6/28/2016 FSCA Board Meeting |MINUTES

Meeting date | time 6/28/2016 7:00 PM | Meeting location uberconference

Meeting called by

/ Van Drake /

Type of meeting

/ General BOD Mtg /


/ Van Drake /

Note taker

/ Rollins Brown /
/ Attendees:
Gary Wise
Parsons Metzkow
Don White
Jim Odle
Scott Cobb
Barry Kelly
Van Drake
Louise Terry
Rollins Brown
Gregg Nelson
Don Currie
Pat Welch

Agenda topics

  1. Agenda topic Treasurers Report for June/Budget | Presenter Van Drake/Gregg Nelson

Discussion: There was a brief discussion of the budget that Gregg is working on.
We will expect review of about $21,000. We should end up with about $45,000 assuming no unexpected expenses. Louise: what is joining fee?
Gregg: that is Bermont and Jacksonville’s joining fee. I took actuals from May, then used last year’s revenue stream. After May we really don’t’ have any other expenses except for the website.
Van: Club first joins NSCA, then joins FSCA in order to get on calendar.
We briefly discussed the new club Bermont shooting club. We discussed the difference between joining NSCA and FSCA, etc.
Louise: what is the miscellaneous transaction for $75?
Greg: website from scoring pro is only other normal expense

Van: we do have a few clubs that are NSCA members (maybe 3 or 4) that do not throw tournaments

Conclusion: Louise Moved to approve. Jim Second. Unanimously Approved.

  1. Agenda topic State Shoot Committee | Presenter Van Drake

Discussion: Barry Kelly, David Sumrall, Van Drake, Don White wll make up committee. Wil begin right away meeting with Pat Welch.

  1. Agenda topic Bermont Shooting Club | Presenter Van Drake/Scott Cobb

Discussion : Scott Cobb: visited Bermont in Punta Gorda and preformed the FSCA inspection. Says club is pretty nice. Mick Howells set up—he knows what he’s doing as far as shot fall etc. They have an office, restrooms, stations. Club has been open for 2 weeks. Has a 5 stand and sporting. No pavilion. Will be expanded soon.
Van:The gentleman that runs the club is Larry Duke. He has run a club in Mississippi previously. They want to start registered shoots soon.
Jim Odle: the Midwest guys leave their single tournament open for a day or two and you can shoot any time the shooter wants. Different than what we do here.

No further action needed.

4. Agenda topic 150 Mile Rule; protected dates; email from Don Webster | Presenter Van Drake

Discussion : Van mentioned email from Don Webster (manager of Sarasota). He wants to do away with the 150 mile rule, or reduce it to 75 miles. Also wants to do away with protected dates.

Van: this has been discussed many times.

Odle: don’t like 75, too low. There are a lot of shooters who do not shoot the big shoots. Maybe large shoots shouldn’t be protected.

Van: what do other range owners want?

Odle: state shoot should be always protected. No total consensus. We should be able to throw and shooters should be able to go to a simple 100 bird tournament. Not everyone can afford the big blasts. Still should use a mileage rule.\

Parsons: we’ve had this problem before. Vine wanted a date on a particular weekend. Conclusion is that maybe some weekend shoots don’t conflict with big blasts—like a Sunday 100.

Conclusion :we need to poll the clubs to see how they feel. Van to reach out to club owners.

5. Agenda topic Fee Increase Proposal | Presenter Van Drake/Rollins Brown

Discussion : Van, Rollins and Don Currie had a conference call to discuss the fee increase and uses for the fee.

The subcommittee came up with 5 independent proposals; each of which could be implemented in various fashions and extents, without regard to the other proposals.

  1. Certify Scholastic Instructors (Level without Shooting Requirement) in order to assist SCTP and similar youth shooting groups around the state.
  1. Certify Club and Range Safety Officers (basic lowest level of certification). In order to staff more clubs with ambassadors who can and will help transition interested person into new shooters.
  1. Encourage women participants in programs 1 and 2 (above) in order to foster female shooters in FL. Women instructors/RCSOs will also be encouraged to start women’s social shooting groups. THIS IS NOT EXPECTED TO HAVE ANY COST. JUST A PROPOSAL FROM THE SUBCOMMITTEE.
  1. Test advertising for several clubs events….(tournaments, evening fun shoots, etc.) to determine whether there is any efficacy for a larger program.
  1. Help offset costs of women and kids’ clinics at local clubs.

The subcommittee proposes to create “scholarships” to supplement each club’s sending instructor to the Scholastic instructor course, and the RSO (Range Safety Office Course). The proposal will assist ladies and youth shooting in Florida, but in a manner which benefits FSCA/Sporting clays.

The board discussed the various courses that NSCA offered and the differences. There was discussion for whether this would be beneficial to the clubs.

No action was taken.

Adjourned at 8:08pm

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