
Title: Times New Roman, 18 pt font, bold[*]

First Author, 14 pt, bold

ACLC, University of Amsterdam

Second Author, 14 pt, bold

Institute, 14pt, Italics

Write your abstract at this place with approximately 100-200 words. Lateral margins should be 3.5cm at both sides. The font to use should be Times New Roman, 12 points, centre justification. Line spacing for the abstract should be 15 point. Abstract. Abstract. Abstract. Abstract. Abstract. Abstract. Abstract. Abstract. Abstract. Abstract. Abstract. Abstract. Abstract. Abstract. Abstract. Abstract. Abstract. Abstract. Abstract. Abstract. Abstract. Abstract. Abstract. Abstract. Abstract. Abstract. Abstract. Abstract. Abstract. Abstract. Abstract.


The lateral margins are 2.5cm from each side as well as from top and bottom in the whole document. Text font is 14pt, Times New Roman; line spacing for the standard text should be 17pt.Use ‘justify’ to outline your document.

Always use hard returns at the end of a paragraph. Indent the first line of a new paragraph by 1.2 cm (not if it is the first paragraph after a heading, examples, tables or figures).

2Headings and Subheadings

Please left-align headings and use space above and below as in the above and following headings (first level headings 24pt before and 12pt after; second/third level headings 12pt before and 6pt after). Headings should be printed in bold, sub-headings in Italics and bold, and sub-sub-heading only in Italics. Please avoid fourth level headings.


Text, text, text, text, text. Text, text, text, text, text. Text, text, text, text, text. Text, text, text, text, text. Text, text, text, text, text.


Text, text, text, text, text. Text, text, text, text, text. Text, text, text, text, text. Text, text, text, text, text. Text, text, text, text, text.

Text, text, text, text, text. Text, text, text, text, text. Text, text, text, text, text. Text, text, text, text, text. Text, text, text, text, text text.


Please align examples as presented in (1a) and refer to them as in this sentence (use small caps for abbreviations in glosses). Examples and translations should be capitalized and end in a full stop (or ?!). Translations are included in ‘’.

(1)a.Ñan-ta Pidru-ta riku-rka-ni.


‘I saw Peter on the way.’

b.Ñan-ta Pidru-tariku-rka-ni-mi.


‘I saw Peter on the way.’

Use white space before and after each example. Note that paragraph formatting ‘styles’ have been included with these examples in the word-version of this document (example, example_gloss, and example_translation). Our advice would be to use them.


Footnotes[1] should be 12pt, spaced 14pt.


Table 1: Title and description of the table on top, 12 t, single spaced, space after 6pt.

Y / B / 28 / -0.866 / -0.891 / 0.954 / -0.928 / 0.820
N / 28 / -0.762 / -0.849 / 0.972 / -0.886 / 0.843
Z / B / 28 / -0.689 / -0.740 / 0.906 / -0.791 / 0.887
N / 28 / -0.598 / -0.609 / 0.947 / -0.780 / 0.870
All / B / 84 / -0.423 / -0.459 / 0.833 / -0.723 / 0.704
N / 84 / -0.475 / -0.603 / 0.840 / -0.767 / 0.763

One empty line below table; text not indented.


If you use colours, please check whether contrasts are clear enough when printed in black and white. Figure captions should be written below the figure - in the same style as the tables (but below not above the figure).

Figure 1: Sculpture on top of the HeimvolkshochschuleLubmin made by Andre Labs; original colour is blue

One empty line below table; text not indented.

7Headers and footers

Headers and footers should be presented as in this document.

8References in the text

References in the text are as follows: (Hengeveld 2004a, 2004b), (Mithun 1992; Levinson &Wilkins 2006).


All references should be 12pt, 15pt line space, justified, hanging 1.2 cm; space after is 6pt.Below we provide examples for a monograph, an article from a journal, a chapter from a book, and a PhD dissertation. Note e.g. the lack of brackets around years, capitalization of content words in book titles, initials instead of first names, pages at end, use of ‘&’, etc.

Levinson, S.C. 2003.Space in Language and Cognition. Explorations in Cognitive Diversity. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

McKee, D., R. McKee & G. Major. 2011. Numeral variation in New Zealand Sign Language. Sign Language Studies 12(1): 72–97.

Mithun, M. 1992. Isbasicwordorder universal? In D. Payne (ed.),PragmaticsofWord Order Flexibility. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 15–61.

Bobaljik, J.D. 1995.Morphosyntax: The Syntax of Verbal Inflection. PhD dissertation, MIT,Cambridge, MA.

Contact information (e.g., address) appears here in 12pt, 15pt line space, centre justified.

Text, text, text,

Text, text, text.

Linguistics in Amsterdam number(year)

[*] The first footnote appears with the title and contains the acknowledgements. For example, this style sheet is based on the ZAS Working Papers style sheet, although we have made a number of small changes.

[1] Footnote footnotefootnotefootnotefootnotefootnotefootnotefootnotefootnotefootnotefootnotefootnotefootnotefootnotefootnote.