BASED ON: Matthew 6:19-21

INTRODUCTION: This is a Bible story for children, based on the parables of Jesus.


Give each child a piece of paper and crayons or pencils. Make a drawing, showing.

  • What is your biggest treasure?
  • Where are your treasures?

Place these drawings (and other treasures) in a “treasure chest” made from a shoebox.


  • Tell the story of moths, rust, thieves and treasure from Matthew 6:19-21.
  • Do two short skits: Children making a treasure on earth that is attacked by moths, rust and thieves. And children building a treasure in heaven.
  • Does anyone want to retell the story?


1. Observation questions:

  • What happened?

2.Understanding questions: Use some of these questions or add your own.

  • What are some treasures that we store or build up?
  • What happens to those treasures?
  • What do moths attack?
  • What gets rusty?
  • Name some other things break down or fall apart over time.
  • What do thieves steal?
  • What does it mean to store up treasures in heaven?
  • How can you store up treasures in heaven? What kinds of things can you do?
  • Why did Jesus tell this story?
  • What is the main point of this story?

3. Application questions:Use some of these questions or add your own.

  • What is your biggest treasure?
  • Have any of your treasures broken down or fallen apart over time?
  • Have you ever been robbed?
  • Have you ever lost or broken something?
  • What are you doing to store up treasures in heaven?
  • Are you telling other people about Jesus?
  • Are you praying and reading the Bible so that you can know God better?
  • Are you helping your neighbors?
  • Think of a practical way to build up your treasure in heaven. What will you do? Report back next week.

4. Look back at your treasures. Which of those can be stolen or destroyed? Which are in heaven?

5. Memory verse and coloring page: Matthew 6:20.You can use memory verse games to learn this


  • Divide into pairs to practice telling this story.
  • During the week, tell your family, friends and neighbors the story of Where is your treasure?

Used in: Children’s CHE/Spiritual/Bible Storying/Stories of Jesus

Where is your treasure?

Store up for yourselves treasures in heaven,

where moth and rust do not destroy,

and where thieves do not break in and steal.

(Matthew 6:20)
ut sis your treasure?