Education Department Teaching Schedules:

College guidelines: 3-3-1 load; with department members

Department guidelines: The goal for each department member is to teach a full unit course (introductory-advanced), methods course, an inquiry course (101, 201) and student teachers to balance teaching loads. Currently, all education faculty teach education courses and do not contribute to courses in other departments or LADR (liberal arts degree requirements).

Student teaching supervision will be determined geographically and travel time/distance will be a factor in determining the number of student teachers assigned.

DS, or directed studies, are up to the faculty members’ discretion. These courses are usually required courses offered at an alternative time or semester to accommodate student schedules or the exploration of a new idea under the guidance of a faculty member.

Faculty members are mentors for academic internships. Academic internships usually occur in the summer with the academic responsibilities negotiated between the student and faculty member. The program is coordinated by Experiential Learning Director, David Harden.

*=director of teacher education responsibilities

Academic Year 2010-2011

Faculty Members / Fall / Winter / Spring
Kay Williams / EDU 230
EDU 316
EDU 101 (S)
ST / EDU 335
EDU 230
EDU 101 (S)
EDU 316-DS -2
Debbie Hanson / EDU 221
EDU 340
EDU 201 / EDU 303
EDU 304
EDU 201
DS-Reading Theory
ST / EDU 221
Judy Roberts* / EDU 302
EDU 305
EDU 101 (E) / EDU 221
EDU 333
EDU 101 (E)
Jonathan Dee / ST / EDU 338
ST / EDU 230
Paul Hildebrand / EDU 216- 2 sections
Carole Williams-adjunct / EDU 332
Natalie Simmons-adjunct / EDU 334
Lynn Hall / EDU 336
Richard Bagienski / EDU 337-Chem

Academic Year 2011-2012

Fall / Winter / Spring
Kay Williams / EDU 316
EDU 101 (S)
EDU 230
ST-2 / EDU 335
EDU 230
EDU 101 (S)
Debbie Hanson / EDU 221
EDU 340
EDU 201
ST-1 / EDU 303/304
EDU 201
AI-2 / EDU 221
DS-history play
Judy Roberts* / EDU 302/305
EDU 101(E)
EDU 461 / EDU 221
EDU 461
EDU 333
EDU 101 (E) / EDU 260-Children’s Lit
DS-2-senior seminar
Children’s lit
Jonathan Dee* / ST -6
EDU 338-DS / EDU 338
Lynn Hall-adjunct / EDU 336
Pam Vance-adjunct / EDU 332
Joyce Imel-adjunct / Student teaching supervision

Academic Year 2012-2013

Fall / Winter / Spring
Kay Williams / EDU 101 (S)
EDU 316 / EDU 101 (S)
EDU 335 / Administrative assignment
Debbie Hanson / EDU 221
EDU 340
EDU 201
ST-4 (Indy) / EDU 221*
EDU 303/304
EDU 201
EDU 337
ST-2 (Indy) / Overload-no teaching assignment
Laurie Bauer / EDU 461
EDU 302/305
ST-(cin) / EDU 461
EDU 101 (E)
EDU 333
ST-2 (Cin) / EDU 260-Children’s Lit
Jonathan Dee * / Student teaching
Joyce Imel-adjunct / EDU 230 / EDU 230
Student teaching supervision / EDU 230
Chris Johnson-adjunct / EDU 338
Pam Vance-adjunct / EDU 332 / EDU 332
Paul Hildebrand / EDU 216
Lynn Hall / EDU 336

Judy Roberts retired at the end of the 2011-2012 and Laurie Bauer replaced her tenure-line.

Jonathan Dee resigned in December 2012 with two weeks notice.

Academic Year 2013-2014

Fall / Winter / Spring
Kay Williams / EDU 316
AI-2 / ST-2
EDU 316-DS / Administrative
Debbie Hanson / EDU 221
EDU 340
EDU 201
EDU 101
ST-2 (Indy + Local)
AI-1 / EDU 303/304
EDU 337
EDU 201
EDU 101
ST-2 (Indy + Local) / EDU 221
Laurie Bauer / EDU 461
EDU 302/305
EDU 101 (S)
EDU 260-DS / EDU 461
EDU 101 (S)
EDU 333
EDU 260-DS / EDU 260-Children’s Lit
Paul Hildebrand / EDU 216
Joyce Imel-adjunct / EDU 230
AI-1 / EDU 230
ST-2 (Louisville)
Susan Ohlendorf-adjunct / ST-2 (local)
David Best-adjunct / ST-2 (local)
Chris Johnson-adjunct / EDU 338
Pam Vance-adjunct / EDU 332

Elementary Education Candidates Summary

class / Jr Level Candidate / Comprehensive
Exam / Completed Student Teaching / Notes:
2010-2011 / 18 / 12 / Jillian Reed did not complete
Natalie Denka off sequence
2011-2012 / 18 / 23 / 4 winter
fall / 5 took jr and sr coursework together
2 did not complete ST but completed major (sam Huffman and Dana STorey
2012-2013 / 14 / 13 / 13-fall
2 TPC (18) / 5-5th year seniors when ST
Bennett and Miller at TPC
2013-2014 / 9 / 15 / 4-fall
3-TPC / 2 candidates completed major but will not be certified
1 candidate will ST in 5th year and completed jr and sr level work together
3 ST at TPC (Spoonmore, Weihe,Chilewski)
