Present: Paul Reighard Judy Herrala Laurie Olmon
Dan Williams Chris Bassett Joe Glaze
Also President: Bill Schulz, Mark Jenkins, Steven Laitinen
Meeting Called to order at 7:00 p.m.
Paul Reighard made motion to approve and amend the agenda with the following changes: Move to Item 3) Park & Rec Committee Roles and Responsibilities, and adding #8) Trails on #66 and #24, and Item #9) Lawnmower. Seconded by Laurie Olmon, All in favor, Motion Carried.
Motion made by Laurie Olmon to approve and amend Meeting Minutes from January 3, 2012. Seconded by Dan Williams. All in favor, motion Carried.
1. Floor Items- None
2. Park & Rec Chairman-
Since this is the first meeting held after City Council has approved the appointments; the Committee needs to elect a Chairperson. Laurie made a motion to elect Paul Reighard as Chair, seconded by Dan Williams, All in favor, 0 opposed, Motion carried.
3. Roles and Responsibilities-
City Council had a workshop on February 7, 2012 to go over what the roles of each committee are and the guidelines they’d like the committees to follow. Laurie had previously presented an outline to the Committee. Council does not feel the Park & Rec should be dealing with day to day issues. There is some confusion as to the definition of “day to day” issues. Paul feels the Committee should have a definition of what the day to day issues are vs other items such as park development, etc. Laurie feels that “day to day” items versus development or planning is whether we are assisting or advising in any way regarding park funds. The committee needs more direction from the Council as to what items are “day to day” to better define the items the Committee needs to be working on. The Committee does not have a Recreation Coordinator at this time and may be needed sometime in the future.
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Park & Recreation Meeting February 8, 2012 Page 2
It is still unclear as to items such as the sale of the firewood, as to whether the Park & Rec committee should approve the sale; along with the partitions
needed for the restrooms at the park, or does it go back to the Council. Laurie will present the concerns to the City Council. As a committee, Paul feels this is the best time for Park & Rec to present their ideas and concerns to the Council.
Joe brought up the Park and Trail Plan; he thinks Road and Bridge and the Council also need to be in on the discussion because of the need to change the road specs to allow for trails.
Judy would like to see more done with Recreation Programs and Special Events under secondary functions. She feels it’s very important to have these programs to keep our residents in our community. Members expressed their opinion that many of the items termed as “day to day” were items they considered the role of the Park & Rec Committee, along with Long Term Plans.
Laurie will present the questions and concerns to the Council – 1) Definition of “day to day” items, and 2) Secondary Functions, such as recreational programs. She said that since we do not have any schools, athletic associations in our City, this should be put as a primary function to help our City set these up. There are recreational grants available to start recreational programs.
Bill Schulz brought up coordinating with St. John’s Church their recreational programs. The other church in town also has 2-3 “Health Days” that they hold in the park. Other communities have also used our fields when needed.
4. Upcoming Grants -
Laurie reviewed the grants available.
1) Conservation Grant
Dolomite: $10,000 minimum, which is a nature and scenic area grant.
2) Upper Recreation Grant Program –
Acquisition, & Redevelopment of local outdoor facilities, minimum grant of $5,000 with a matching 50% requirement, which is due March 30, 2012.
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Park & Recreation Minutes February 8, 2012 Page 3
3) Grant for Sign Replacement
This could replace signs at the boat landing at Pickerel, Twin Lakes and Norris Lake. The DNR would approve one large sign per access per lake, with a maximum of 5 signs per lake. It does not have to be a DNR landing.
4) There is also a Boat Infrastructure Loan, with a deadline August 1, 2012. Extending the pier would be the goal. The Committee would also look into this grant for Development and Improvement of docking facilities.
The Committee would have to have a plan in place to apply for these grants.
Plans for the Dolomite Park would need to be done as soon as possible, since the purchase had the provision that plans had to be done within three (3) years.
Laurie will work on the applications for these grants.
Judy updated the Committee on the information for the Twins Field Grant. First due date is March 12th, next one is May 14th. Judy is aiming to have the application done by the May due date. This is for communities that have a program, but Judy has been assured that proof that the field would be used would be adequate.
Discussion followed as to Twin Lakes; which fields need development and transition into possible other fields, and the funds needed to do so. Laurie has gone over some of the plans with a consultant and will continue to work with them for estimates. She will give him a copy of the Twins Grant, so he is aware of all of the information that would be needed. All plans and estimates would be free of charge. Baseball fields could fit, with a possible change of the parking lot location. Committee would have to work with the County to maintain access to #22. Main goal is to figure out what kind of fields would get the most use and what funds would be needed to complete the plans. This grant would be for essential field development, new sod. Non essential items such as bleachers, score boards, etc. would not be included.
5) Xccent Tour
This company, located in Wyoming, MN. builds playground equipment and offers free tours, Monday-Friday, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. The tours last 2-3 hours. The Committee expressed an interest in doing this to see what items they have available. Paul will work with other members as to setting up a date and Laurie will set it up.
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Park & Recreation Minutes February 8, 2012 Page 4
6) Sale of Firewood –
Per Joe, original idea was to stack the wood and obtain sealed bids, with any possible proceeds to go back to the parks for replacement of trees from storm damage. Options that other cities had used for their downed trees were presented to the committee. The Hennepin County Corrections is not able to work on this project due to safety concerns. Wood chips could also be used to replace the trails where needed. A motion was made during the January 3rd meeting to present all the information to the City Council and Laurie will follow through with that motion.
7) Softball/Baseball Field Updates
Laurie has met with Mr. Peterson, Athletic Director from Spectrum Schools. They have put up fees for fields until 2013. He is excited about working with Nowthen to come up with some sort of contract or involvement. One of the strategies in their charter is community involvement and he would like to look at Nowthen for possibly a one day sports camp for soccer/softball/track and field. With the new broadband coming in, possible classes for using the internet. Park clean up days, and possibly a cross county event at Twin Lakes through the trails. They would also be willing to work with Nowthen as to any upkeep, etc. that may need to be done for these events. They have their own mower and maintenance crew to take care of the athletic fields. Joe expressed concerned over someone else doing maintenance on our fields. Might need to have an agreement regarding usage and conditions. Their games would be Spring and Fall, from 3-5.
Paul brought up the goal of the committee is to be looking at youth programs. If we start here with this school, putting on clinics and advertising, it does two things. It makes more people aware we have the facilities and 2) we can track who shows up for what activities. They have their own insurance to cover projects and students, with adults to supervise. It would also be nice to set up a one day a month for park clean up. They are looking at possibly this Fall for soccer, but definitely in 2013. Laurie will continue working with Mr. Peterson.
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8) Trails on #66 and #24 -
Anoka is going to be rebuilding roads on #66 and #24, going down to #47. Joe would like to have a trail connecting Norris Lake. There would be a lot of issues to consider and is not sure if it is already too late to incorporate the road projects and a trail project. Laurie will look at the Trail Plan already in effect. The Committee would like to be able to work with the County for Trail development. Joe will contact Anoka County to verify what plans are in force and any possibility of trail development.
9) Lawnmower-
On Feb. 7th, a 16’ Toro lawnmower has been successfully bid on for $10,000. Has 6,000 hours on it, is a clean machine and runs good.
It will save the maintenance dept. a lot of time and the mower should
last a long time.
Paul made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:05 pm; Laurie seconded. All in favor; Motion carried.
Respectively submitted by:
Dianne Wright