Chapter 3 Decimals
The sites mentioned below have information you can use to review, or test your understanding of decimals.
Converting Between Decimals and Fractions /Here is a table that gives the decimal equivalent of many common fractions.
Converting Between Decimals and Fractions /
This site gives instructions on converting decimals to fractions. It contains sample problems you can try.
Decimal Review /
These pages teach operations on decimals. Each page has an explanation, interactive practice and challenge games about decimals.
Repeating Decimals /
This site has an interesting extension on converting repeating decimals to fractions.
The calculators in Chapter 1 will also work with decimals.
Using the following sites you can get the exchange rate between major currencies.
Federal Reserve Rates /This site supplies rates provided by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York
/ You can convert between 164 currencies here. You can also look up past conversion rates and print out a conversion table to take with you on a trip.
180 Currency Converter /
This converter had more currencies listed than any other I found.
Project A
Go to the price of an expensive pen and briefcase in the catalog. If you were to order 5 pens and 5 briefcases as gifts for employees how much would it cost before taxes? (Assume shipping on your order is free).
Project B
Go to Find today’s exchange rate from dollars to the Euro by converting $1 USD to Euros. Use this value to find how many Euros $5000 is worth. Confirm your answer by using the currency converter.
Project C
Goto Suppose you converted $10,000 to Japanese Yen on July 24, 2004. If you convert those Yen back to dollars at today’s exchange rate how much money would you have?
Project D
Go to Read the
"Ask Kim" question and answer by Kimberly Lankford. At the price quoted in the article for BuyandHold's lower priced ($6.99) service, how much would it cost to make three trades per month for one year?
Project E
Go to You know that the airline will charge you almost $200 if your suitcase weighs more than 50 pounds. When you arrive at the airport to check-in for your flight, you suitcase weight is 22 kilograms. You think that each kilogram is equal to 2.2 pounds. Do you owe additional fees for an overweight suitcase? Use the converter to verify your answer.
Project F
Go to Convert your height to inches. In order to know your height in meters multiply the number of inches by .025. Use the converter to verify your answer.