugachev?

27. A substantial merchant class failed to develop in Russia during the 18th century. Why?

28. Compared to Western governments, what role did Russian government play in economic development?

29. What was one of the primary limitations on the expansion of the agricultural economy?

30. How did Eastern Europe’s development compare to Russia’s development?

31. What eastern European nation declined most dramatically after 1500? Why?

32. How did the Polish government differ from the Russian model after 1600?


a. Compare the boundaries of the Mongol Empire to the Russian empire in 1800. How accurate was the Russian claim that it was the heir of Chinggis Khan and the unifier of central Asia? How were they different?

b. In what ways did Peter the Great reform the economy and government of Russia through Westernization. Discuss economic, political, and military reforms.

c. What were the primary differences by the 18th century between Russia and the West?