Child’s Health History

Child’s Name______Birth Date______

A.  Health

1. Is your child generally healthy? Y N

2. Is your child taking any medications? (Please include over the counter medications and supplements) Y N

If yes, please list medications and conditions.




3. In one year, does your child have as many as three ear infections? Y N

4. Do you have concerns about your child’s hearing? Y N

5. In a year, does your child usually have more than three colds or sore throat infections with a fever? Y N

6. Are you concerned about your child’s eyes or vision? Y N

7. Has your child been seen by a medical specialist? Y N

If yes, who?______


8. What arrangements have you made for the care of your child should he/she becomes ill while attending All Saints Academy Child Care Center?______



9. Does you child have any special needs or challenges? Y N

If yes, please describe.______


10. Has your child ever been hospitalized? Y N

If yes, please describe.______


11. Has your child had any serious illness, accidents or poisonings? Y N

If yes, please describe.______


12. Does your child chew unusual things such as pencils, chalk, cribs, paint chips, plaster, or hair? Y N

13. Has your child been affected by any of the following: (If yes, please circle)

Premature birth Trouble breathing at birth

Birth injury or defect Head Injury

Convulsions or seizures

14. Does your child have allergies? Y N

If yes, please describe allergen and how allergic reaction presents in your child. (Hives, drug/food intolerance, vomiting, wheezing, asthma) ______



If yes, does your child have prescription medication that will be kept at All Saints Academy Child Care Center? (Epi-Pen or other medications?)



B.  Developmental History

1. How do you comfort your child? ______


2. What are your child’s favorite toys? ______


3. What are your child’s favorite activities? ______


4. What language is spoken in your home? ______


C. Sleeping

1. Do you have any special ways of helping your child go to sleep? Y N

If yes, please describe.______


2. Does your child cry when going to sleep? Y N

3. What is your child’s present sleep schedule?

Night time From_____to_____ A.M. Nap From_____to_____ P.M. Nap From_____to_____

4. Does your baby prefer to sleep on his/her ____stomach ____side or ____back?

5. Does your child need a ____pacifier ____ blanket or ____toy for nap time?

D. Feeding (Infants only)

1. Is your baby breast fed? Y N

2. Is your baby bottle fed? Y N If yes, please list the type of formula.______

3.Please describe your child’s current nutrition schedule:

Fluid / Amount (oz) / Time / Solid / Amount (tbs.) / Time

4.Does your baby need to be burped? Y N

E. Feeding (Preschool and Toddlers Only)

1. What is your child’s present eating schedule: (specify amount)

Breakfast / Lunch / Snack
Main Course
Fruits/ Juices

2. Has your child had any feeding problems? Y N

If yes, please describe.______


F. Toilet

1. How frequently does your child have a B.M.?______Appearance of B.M? ______

2. Is your child toilet trained? Y N

3. What word does your child use for: Urination?______Bowel Movement? ______

4. Does he/she use a potty chair? Y N

5. Does your child frequently have diaper rash? Y N If yes, how is it treated? ______

Tdrive/ASA Forms/New Prospective Parents Forms