Institute of Advanced Studies Santander Fellowships: Application pack
University of Surrey
Institute of Advanced Studies
Santander Fellows
Application pack
As part of its aim to foster interdisciplinary collaborations and encourage a flow of international scholars to visit the University of Surrey, enjoy their stay at Surrey and leave behind excellent ideas and innovations, the Institute of Advanced Studies has established a Fellowship scheme. The scheme will enable scholars to spend time with University of Surrey academics pursuing research of mutual interest.
Fellows receive an allowance of up to £5000 to fund travel to and subsistence at the University (but not salary). The Fellowship scheme is supported by Santander Universities and by the University of Surrey.
Applications should be made before the deadline of 13 October 2017 for visits in the calendar year 2017. Applications can only be made through a University of Surrey academic, who acts as the host for the visit.
Fellows’ visit to the University may either be for one extended period, or several shorter periods, depending on the Fellows’ other commitments and the nature of the research collaboration.
It is expected that the Fellowship will result in some specific outcome or outcomes, such as a paper jointly authored with the host, a collaborative research proposal, establishing a research network, or a jointly organized activity such as a workshop or concert. Fellows are also expected to contribute to University life, for example with a seminar, lecture, meetings with doctoral students etc.
There is no restriction on the discipline of the Fellow or the topic of the Fellowship, other than that the Fellow must work closely with one or more Surrey academics.
Who should apply
- Applicants for Fellowships must be supported by a member of the academic staff of the University of Surrey (see ‘How to apply’ below).
- Applicants should normally be based and employed outside the UK in an academic institution or a government funded research institute. Applicants should not have spent significant periods working or visiting in the UK in the recent past.
- Applicants should have a doctorate or equivalent professional experience and an excellent and established track record in research given the stage in their career. The scheme does not support those studying for a PhD.
- Applicants of all nationalities are welcome. Fellowships may be used to pay for visas, but the Institute is not able to arrange visa applications.
How to apply
- Applications can only be submitted by an academic member of the University of Surrey (the ‘host’). They should be submitted by email to the IAS coordinator () by the deadline using the application form that can be obtained from the coordinator (and which is appended).
- The application form requests details of the applicant for a fellowship, the host, the work to be done during the Fellowship and the support requested.
- A host can only submit one application in each of the annual Fellowship competition rounds.
Assessment of applications
- Applications submitted by the deadline are checked for eligibility and completeness by the IAS coordinator. The applicant’s and the host’s Heads of Department are contacted to confirm that the applicant’s institution supports the Fellowship and the host’s Department can accommodate the Fellow.
- The application is considered at a meeting of the IAS advisory board < which ranks the applications in order of merit using the following criteria and their own judgement:
- The expected contribution to scholarship at the University of Surrey
- The fit of the applicant’s proposed work to research at Surrey
- The quality of the proposal, including its degree of innovation, its feasibility, and the likelihood of obtaining high impact outputs
- The expected benefit to the applicant’s career
- The likelihood of forging links between the applicant’s institution and the University of Surrey
- The highest ranked applications are awarded Fellowships. Applicants and hosts will be notified of the outcome in December 2017.
During and after the Fellowship
- Fellows are required to provide a brief report to the IAS coordinator at the start of their first visit to confirm that the Fellowship has begun and that it conforms to what is stated in the proposal.
- Fellows are required to submit a report of 500 – 1000 words within one month of the end of the Fellowship describing the achievements enabled by the award and their plans to build on those achievements.
- Fellows are also required to submit a short report twelve months after the Fellowship ends describing longer term impacts and additional activities resulting from the Fellowship.
For enquiries about the Fellowship scheme, please contact the IAS Coordinator, Mirela Dumic <>
IAS Fellowship Application Form
This form should be completed jointly by the applicant who would receive the Fellowship and by the member of University of Surrey academic staff who will host the visit. Once complete, (a) a PDF copy of this form, (b) the applicant’s CV, and (c) a description of the work to be done should be submitted by the host to before the deadline of midnight, 13 October 2017.
The applicant
Given name:
Family name:
Postal address:
Telephone (with international dialing code):
Email address:
Please attach a CV of the applicant, not exceeding 4 pages in length
The host at the University of Surrey
The Department will need to agree to host the Fellow, providing suitable office space and facilities, and will not be able to change bench fees or any other fee to the Fellow. Please confirm that this has been agreed with the HoD (formal confirmation will be requested after the Fellowship application has been approved).
The Fellowship
List the start and end dates of each of the planned visit(s) to Surrey. All visits must begin and end within the calendar year 2018.
Start date / End dateVisit 1
Visit 2
Visit 3
Total duration of visits, in days:
Please attach a description of the work to be done during the Fellowship. This should include an overview of (a) its aims (b) the programme of activities to be undertaken during the Fellowship (c) the expected benefits of the work to scholarship, to the University of Surrey and to the applicant, and should be written in language that can be understood by a non-specialist reader. (500 words maximum)
Please list the outcomes planned for the Fellowship. These should be specific and measurable (e.g. ‘submit a paper to the Journal of X before the end of the Fellowship’, not ‘improve my knowledge of the Y process’). (200 words maximum)
If the Fellowship arises from some previous collaboration between the applicant and the host, please provide details and explain the added value that the Fellowship would provide. (200 words maximum)
How will the collaboration be continued following the Fellowship? (100 words maximum)
Describe how any Intellectual Property Rights resulting from the Fellowship activities will be assigned. (100 words maximum)
Support requested
Funds will be paid to the applicant by the IAS against receipts, up to the maximum awarded. Note that this means that expenses will not be reimbursed unless justified with receipts and that money will only be paid retrospectively after a claim has been received by the IAS. The support for a Fellowship can only cover travel, subsistence, visa costs, health insurance and registration fees for conference and workshops. It does not cover salaries, the purchase of equipment, publication costs, licenses or consumables. The maximum award is £5000. Guidance on what may be claimed for specific items (e.g. travel costs) can be found in the University’s Finance Policy, copies of which can be obtained from the IAS coordinator,
Please itemize, as exactly and specifically as possible:
- Travel to the University of Surrey from the applicant’s home and return (for each visit)
- Travel at the University (e.g. to other UK institutions, to conferences etc.)
- Cost of accommodation (hotel bills, rent etc.)
- Daily subsistence allowance
- Cost of visa, if required
- Health insurance, if required
Total (if the total is greater than £5000, explain where the additional funding will be found):
Contact details of Heads of Department
The applicant’s and the host’s Heads of Department will be contacted by the IAS before a fellowship is awarded to confirm that the applicant’s institution supports the Fellowship and the host’s Department can accommodate the Fellow.
Applicant’s Head of Department
Name of HoD:
Name and address of Department:
Host’s Head of Department
Please email a PDF version of this form when completed, a copy of the applicant’s CV, and a description of the work to be done to by the closing date (see the IAS website for the deadline).