NEWSLETTER –March 2017

Oadby Hillwalking Club



Chairman:Roy Batchen0116-270 7628

Secretary/Newsletter: Fiona Clarkson 0116-2793372

Treasurer: Jenny Fox 0116-291 1491

Walks Co-ordinator:Geoff Mattock0116-2395381

Webmaster & Social:Alison Beckett 07557 199247

Membership Secretary: Carol Hinks 0116-2592144

TheApril meeting will be the AGM, which will be held on Friday 28 April 2017 at 7pm atThe Rose and Crown, Main Street, Thurnby, LE7 9PJfollowed by meal and skittles. To book a place for the meal and skittles please see below.

We would like as many members as possible to come to the AGM.

Committee Members Needed

There are six members on the committee each serving three years, with two retiring each year at the AGM. The aim is to allow fresh thinking to come into the organisation of the club.

Volunteers are needed to fill the two vacancies for three years.

Members interested in joining the committee are invited to discuss the duties and nomination procedure with the Chairman or any of the current committee members. The roles of committee members are open to negotiation each year as we try to accommodate what members would like and are best able to do.

The club relies entirely on voluntary work of the committee to organise and run the walks, and social programme. The support of members is essential to continue with the running of our very successful club. If any member can spare a few hours each month to help as a Committee Member, we will be delighted to hear from you!

Next monthly walk – Sunday 2nd April – North Leach

Coach departs: Oadby Central Car Park (adjacent to the Trinity Methodist Church) at 8.00am and will leave Sherbourne Arms Northleach at 5:30pm.

Coach Route A442, A429 left into North Leach park in square or up Farmington Lane

Bootstop: Stratford

Walk Leaders:

Long: TBA

Medium: Geoff Mattock, Jenny Fox, John Bastow

Short: Mike Packham

Map: Outdoor Leisure 45

Routes:To Mike Hinks, asap before 26thMarch, please

Walk Route Map

Please go onto the News section of the Club website, a few days before the monthly walk, to see a map showing the walk routes.Hopefully this will speed up selecting your walk when signing up on the coach.

Prospective walkers – please contact Carol Hinks to book a seat on the bus: By e-mail to: . You will receive a reply confirming the availability or otherwise of a seat. Or by telephone on 0116-2592144 you are reminded that it is first come first served. If you delay booking you may not get a seat.

If you wish to be picked up, at other places than the Oadby Car Park, please mention where when booking and please be aware that very occasionally another Woods coach may go past before ours arrives. Members can book for the next month’s walk on the return journey back to Oadby. You don’t have to wait for the Club meeting or the Newsletter.

Bus Fares – preferably by cheque payable to “Oadby Hillwalking Club” or simply “O.H.W.C.”

Adult Members £12, Junior/Student Members £5, Guests/Visitors + £3.

Cancellations - members and guests - Cancellations up to Tuesday Midnight before the Sunday walk - no penalty. Cancellations thereafter - full cost of the bus fare due. (AGM 2011). Please send fare due to the Treasurer, Jenny Fox, 126 Braunstone Close, Leicester, LE3 2GT

Boot/Toilet Stop

Members are urged to keep the time taken at the boot stop to a minimum. At the end of the walk members should change their footwear and place dirty boots and rucksacks in the luggage locker before getting onto the coach, thus avoiding any congestion and mud in the coach.

Those getting off the coach at Fosse Park and the Ring Road, may alternatively, put your dirty kit into a “Bin Liner” and then take it onto the coach; thus negating having to search for your kit in the bus Luggage Locker.

Safety Form and Emergency Personal Details

Please make sure that you are carrying your completed Club Safety Form in the top of your rucksack - it could help you in a difficult situation. N.B. Don’t forget to keep the form up to date. The form is available on the Club Website (

Essential Wear - N.B. Jeans and, or trainers/sandals are NOT suitable

Members and guests must be suitably equipped and as a minimum this must include:

❖suitable walking boots

❖waterproof coat and over-trousers

❖warm clothing

❖an appropriate rucksack.

❖food and drink for the whole day

❖a First Aid Kit is recommended

Please do not wear dirty boots on the bus even at the start of the day.

Only “Registered Assistance Dogs” are allowed on club walks.

Almoner’s Report

If you know of any member that is poorly or unable to walk for any reason, please let one of the committee know.

Interested in being a Walk Leader?

Please speak to any Committee Member, who will gladly arrange this for you – or better still come along to our Club Meetings.

Monthly Club Meetings

Monthly club meetings are held on the Wednesday after the Sunday walk at the Wigston Conservative Club, 38 Long Street, Wigston, Leicester, LE18 2AH at 7.30pm. All club members are welcome and we would like to see you. (You won’t get given a job)

Sunday Monthly Walks by coach: 2016/2017

Returns at 5pm during GMT and 5.30pm during BST.

April 2North Leach5.30 pm

May 7

Mid Month Walk -

March mid-month walk Sunday 19th March, The Bricklayers Arms Thornton start 9.00am. Phil Crompton. If lunch is required booking advisable. The Bricklayers Arms 01530 230808.

April mid-month walk, Sun 23rd April, Leader required.

Dates for your Diary

Sun 16th July Great Glen Walk and BBQ lunch

Christmas is coming!! Dinner booked at TASTE restaurant Wednesday 6 December 2017.

The club now has a Facebook page,Oadby Hillwalking Club – have a look!

Walk report StowSunday 5th March 2017 – John Bastow photo credit to the walk photographer Steph Goodway.

The morning dawned with a red sky, warning shepherds and hillwalkers alike of the weather to come. Rain was falling before the coach pulled into the bootstop at Matlock. Waterproofs donned there remained on all day.

My party of six walkers left the coach in Taddington Dale, and steadily ascended High Dale towards Priestcliffe. Conversation with an off duty national park ranger confirmed that, where possible, we would be better avoiding saturated field paths, and the stepping stones in Chee Dale where the river Wye was deep and powerful. The rain began to change to sleet, and the features of higher ground became etched with white. I chose to go down Long Lane to Miller’s Dale Station, where we had elevenses.

Easy walking along the Monsal Trail, which passes through the atmospheric Chee Dale tunnels, took us to an early lunch break at picnic benches near Blackwell Mill. A dipper flew down Wye Dale and several mandarin ducks were seen at the river side.

Walking became more challenging as we ascended Churn Hole. We were agreed that it would be much more difficult in descent. However soon we were descending, down a zigzag path into Deep Dale. Extreme care was needed, especially where wet limestone was exposed. Of greater concern to me was the crossing of the stream. It is just damp ground in summer, but we had to ford a wide, fast flowing torrent. It proved to be not as difficult as I had feared, and most people got over with dry feet.

We stopped briefly for refreshment by the remains of the old butter cross in King Sterndale. Disappointingly the daffodils near the cross were not yet in flower. We slithered down the path which leads to the bottom of Woo Dale. As we made the final climb of the day, we began to leave footprints in the snow. Soon we were dropping down into Buxton, where we arrived just as others were coming out of the pub. No time for a drink for us then. That was the only dry aspect of the day.


The club AGM is to be combined with a skittles evening for all club members and their friends.

Friday 28 April 2017

The AGM will commence at 7pm prompt and the skittles will follow at 7:45pm

The Rose and Crown, Main Street, Thurnby, LE7 9PJ

£7.95 for a 1 course meal and skittles

Lasagne & chips or vegetarian lasagne & chips

Sausage, mash & veg or vegetarian sausage, mash & veg

Cottage pie & veg

Faggots, chips & peas

Forest mushroom pasta bake

Please use the form below to make your choice of meal and bring along on the next walk with a cheque made out to OHWC for the appropriate amount. Alternatively you can send the form and cheque to Alison Beckett, 5 Spinney View, Great Glen, LE8 9EP

Please can you also email if you are wishing to attend on

Meal Choices





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