REMINDERS: HAPPY THANKSGIVING! Wishing ALL of my families a wonderful Thanksgiving Holiday.

SCHOOL WILL BE CLOSED: Nov. 26th (Thursday) & Nov. 27th (Friday)

Nov. 25th (Wednesday) is a 1:40 DISMISSAL day

REPORT CARDS will be sent home November 25th

Conferences to begin November 30th-December 4th

Reading Workshop:Good Readers:

  • Make connections when reading on their own & when listening to a story
  • Continue to use Post-its to jot down information from their books
  • Continue to use their reading journals
  • Use their HOME reading logs and book baggies & the class baggy
  • Use the READING COMPREHENSION strategies sheet to better understand stories
  • Will add reading strategies including: looking for the BIG IDEA; looking for details and other reading strategies
  • Practice in their ONE LEVEL up books-working on the GOAL of their reading level GOING UP one level by December!

Helping out at home:

  • Take your child to the library and encourage them to use what they learned to help them pick out books they would be interested in reading at home!
  • Read nightly to your child and be their reading buddy, helping them to

practice good listening and sharing. (BOOK BAGGIES/LOG)

Writing Workshop:Good Writers:

  • Will continue to WRITE HOW TO books-informational writing
  • Review the “rules of writing” such as: proper sentence formation, using sounds to spell words and using sight words
  • Remember to add pictures with LABELS to their writing
  • Will REVISE writing both independently and with their writing buddy
  • PUBLISH a HOW TO piece!
  • Remember to add PERSUASION to their informational pieces

Helping out at home:

  • Encourage your child to tell the STEPS of something they know how to do-using the words: FIRST, NEXT and LAST
  • Encourage your child to tell you more when they are explaining an experience
  • Encourage your child to share what they have been doing during WRITING class each day!

Word Study: We will be learning:

  • Sight words we need to practice
  • Continuing to use sounds to write words that may be tricky for us
  • Continue sorts, spelling and sentences for our own spelling words.

Helping out at home:

  • Have your child practice writing at home-even if it is simply investigating the spelling of a word that may be challenging for them
  • Encourage your child to use their knowledge of letter sounds to SOUND OUT tricky words and practice writing them

Math:Good Mathematicians:

  • Expand their learning within addition and subtraction
  • Continue using addition and subtraction strategies, solving problems within 20
  • Remember when PROBLEM SOLVING we: show a picture, show the number sentence (equation) and tell HOW we solved
  • Continue to ADD tools to their class MATH TOOLBAG-includes: number line, number grid, manipulatives, etc
  • Use graph data from different graph types to add and subtract

Helping out at home:

  • Have your child practice a variety of addition and subtraction problems
  • Help your child to count daily
  • Have your child practice writing number sentences to match a problem you might ask them to solve

Science:Good Scientists:

  • Understand changes in MOTION.

Helping out at home:

  • Encourage your child to ask questions about how different objects move
  • Talk with your child and ask them to share their science learning with you-either from class science or from science lab classes

Social Studies: Good Citizens:

  • Begin to understand that countries have HISTORY to them
  • Understand the importance of Thanksgiving

Helping out at home:

  • Encourage your child to explore the history of the country that your family identifies with
  • Discuss Thanksgiving and its meaning with your child-have your child share any learning on Native Americans & Pilgrims
  • Talk with your child and ask them to share their social studies learning with you


(free) we have been using a base ten math game

(free) NEW first grade skills added

(free-for math)

(subscription-for multiple subjects)

(login information was sent home!)