Dear Mighty Oak Families,
Our staff would like to thank everyone for coming to our Open House and Book Fair event. Throughout the year we work to offer family activities that enhance your child’s school experience. One of our favorite activities we host at TOES is our Fall Festival. Students enjoy playing carnival games, winning prizes and jumping in the bounce houses! We look forward to seeing you there.
Your child should be settling into the routines of school during this first quarter. It is so important that you set the precedence at home that regular attendance in elementary school demonstrates a good pattern for your child's entire school career. Please reserve days off for illnesses and family emergencies. Also, try and schedule routine doctor and dentist appointments for early morning or later afternoon. Bringing your child into school late and picking them up early in the afternoon causes a disruption to the classroom and takes learning time away from all children. If absences and tardies lean towards a pattern of becoming excessive, Mrs. Sass, Mr. Knowles, (our school Social Worker), or I will be contacting those families.
As a safety reminder, it is important that everyone follows our arrival and dismissal procedures. When arriving in the mornings, students should not be dropped off before 9:20 a.m., because our staff is often participating in morning meetings. However, if you need to be at work prior to this time, we do have an early morning PLACE-child care program, which begins at 6:30 a.m. each morning. For registration information, you may call the PLACE Office at 727-774-0992. Parents and other family members are not allowed to pick their child up at the classroom. School staff will take the children to their appropriate dismissal location. Parents at the walkers gate are asked to remain on the sidewalk and wait for their child inside the gated area. Refrain from having your child use the new sidewalks on Mitchell Blvd. There is not a crossing guard.
In addition, please do not drop students at the front entrance of the school or in the cul-de-sac on Danubian Place. You must drive all the way down by the cafeteria and pull up to the awning. Students are expected to exit the vehicle on the right side, not into traffic. If you need to walk your child into the school, please use the cross walk on Kinsmere Blvd. by the crossing guard. During the afternoons we have two lanes of traffic at the entrance to our campus. If you are picking up a student through the car loop, you will need to follow the traffic in both the left and right lanes. The two lanes merge just beyond our bike rack.
School staff will direct you to the pick up area parallel to our two-story building. Teachers and other staff members are supervising the car riders while they are waiting to hear their car number being called. Thank you for your support.
Live. Learn. Grow.
Mrs. Hoskins, Principal
Mrs. Sass, Assistant Principal
Out-of-Field Teaching Assignments
October 2, 2014
Individuals who are teaching out-of-field are certified in at least one area and are qualified to teach but are required totake additional course work or testing to add a coverage/endorsement to their certificate. The state also requires a teacher to take coursework/inservice towards an English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) endorsement when the teacher is the primary language arts provider and/or reading teacher for an ESOL student.
- The following teachers have agreed to teach out-of-field while completing course work/testing for Gifted: Mr. Dennis Dillon, Mrs. Felicia Toncich, Mrs. Donna delaPaz, and Mrs. Karen Arseneau.
- The following teachers have agreed to teach out-of-field while completing coursework/testing for Autism Spectrum Disorder: Mrs. Paula Marando and Mrs. Susan Johnson.
- The following teachers have completed the requirements and their certificate is pending: Ms. Laura Bandini in the area of gifted.
- The following teachers have agreed to work towards the ESOL endorsement: Mrs. Bibi Bailey and Ms. Laura Hicks, Mrs. Alison Osteen and Ms. Kari Greenfield.
“The Perfect Brainstorm in 3-D”
The Florida Department of Education will host a family engagement workshop on Wednesday, October 1, from 6 p.m. until 7:30p.m. at Sunlake High School, entitled “The Perfect Brainstorm in 3-D”. This interactive workshopwill inspire students, parents and community members to get excited about and involved with The Florida Standards. The 3-D workshop will explain why the standards are beneficial to all Floridians, and teach families specific age-appropriate activities to support learning at home. Parents and kids of all ages are encouraged to attend. See the flier attached!