Honors Biology January 2015

Midterm Review Sheet

This sheet is only to serve as a guide to help refresh your memory about topics that we covered this semester. You are responsible for knowing anything that we did this semester. The midterm exam will consist of multiple choice questions, matching, and diagram identification. There will also be an essay and short answer part. The format will be similar to the tests we have taken this semester.

Please bring (2) sharpened #2 pencils with a good “pink” eraser to the exam. You may want to bring some reading material since midterm exams will not be collected before a given time.

Science: scientific method, controlled experiment, hypothesis writing, positive control, negative control, conclusion writing, graphing data, id independent and dependent variable on a graph,

Basic Chemistry: define atom, elements, compounds, chemical bonding, isomer, covalent bond, ionic bond, #bonds carbon makes, functional groups

Water – structure, adhesion, cohesion, polar covalent, hydrogen bonds, transport of water in plants, transpiration

Acids/bases, solution, solvent, solute, pH scale, parts of a chemical reaction, neutralization reaction (see pH lab)

Organic Chemistry: carbohydrates, proteins, lipids, dehydration synthesis, hydrolysis, structure and function, functional groups, recognition of compounds,

Plasma Membrane Structure, forms of transport across the membrane – osmosis, active transport, diffusion, facilitated diffusion, exocytosis, endocytosis, phagocytosis, endocytosis, tonicity

Chemical Reactions – reactants, products, endergonic, exergonic, enzyme structure and function, active site/substrate, denature, energy of activation, ATP structure, phosphorylation, metabolism, anabolism & catabolism, relationship between cellular respiration and photosynthesis

DNA Structure – double helix, H-bonds, complementary, base pairing, nucleotide structure, 3’ and 5’ end, gene, chromosome, purine, pyrimidine, Chargaff Rule, covalent bond (phosphodiester bond), function of DNA, why does it need to be replicated, Watson and Crick, Rosalind Franklin


·  Building Carbohydrates Model, Building Proteins Paper Lab, Building Lipids Make Your Own Lab

·  Paper Polypeptide Lab and Paper Triglyceride Lab

·  Testing Organic Substances – Part A Proteins and Part B Carbohydrates

·  Vernier Chemical Reactions Lab and Using Vernier to Analyze Data

·  Testing pH of Household Substance and Neutralization Reaction

·  Catalase – Enzyme Lab

·  Design Your Own Enzyme Lab

·  Passive Transport: Diffusion and Osmosis

·  Vernier Diffusion Through Membrane Lab Part A Effect of Solute Concentration Rate

·  DNA Extraction Lab

·  DNA Scissors Lab