Combs Ford Surgery
Combs Lane
IP14 2SY
Dr. Adam Wankowski
Dr. David Gordon-Brown
Dr. Jackie Muir
Dr. Tim Watson
Dr. Jyoti Ravikumar
Dr. Caroline Dunmore
Dr. K L Prasad
A guide to
our services
Telephone: (01449) 678333
Emergency and visit line only: (01449) 678366
Dispensary; (01449) 676110
Core Opening hours: Monday to Friday 8am until 6.30pm
Extended Opening hours: Tuesday 7am to 8am, Saturday 8am to 11am
Evenings and weekends 0300 130 3066 for Out of Hours Contact Number
This practice is within the NHS Suffolk population area.
Combs Ford Surgery serves the population of Stowmarket as well as some of its surrounding villages. Our team includes seven GPs, one nurse practitioner, four senior nurses, three health care assistants as well as our joint practice managers, medical secretary, reception / administration staff and dispensers. This leaflet is for both existing patients and those considering registering with us. It tells you about our services, how to access them and some general information about how our practice operates.
We offer a full general practice service including health promotion clinics for diabetes, asthma, Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD), heart disease sufferers and high blood pressure. We also offer some minor surgical procedures on site. We have an on-site dispensing service for any of our patients living more than one mile away from a pharmacy / chemist.
At Combs Ford Surgery, we aim to treat all our patients promptly, courteously and in complete confidence.
Combs Ford Surgery is a ‘training practice’. This means hospital doctors wanting to experience general practice come to spend four months with us. During this time they see patients like other GPs but there is always a senior Doctor available to advise them. We also accept nurse students and they spend time with us learning about practice and community nursing. As a training practice, your medical records may be used for educational purposes or you may be asked if you are happy for a student to be present during your consultation.
The population of Stowmarket continues to grow and with the agreement of NHS Suffolk, Combs Ford Surgery’s practice area is as defined by the map below, with the exclusion of the Cedar’s Park and Chilton Hall housing developments.
If you live in our practice area and would like to register with us, please complete one of our registration forms that are available from Reception. Our staff will then inform you which of our team of doctors is taking on new patients. Please note that Dr Caroline Dunmore and Dr Prasad do not have their own lists.
Our Practice Area – our area also extends further east to Middlewood Green, Forward Green.
Meet the Team at Combs Ford Surgery
Dr Adam Wankowski (Senior Partner) - MBBS
Dr David Gordon-Brown (Partner) - MBBS, BSc, DRCOG
Dr Jackie Muir (Partner) - MBChB, DCCH, DRCOG, MRCGP, Cert FP, JCPTGP
Dr Tim Watson (Partner) - MBBS DCH DipIMC
Dr Jyoti Ravikumar (Salaried GP with view to Partnership)-
Dr Caroline Dunmore (Salaried GP) –MBBS, MRCGP
Please note that Dr Dunmore does not have her own patient list but is available on a part time basis.
Dr KL Prasad (Salaried GP) – MBBS, MD, MRCP (UK), MRCGP
Dr Prasad hasthe responsibility for Chilton Meadows Nursing Home. Dr Prasad does not have his own patient list.
Nursing Team
Nurse Practitioner
Rachel Clarke - BSc RGN SN Dip CHD, Family Planning, Independent and Supplementary Prescriber
Practice Nurses
Janet Nunn – RGN, Cert DN, Cert Diabetes
Rebecca Wilding – RGN Dip FP, Diabetes, Asthma, COPD, Cert CHD
Michelle Jeffreys -RGN, Cert Diabetes, Dip Asthma, COPD,
ENB 998 Teaching and Assessing
Ellie Wallis - RGN, Cert Diabetes, Asthma
Health Care Assistants/Phlebotomists
Janet Howard
Kathryn Parrish
Practice Managers (Joint)
Jane Crawford
Sally Pearce
Medical Secretaries
Jane Hunter
Debbie Smith
Reception staff
Denise Roper(Reception Manager Joint)
Julie Crickmore (Reception Manager Joint)
Anita Burrows
Yvonne Eglinton
Ros Kemp
Carole Nichols
Lesley McCourt
Tracey Lincoln
Dispensary staff
Mary Tricker (Dispensary Manager Joint)
Greta Balson (Dispensary Manager Joint)
Lynne Bloomfield (Dispenser)
Julie Hixson (Dispenser)
Debbie Davies (Dispensary Assistant)
The Receptionist is the key to getting the most from your surgery;
If you feel able to share the reason for your visit – the receptionist will be able to direct you to the best person to help you.
General Practice is developing and changing all the time and staff are regularly updating and acquiring new skills. It may be hard for patients to keep up with who’s who and who to see.
Please ask and the Receptionist will guide you through
- Phlebotomist
- Health Care Assistant
- Practice Nurse
- Nurse Practitioner
- Dispenser or Pharmacist
- Midwife
Morning clinics for blood tests every day. Please bring any forms you have been given by the Doctor or Hospital and remember to fast if necessary.
Health Care Assistant
- Blood pressure checks,
- NHS Health Checks,
- ECGs
- stop smoking advice
- hearing tests
- new patient appointments.
- taking blood and testing urine.
Practice Nurse
We have a team of 4 Practice Nurses and they all have special skills. The receptionist will be able to advise and book an appointment for
- complex dressings and minor injury assessments
- annual health checks such as diabetes, asthma, high blood pressure or chronic obstructive pulmonary disorder (COPD)
- ear syringing
- vaccinations - including baby/child immunisations
- Travel Vaccinations and advice
- contraception advice and checks
- stop smoking advice
- help with managing a long term condition
- Well Woman/Well Man checks
Practice Nurse - Minor Injuries
The Practice Nurse is also able to assess and advise on such as
- Deep cuts and grazes
- Sprains and strains
- Bites and stings,
- Scalds and burns
- Foreign bodies, like grit or glass in your skin
- Minor eye infections or scratches
- Minor head injuries
Nurse Practitioner - Minor Illness Clinics
The Nurse Practitioner is able to see all minor illnesses and to prescribe medication. The Nurse Practitioner is a good alternative to an appointment with the Doctor.
Examples of conditions that can be seen in the Minor Illness Clinic are:
- Ear ache
- Tonsillitis
- Sore throats
- Stomach pain
- Chest infections
- Ear infections
- Urinary tract infections
- Infected wounds
- Sexual health and the
- Morning after pill
This clinic is run by our Community Midwife. If you become pregnant please make a ‘booking appointment’ at which the midwife will ask you a few questions and carry out some general health checks. You will be seen regularly throughout your pregnancy either at the practice or at the local hospital, or both. If you need to contact the midwife urgently please ring the Hospitalyou are booked with and ask for the Senior Midwife On Call.
Baby Clinic
Health Visitors run a weekly clinic at Hillside Community Centre in Stowmarket for parents and carers to take along their babies/toddlers. They can be contacted by leaving a message on their answerphone on 01449 776040.
Patient’s are part of the team too -
Home Visits
Telephone 01449 678366 (this line is for home visits and emergency calls ONLY)
Please telephone with your request for a visit before 10.00am if possible. Please give the name and address of the patient and be prepared to give some idea of why a visit is needed. This helps our doctors understand the urgency of the case. Visits should only be requested for urgent treatment/care and where possible patients should try to come into the surgery to see their doctor.
Prescriptions and Repeat Medication
Our Dispensary generates all prescriptions. Patients who live more than one mile away from a chemist/pharmacy can collect their medication from our Dispensary. For patients requiring repeat-prescriptions please allow 48 hours and during busy periods, i.e. Christmas or New Year, please allow 72 hours. The Dispensary regrets that they are unable to accept requests for prescriptions over the telephone. Patients can fax their request on 01449 778212 or visit our website on
The Dispensary is open Monday to Friday from 8.00am to 6.30pm and on Saturday between 8.00am until 11.00am.
Key tips for your repeat prescriptions
- Only order what you need
- Don’t be afraid to tell the Doctor if you are no longer taking a medication
- Have regular reviews of your medication with the dispenser/doctor
- Make sure you have enough medication before a Bank Holiday
- always make sure you have your pills when going on holiday
Medicine Cabinet
As well as our practice, there are many other local NHS services you can contact for health advice, information or treatment. Before you do, remember that you can treat many minor ailments such as colds, coughs and indigestion by keeping a well-stocked medicine cabinet at home. We suggest you keep the following:
Paracetamol and aspirin (children under 16 and people with asthma should not take aspirin)
Mild laxatives
Anti-diarrhoeal medicines
Rehydration mixture
Indigestion remedy (for example, antacids)
Travel sickness tablets
Sunscreen – SPF15 or higher
Sunburn treatment (for example, calamine)
Tweezers and sharp scissors
A thermometer
A selection of plasters, non-absorbent cotton wool, elastic bandages and dressings.
Keep the medicine chest in a secure, locked place out of reach of small children.
Always read the instructions and use the suggested dose
Watch expiry dates – don’t keep or use medicines past their sell-by date
Take all unwanted and out-of-date medicines back to the pharmacy
Your local pharmacist
Your local pharmacist will be able to give you free health advice at any time – you don’t need an appointment.
Test Results
Patients are asked to telephone after 11am for Test Results. Please be aware that results can only be given to the patient concerned unless permission has been given in writing in advance. Parents may phone for results for children under the age of 18.
Specialist and hospital care
If a GP or another member of our health care team believes you need hospital treatment or specialist care elsewhere, they will ask you where you would like to go. For most patients the hospital will contact you to book an appointment for you to be seen. It is very important that we keep your contact details up to date. Please let us know of any change in your address, telephone numbers (including mobile) or marital status.
Evening and weekends
An Out of Hours Doctor service is offered for all patients registered with our practice when our practice is closed. For urgent advice and treatment, please call the usual Surgery number and you will be given the telephone number to use. Alternatively phone the Out of Hours Service direct on 0300 130 3066
Appointments at Combs Ford Surgery
Learn how the Practice works when you are well – not in an emergency.
Phlebotomists, Health Care Assistants and Practice Nurses can all be booked in advance via the receptionists, either in person or on the telephone on 01449 678333
Doctors appointments and Minor Illness appointments can be booked in advance and on the day.
The availability of appointments is a balance between those patients who wish to book in advance for convenience (non urgent) and those who wish to be seen on the day.
“on the day” appointments are released early each morning and can be booked using the automated telephone system or the internet from 6am or in person/on the telephone from 8am. We appreciate that this can be a very busy time and for this reason there are at least 3 members of staff taking calls to book appointments. General enquiries should be avoided at this time.
“pre bookable” appointments can be booked up to one month in advance, and these can be booked either
- In person
- On the telephone
- Using our automated telephone system or
- Via the internet 24 hour booking (please ask at reception for details)
Telephone consultations can be booked with the doctor. He or she will ring you on the telephone number you have given. Please make sure we have your most up to date details.
Automated telephone booking service
We are also able to provide patients with a telephone service which allows them to book, cancel or check your own appointment with your Doctor any time, night and day! All you need is a touch-tone telephone, your date of birth and the telephone number you have registered with at the surgery. When phoning the surgery press 1 for the automated system.
Help us to help you
- Please call for a home visit or urgent appointment before 10am
- Please ring for test results and non urgent enquiries after 11am
- Please inform us of any change in your name, address or telephone details
Let us know if more than one person in the family needs to be seen. We can give you a longer appointment if necessary.
- Please tell us if you would like someone to accompany you during an examination or a private room to discuss any matters. A trained chaperone can usually be provided.
- Please remember the results of tests can only be given to the patient.
Please cancel your appointment if you can’t make it – we can’t treat an empty chair and someone else would be very grateful for that time with the Doctor or Nurse.
Extended Opening Hours
Tuesday and Saturday
These appointments are in addition to our normal service. It is hoped that those patients that can be seen during normal opening hours will continue to do so. This service is specifically designed for those patients who find it difficult to attend a routine/ review appointment during normal working hours. Appointments must be pre-booked in advance. You will not be seen without an appointment.
Informed implied or expressed consent will be obtained before any procedure or examination is carried out. An explanation will be given to the patient sufficient to understand the procedure. Should the procedure carry a risk that the patient is likely to consider as being substantial, expressed consent (written or verbal) will be obtained. Copies of the consent policy are available on request.
NHS Direct
NHS Direct offers free expert health information and advice 24-hours a day on 0845 4647 or at their website, which also offers an enquiry service. For deaf people and those heard of hearing, a telephone service is available on 0845 606 4647.
Accident and emergency/999
999 is an emergency service ONLY but if you or someone else experiences severe chest pain, symptoms of stroke, loss of blood or suspected broken bones, go to your nearest accident and emergency department or call 999.
Accident and emergency departments are open 24 hours a day, 365 days a year and can assess serious injuries and provide emergency treatment.
Your local Primary Care Organisation
The area served by Combs Ford Surgery is in the district covered by NHS Suffolk. They are responsible for ensuring you get all the services you need. For details of all primary care services in the area, look at Your PCT Guide to Primary Care Services at or get the information you need at The PCT also produces Your Guide to Local Health Services.
Suffolk Primary Care Trust
Rushbrook House
Paper Mill Lane
Tel: (01473) 770000
Other information
Complaints & Compliments
Combs Ford Surgery aims to give a friendly and professional service to all our patients. However, if you have any concerns about any aspect of our service, please let us know. Speak to whomever you feel most comfortable – your GP, our practice manager or our reception staff will be happy to help. In the majority of cases, concerns can be resolved quite easily. However, if you feel we have not dealt with the issues you have raised as you would wish, you can write to the Practice Manager at the address on the back of this leaflet. Full details of your complaint will be taken and a full investigation will be initiated. You will receive an acknowledgement letter within 2 working days and we will endeavour to answer your queries within 10 working days. We also welcome your comments and praise for our staff! Please ask our Reception staff for a copy of our leaflet “How To Make A Complaint/Compliment”.
Other useful contacts –
PALS (Patient Advocacy & Liaison Service)
Stow Lodge Centre
Chilton Way
IP14 1SZ Tel: FREEPHONE 0800 389 6819
Patients with particular needs