Attachment 6

Guidelines for Collaborative Co-Sponsorship

Please complete and attach this form prior to co-sponsoring any event. This form should be used for any event where there is a collaborating group, even if the event is already listed in your excel sheet. This form should be turned to the SSFC Chair & Financial Specialist, a minimum of 3 weeks prior to the event.

GSSF funded programs cannot act as a funding source for other organization’s activities using student fees. Any documents or actions that resemble org’s acting as funding sources will be reported to the SSFC leadership.

”Collaboration. One group identifies a goal. They then identify other groups who might share similar goals. The groups agree to work together to plan and carry out an event which helps both fulfill their goals. There is extensive contact between many members of the group, both in planning and carrying out the event. When all is said and done, many people got to meet and work with each other. Many people will have formed many more personal and group connections throughout the campus. “

  • Your organization must be a partner in the program planning/implementation of the event
  • Your organization members must be a significant part of the intended audience/participants
  • The program must support your organization’s mission goals, and core purpose
  • The name of your organization must be included on all of the publicity for the event or program. It must also include the ASM logo and disclaimer
  • Funding can only be used by the org. awarded the GSS fund monies. However, it is important to encourage collaboration and recognize the UW-Madison campusculture of multiple program support
  • Your Organization must be a primary & active member of the event/program planning and be the sole contact w/the SSFC Financial Specialist
  • Other organizations can apply for ASM grant funds, MCC funds, UHS Mini-grants, MorgridgeCenter grants, collaborate w/WUD, etc.

Event Name______Event Date(s)______

Primary Organizer from your group______

Phone & Email of Primary Organizer______

What category & event name does this come from in your approved excel GSSF Budget:

Total amount of money your organization is contributing $______

Total amount of organizing/planning time your organization is contributing: ______hrs

Please explain the types of tasks you are doing to help w/the organizing/planning:

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Please list other collaborating organizations:

Collaborating Org. Name ______Contact Name ______

Contact Email______Contact Phone ______

Their financial contribution $______

Collaborating Org. Name ______Contact Name ______

Contact Email______Contact Phone ______

Their financial contribution $______

Collaborating Org. Name ______Contact Name ______

Contact Email______Contact Phone ______

Their financial contribution $______

If needed have you completed a “Budget Alteration Request Form,” or a “New Program Justification Form” in order to participate in this event?

If yes, please attach a copy of the request documents. What date(s) were the form(s) submitted to the SSFC Chair? ______

If No, please submit the appropriate form to the SSFC Chair prior to submitting any payment documentation. If not submitted to the chair at least 3 weeks prior, to the event, you cannot financially support this event. Do Not Proceed until you have submitted the proper forms and received the proper approvals.

Budget Work Sheet

Category / Your
Organization / Collaborating
Org. #1 / Collaborating
Org. # 2 / Total
Honoraria/Fees / $ / $ / $ / $
Transportation / $ / $ / $ / $
Lodging / $ / $ / $ / $
Supplies / $ / $ / $ / $
Advertising / $ / $ / $ / $
Rental / $ / $ / $ / $
Food / $ / $ / $ / $
Other / $ / $ / $ / $
Other / $ / $ / $ / $
Total / $ / $ / $ / $

Please process all required business forms and paperwork 3 weeks prior to the date of the activity. If you have questions please call Anju Chhetri @ 265-9020.

Authorized Signer ______Date ______

SSFC Rep. ______Date Received ______ Page 2 of 2