California State University San Marcos
Weekly Minutes for Budget and Long Range Planning Committee (BLP)
March 8, 2006, Twentieth Meeting of the 2005-2006 Academic Year
Present: Kathleen Watson (chair), Bonnie Bade (co-chair) into meeting underway, Robin Marion, Vicki Golich, Kit Herlihy, Patty Seleski, Tom Bennett and David Barsky
Absent: Wayne Veres
Excused: Mary Hinchman (Only attends for finance/budget issues)
Minutes: Recorded by Robin Marion, Committee met in Kellogg 3013 from 2-4 PM.
Minutes from February 22 were approved and cc’d. to Marcia Wolff.
Request for BLP meeting schedule to Academic Senate so potential members can know the schedule prior to volunteering for the election. Suggest keeping Wed 2-4, check with Robin’s schedule and Bonnie’s.
This meeting focused on:
Ø Reflections on Academic Affairs sub-committee meeting about budget proposals (strategic use of $1 million allocation)
Ø Upcoming schedule for BLP review
Ø Update on MSW review from group checking into budget
Ø HHS representation on BLP
Ø Review of Anthropology proposal
Ø Upcoming review schedule
Reflections on Academic Affairs subcommittee recommendations
There was a high similarity between BLP recommendations and those going forward from the AA subcommittee. Some items were upgraded to highest priority; others were moved to lower priorities. No details are provided here due to confidentiality issues.
Upcoming review timeline
There are two more meetings in March (15 & 22), and four in April (5, 12, 19, 26). We still need to reply to response from originators of MSW, send a letter to originator of Anthropology, and review the P-forms for the MBA major revision and Applied Physics. We are still expecting responses from Communicative Disorders Master’s Option and Certificate. UCC has divided the remaining proposals, and the Anthropology/MSW, Physics/MBA, and Communication/Liberal Studies are paired for review by subgroups.
MSW Budget review
We continue to review the budget for MSW, and are forwarding a list of questions to the originators for clarification.
HHS Representation on BLP
The suggestion was made to invite representation on BLP for HHS for next year, to help committee answer questions about proposals going through. This will help the college be part of the process in an organic way by seeing other proposals. HHS is missing a curriculum committee process to vet proposals prior to getting to BLP.
Undergraduate Degree in Anthropology
This proposal is very thorough and well thought out, but we seek clarification on several issues.
Ø Please number pages of proposal throughout
Ø Please attach survey mentioned on page 13
Ø Clarify rationale for very focused program in Medical and Indigenous Anthropology, including nearby programs that offer complementary degrees
Ø Please clarify how 9 units transferred in count towards degree
Ø Please clarify the demand for the major by stating how many special majors are currently arranged for Anthropology
Ø Clarify demand for Anthropologists in the County, and the large group of potential adjunct faculty with expertise
Ø Outline long range plans for space in the Social Behavior Building
Ø Clarify IITS needs, and tech support for labs
Ø Get Library and IITS signatures
Ø Clarify staff support needs and how met now and in future (next 3-5 years)
Ø On list of courses put potential instructor names beside them
Ø Be explicit about unique leveraging of local area (19 Reservations)
Ø Remove odd pg 23 not related to major (copier malfunction?)
Ø Remove “FTEs” from one chart where it refers to numbers of majors instead
Please clarify, add, delete as indicated in response to BLP letter. Kathleen will send letter to Bonnie once has minutes.
Upcoming review schedule:
The following list is a compilation of what is undergoing review at UCC and/or BLP, and two of these may not need BLP review.
ü M.A. Option in Communication Sciences and Disorders (waiting for response from originators)
ü Undergrad Certificate in Communication Sciences and Disorders (waiting for response from originators)
ü Linguistics Minor – UCC has completed review of this (letter has gone out from BLP)
ü MA in Social work – review responses to questions BLP posed (refer to Provost and originators for revision/clarification)
ü Anthropology (letter to go to originator)
ü MBA major revision (review 3/15, Kathleen will provide some clarification of courses and resource implications)
ü Physics proposal
ü ICP program – technical revision – only to UCC unless requested by BLP
ü Minor change in Special Ed option – only to UCC unless requested by BLP
We don’t want to leave unreviewed proposals to go forward to next year. Deadline for Senate first reading is 2nd April meeting, April 19.
Unfinished from previous agendas:
Ø discuss a resolution concerning active budget committees in all colleges
Ø discuss how/if BLP will begin reviewing proposals with an eye to strategic priorities
Ø set up a Provost visit to discuss budget priorities, current process for setting priorities, and LP part of BLP
Ø look at revised boiler plate language for letters to originators
Reminder of Items for AY 2005-2006 Agenda
Completed items:
1. P-form for M.A. in History – recommended to move forward.
2. A-form for M.A. in Social Work – recommended to move forward, P-form expected
3. A-form for B.A. in Environmental Studies – recommended to move forward, P-form expected
4. A-form for B.A. in Philosophy – recommended to move forward, P-form expected
5. A-form for B.A. in Global Studies – recommended to move forward, P-form expected
6. A-form for B.A. in Arts and Technology – recommended to move forward, P-form expected
7. P-form for new concentration in Physiology for Biology major – draft letter under review
8. P-form for M.A. in Education option in Communication Sciences Disorders – letter sent
9. P-form for Communication Sciences and Disorders Preparation Certificate – letter sent
10. P-form for Linguistics minor – letter sent
11. P-form for Anthropology major – draft under construction
12. Review of Academic Affairs budget priorities – recommendations forwarded to AA subcommittee
13. A-form revision – approved by Academic Senate
14. Changes in BLP committee membership to include IITS representation – done
Ongoing work:
15. Resolution concerning having active budget committees in colleges
16. P-form for Masters in Social Work – forward to Provost and originators for clarification
17. MBA major revision
18. Physics proposal
19. Review boiler plate language for letters from BLP.