October 24, 2006 – 1:00 p.m.
A meeting of the Governor’s Advisory Council to the Division of Developmental Disabilities Services was held on October 24, 2006, Woodbrook Conference Room, Dover.
Cheryl Coffin, Chair
Gloria Duffy
Anthony Horstman
Robert Osgood
Thomas Rust
COUNCIL MEMBERS ABSENT:Ernestine Brittingham
Penny Orndorff
Barbara Ross (Recording)
GUESTS PRESENT:Brian Hartman, Disabilities Law Program
Charlotte Herbert, Lower Delaware Autism Foundation
CALL TO ORDERThe meeting was called to order at 1:05 p.m.
APPROVAL OF MINUTESThe minutes stand approved.
NEXT MEETINGNovember 28, 2006, 1:00 p.m., Woodbrook Conference Room, Dover
Additions to the Agenda
(1)Rates in Colorado for G Tube Feedings
(2)Testimony before the Budget Committee
Update of Case Management and Community Services – Penny Orndorff
Penny Orndorff reported DDDS has contracted with Lynda Kahn and Patti Scott, both of whom have a great deal of experience in the field of Disabilities, to look at our current Case Management System and help us design a new Case Management System that will support the self direction philosophy. The focus of the presentation was Delaware Developmental Disabilities Services PATH. The PATH planning process was used for discovering desirable futures.
The eight conversations in a PATH are:
- Touching the dream…the north star…the future vision
- Focus for the next two years…the positive and possible
- Where we Now?
- Who is enrolled and needs to be engaged?
- What will it take to stay strong and sustained on the journey?
- ‘What will be accomplished in one year?
- What will be accomplished in six months?
- What are the next steps?
Some of the areas discussed were where do we want to go in the future, what is our vision, establish ground rules, look at how we are when we are at our best, identify circles of support, listen to what kinds of services people want and support them, don’t stop, keep moving forward and try to make things better. Success is in small steps. Talk about what is important to DDDS; develop a vision always keeping in mind what is positive and possible. Families are in control. Only 80 people are now living at StockleyCenter. We need to keep in mind our vision of where we are today and where we want to go. What will it take for us to stay strong and stay on this course? Next steps where we want to be in six months and in a year.
The final draft of the Strategic Plan for the Division is expected to be completed in November and meetings in all three counties for public comment on the Strategic Plan will be scheduled after the holidays.
A question was asked regarding provider agencies becoming selective in serving individuals. Penny reported DDDS has developed a new authorized provider system which affords individuals to have choice and change provider agencies at any time. Roy reported we have a large network of providers at this time offering a variety of services and tracking of providers refusing to serve people is maintained.
Penny reported we have a new initiative Pilot Program with Elwyn, Pennsylvania, entitled “In Home Respite Services”. This is a service that DDDS hopes to increase as an option to families. Elwyn will complete an assessment to determine the support needs of the individual and a trained staff person will provide the respite services according to the needs determined.
Emergency Disaster Preparedness – Roy Lafontaine
Roy reported the Division sent surveys out to all agencies providing services to DDDS individuals requesting feedback regarding their emergency disaster preparedness. Responses have been received and Rich Irvine and Lisa Graves are beginning a comprehensive review of that information.
Rates in Colorado for G Tube Feedings
Through Mr. Osgood’s communication with Ft.Collins, he reported there are only three people being fed with G Tubes in neighborhood homes. Others in this home are medically fragile. The daily rate for the G Tube Feeding individuals is $187.16. There is an RN on staff at this home. Mr. Osgood also learned that Colorado cannot run a group home with four people. Their rates will not allow them economically to do that. The cost per year for G Tube Feeding individuals is $68,000. which is close to the average rate in Delaware. Mr. Osgood will continue to obtain more information and report back to the Advisory Council at the next meeting.
Royadded that in conversation with Michael Chapman, a consultant working with DDDS, and during Mr. Chapman’s visit to Colorado/Michigan he learned they were experiencing significant direct support staff shortages. They were having to close smaller neighborhood homes and move people back into larger congregate living situations like 9-10 person homes. Mr. Chapman was also working with an agency in Western Maryland that operates neighborhood homes and they are down to approximately 58 direct support staff. They will either have to move people into larger settings or get out of the business.
Testimony before the Budget Committee
After the Council had a general discussion, it was recommended for Tony Horstman to present at theBudget Hearings on November 13th. It was also suggested for Mr. Horstman to have a conversation with Marianne to see how the Council can best support her.
Announcements and Informational Items
- Dr. Brooks shared a copy of “Connecting the Dots…A guide to finding Services for people with disabilities in Delaware” with the Council.
- Dr. Lafontaine shared a copy of DDDS Monthly Statistics for August, 2006 with the members.
- Dr. Lafontaine also shared a copy of the “What’s The Buzz? Helping You To Bee Informed” which is another DDDS newsletter.
The meeting adjourned at 2:30 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Robert Osgood
Agenda Items:
(1)Presentation of the Strategic Plan
(2)Quality Management System
(3)Transition Unit