Algebra I Syllabus
Mrs. Ramona Topping
Maury River Middle School Phone: (540) 463-3129
Course Outline:
1st Nine WeeksThe Language of Algebra
Real Numbers
Graphing Relations and Functions / 2nd Nine Weeks
Analyzing Linear Equations
Systems of Linear Equations
3rd Nine Weeks
Solving Linear Inequalities
Factoring / 4th Nine Weeks
Quadratic Functions
Rational Expressions and Equations
Radical Expressions
SOL Review
Homework 10%
Class work 20%
Quizzes 30%
Tests/projects 40%
Semester exams (10% of the 9 weeks grade)
I expect you to ALWAYS show your work. Do NOT just write down the answers. Homework that does not have work shown is not complete. Also, circle your answer for each question. Homework is usually graded on completion. Assignments will occasionally be collected and graded for accuracy.
GRADED ACTIVITIES (Class work, Quizzes or Tests, Exams):
I expect you to ALWAYS show your work. Circle your answer for each question. Reviewing your notebook nightly will help you be successful on GRADED ACTIVITIES.
· Class work – review of homework assignments as well as bell ringers
· Quizzes – review of class work assignments
· Tests – review of quizzes and a mastery of skill
· Exams – review of all material (at the end of each semester)
Be on Time!
· Every student must be in the room before the tardy bell rings recording the assignment in your agenda and prepared for the bellringer.
Be Respectful!
· Remember to raise your hand to speak and listen when others are talking. When others are sharing ideas, answering questions, and working problems on the board, please value their thoughts and opinions.
Be Prepared! Be Prepared! Be Prepared!
· When you come to class, always bring your agenda, a pencil with an eraser, lined notebook paper, your notebook, homework (if we had any) and a positive attitude for learning.
· Bell ringer: complete and check
· Review homework or class work from the previous day
I have read and understand the expectations listed in the syllabus for Algebra I.
Should you have any questions, please contact Mrs. Topping by calling the school and leaving a message or by email.
Please sign and return to Mrs. Topping by August 27, 2010.
(Student signature) (Parent/Guardian Signature)