Riverdale School Board Minutes
Regular Meeting
March22, 2010
The Board of Education of Riverdale C.U.S.D. #100 met in the High School Library, 9622 256th Street North, Port Byron, Illinois for a Regular Meeting on Monday evening.
Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at7:00 p.m.
Todd Caves, member, Sherry Creen, member, Steve Gibson, member, Rick Kessler, member, Lori Wirt, member, Brian Plumb, Vice President, Tom Schroeder, President
Principal Reports
Mrs. Evans reportedthe following:
·Over 100 families attended and participated in activities at the Math Festival held March 18.
·Completed ISAT testing with good reports from teachers.
·Pre-K screening was held March 15.
·PTA Founders Day is scheduled for April 7 at 3:15.
·Kindergarten Round-up will be held on April 29 at 6:30.
Mr. Jennings reported the following:
·Students and staff did a wonderful job completing ISAT tests.
·Field trips are scheduled for April 29 - 8th grade will attend Finance Park; 7th grade will take an environmental cruise on the Mississippi followed by an afternoon on Everest at the Imax; 6th grade will do team building activities at Adventure Quest.
·Wrestlers finished 3rd in conference competition and highlighted by a 3rd place finish at the tournament. 8th grade girls finished as co-champions and conference tournament champions. Quiz Bowl wraps up their season on March 25. Spring activities are starting.
Mr. Boyd reported the following:
·Instrumental Music Concert is March 25.
·Junior, Elizabeth White, was named Student of the Month in Digital Electronics at the AreaCareerCenter.
·Music trip to St. Louis will take place March 27-29. They will experience the Life Science Lab. OMNIMAX Theater “Ultimate Wave: Tahiti,” City Museum, Bissell Mansion Mystery Dinner Theatre, Gateway Arch, Performance of the St. Louis Symphony Orchestra, Scott Joplin Historic Site, ending with performances by our Band and Choir at the Museum.
·With the addition of Kewanee to our Conference, we will have an Art Festival similar to our current Music Festival.
Elementary HVAC Update
Mr. Jacobs and Mr. Mathias met with the architect, engineer, contractor and subcontractors who are ready to begin work the end of this school year, and plan to complete the project by July 30, 2010.
Consent Agenda
Motion to approve the following as presented:
·Open and Closed Session Minutes for February 22, 2010
·Accounts Payable and Financial Reports
·Amend 2009-10 School Calendar to Reflect Use of Emergency Days
·Renew Annual Membership as follows:
1.IllinoisHigh School Association
2.IllinoisElementary School Association
Motion (Kessler), Second (Plumb) - Roll Call: All yes, Motion carried
Into Closed Session
Motion to go into closed session to discuss non-tenured teacher and Superintendent evaluations, other personnel appointments and employment, and employee contract negotiations at 7:13p.m.
Motion (Kessler), Second (Wirt) - Roll Call: All yes, Motion carried
Out of Closed Session
Motion to come out of closed session at 8:45 p.m.
Motion (Kessler), Second (Creen) - Roll Call: All yes, Motion carried
Motion to approve a resolution authorizing Reduction in Force of Education Support Personnel as recommended.
·Kathrine Campbell
·Tina Leetz
·Christina Smith
·Jima Belton
·Karen Searl
·Carrie Henderson
·Nicole Cato
·Rebecca Brown
·Jennifer Kaufman
·Beverly Green
Motion (Schroeder), Second (Kessler) - Roll Call: All yes, Motion carried
Motion to approve a resolution authorizing Non-Renewal of First, Second and Third Year Probationary Teachers as recommended.
·Amy Baumgartner
·Teresa Hofmann
Motion (Schroeder), Second (Gibson) - Roll Call: All yes, Motion carried
Motion to approve the transfer of Valerie (Gaic) Syoen from Pre-Kindergarten to First Grade Teacher, effective the 2010-11 school year.
Motion (Creen), Second (Wirt) - Roll Call: All yes, Motion carried
Motion to hire Laura Jackson as Elementary Physical Education Teacher, effective the 2010-11 school year.
Motion (Kessler), Second (Wirt) - Roll Call: All yes, Motion carried
Motion to approve Ben Tague as High School Asst. Musical Producer/Director, effective the 2010-11 school year.
Motion (Wirt), Second (Gibson) - Roll Call: All yes, Motion carried
Motion to approve Amy Saddoris as High School Football Cheerleading Sponsor, effective the 2010-11 school year.
Motion (Kessler), Second (Wirt) - Roll Call: All yes, Motion carried
Motion to approve the following personnel who have completed their first year probationary status at the end of the 2009-10 school year be issued a contract and moved to the second year of probationary status for the 2010-11 school year.
·Jennifer Johnson
·Benjamin Tague
·Sarah Carls
·Cara Guenther
·Susan Clark
·Lisa Petersen
·Rebecca Carton
·Emily Brake
Motion (Kessler), Second (Gibson) - Roll Call: All yes, Motion carried
Motion to approve the following personnel who have completed their second year probationary status at the end of the 2009-10 school year be issued a contract and moved to the third year of probationary status for the 2010-11 school year.
·Tara Oleson
·Korinne Hollis
·Jason Hendrix
·Valerie Syoen
·Erin LaCopo
Motion (Creen), Second (Wirt) - Roll Call: All yes, Motion carried
Motion to approve the following personnel who have completed their third year probationary status at the end of the 2009-10 school year be issued a contract and moved to the fourth year of probationary status for the 2010-11 school year.
·Melissa Haverback
·Susan Simosky
Motion (Wirt), Second (Creen) - Roll Call: All yes, Motion carried
Motion to approve the following personnel who have completed their fourth year probationary status at the end of the 2009-10 school year be issued a contract and moved to tenure status for the 2010-11 school year.
·Cory Skahill
·Brian Krier
Motion (Kessler), Second (Wirt) - Roll Call: All yes, Motion carried
Motion to approve the following part-time personnel will be issued a part-time contract for the 2010-11 school year.
·Sally Renkes
·Gary Harlacher
Motion (Wirt), Second (Creen) - Roll Call: All yes, Motion carried
Motion to renew the contract of James Jennings, Middle School Principal, for the 2010-11 school year.
Motion (Caves), Second (Creen) - Roll Call:Ayes (Creen, Plumb, Caves, Gibson, Wirt), Nays (Kessler, Schroeder), Motion carried
Motion to renew the contract of Andrew Mitchell, Associate High School Principal/Athletic Director, for the 2010-11 school year.
Motion (Gibson), Second (Creen) - Roll Call: Ayes (Creen, Plumb, Caves, Gibson, Wirt), Nays (Kessler, Schroeder), Motion carried
Motion to renew the contract of Julia Evans, Elementary Principal, for the 2010-11 school year.
Motion (Wirt), Second (Caves) - Roll Call: Ayes (Creen, Plumb, Caves, Gibson, Wirt), Nays (Kessler, Schroeder), Motion carried
Motion to adjourn the meeting at9:07 p.m.
Motion (Kessler), Second (Gibson) - Roll Call: All yes, Motion carried