1)The Primary Care Trust are already negotiating the contract for the surgery with ONE INDEPENDENT company

2)This company has Shareholders and will run this Surgery.

3)The original contract will last for 5 years

4)This company may NOT actually build a new health centre but simply convert an older building

5)They will be allowed to take 10% or more of the yearly budget as PROFIT.

6)This could be £200,000 + in the first year.

7)This is equal to £4.76 for every man woman and child in the area in the first year.

8)If the surgery ever gets its full 9000 patients the profits will be £400,000 + a year. That is £9.52 for every man woman and child in the area.

9)Arriva has cancelled the bus service from Melling as unprofitable so if you do not own a car you will not be able to use the surgery.

10)The Company who will run this surgery MAY use a NURSE PRACTITIONER to sort out those patients, SHE/HE feels do not need to see a DOCTOR.

11)This new surgery will open from 10am until 12:00 noon on Saturdays but with NO guarantee that you will see a DOCTOR, it may be a NURSE PRACTITIONER.

12)The British Medical Association has stated that DOCTORS employed by such companies are NOT held to the same standards of care as other GP’S.

13)These companys do NOT have to meet the same standards of care that ordinary GP Surgeries do.

14)DOCTORS employed by a company, which runs an out of hours practice for Sefton PCT in Southport and Litherland have resigned stating they fear for patients on health and safety issues.

15)There have been reports of PATIENTS having problems, such

as heart attacks being mis-diagnosed in private company run

clinics, by NURSE PRACTITIONERS because they decided

the patient did NOT need to see a doctor.