February 27, 2017

PRESENT: Mayor Kurpis, Council President Jensen, Council Members: Acaster, Gray, Salazer

Schulstad, Yates, Borough Administrator Giaimis, Municipal Clerk Convertini,

Borough Attorney Huntington


PRESIDING: Mayor Kurpis called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.; Borough Clerk

Convertini read the following statement:

PUBLIC NOTICE: "Notice of this meeting in compliance with the Open Public Meetings Act, Chapter 231 of the laws of 1975, has been given by posting a notice of the scheduled dates of all regular meetings of the Mayor and Council of the Borough of Saddle River on the bulletin board in the Municipal Building and in the office of the Borough Clerk and by emailing notice thereof to the Herald News and The Record on December 21, 2016." Also on the official Borough website and E-notify.




Swearing in of Borough Administrator – Jerry Giaimis

Mayor Kurpis swore in Borough Administrator Jerry Giaimis at this time.

Resolution to Appoint Borough Administrator

Resolution # 52-17 Offered by Council President Jensen

Seconded by Council Member Schulstad

Roll Call Vote: AYES, Unanimous

OPEN TO THE PUBLIC (Saddle River Residents Only)

Alexandra Samoulidis, 4 Lookout Drive asked about the status of leasing Borough water and Mayor Kurpis stated that, as there is no interest from Suez Water, the matter has been closed.

Thomas Weng, 69 Fox Hedge Road stated that he is the President of the Board of Education but he is speaking as a resident. He thanked the Mayor and Council for their continued support to Wandell School through shared services and asked if the Borough could continue to provide landscaping services to the school.

Andreas Ohl, 85 West Saddle River Road asked when the Wildlife Management Committee would be meeting. Mayor Kurpis stated that Dr. Cerf is working on a non-lethal deer management plan at no cost to the Borough and the next meeting has not been scheduled to date.



Conference with Congressman Gottheimer: Mayor Kurpis stated that he attended this meeting with all Mayors in Bergen County. Grants were addressed and Mayor Kurpis further stated that he would like to hire a grant consultant in Saddle River to ensure that grant opportunities are not missed.

Northwest Bergen Mayor’s Meeting: Mayor Kurpis stated that he attended this meeting and the topic of grants was also addressed.

Appointment of Bob Lahita as Borough Surgeon/Medical Director: Mayor Kurpis stated that he has withdrawn this resolution as there is more research that must be done regarding this appointment.

Social Media Policy: Mayor Kurpis stated that he is going to remove this from the Consent Agenda in order to review this further. He stated that this policy is critical and it must be carefully constructed. Council Member Schulstad stated that there should be a media policy and have it not be limited to social media.


Administrator Giaimis thanked the Mayor and Council for their support and stated that he is looking forward to working with the Mayor and Council in the Borough of Saddle River.

Construction Project Bid: Administrator Giaimis stated that he is working with Attorney Huntington on this bid and it will be finalized shortly. He further stated that he is reviewing all contracts and will be determining which contracts require renewal.





Ordinance No. 17-927-C

An Ordinance Providing for a Special Emergency Appropriation to Fund a Revaluation

Resolution # 53-16 was offered by Council President Jensen

Seconded by Council Member Gray

Motion to Open to the Public by Council Member Gray

Seconded by Council Member Schulstad

Voice Vote: All AYES

OPEN TO THE PUBLIC: No one wished to be heard

Motion to Close the Hearing to the Public by Council President Jensen

Seconded by Council Member Gray

Voice Vote: All AYES

Roll Call Vote: AYES, Unanimous


Resolution #54-17 Offered by Council Member Salazer

Seconded by Council President Jensen

Roll Call Vote: AYES, Unanimous


All matters listed hereunder are considered routine in nature and will be enacted in one motion. Any Council Member may request that an item be removed for separate consideration. Considering approval of minutes, a yes vote will indicate a vote in favor of approval of the minutes of each meeting at which the Council Member was present and an abstention with respect to the minutes of meetings at which such Council Member was not present.

Resolution Offered by Council President Jensen

Seconded by Council Member Gray

Explanation of Consent Agenda Items

A.  Approval of Minutes: Regular Meeting: January 16, 2017 Executive Session: January 16, 2017

Special Meeting: January 26, 2017

Executive Session: January 26, 2017 Work Session Meeting: January 26, 2017

Executive Session: January 26, 2017

B.  Resolutions:

R# 55-17 Soil Movement Resolution

R# 56-17 Appt. Dr. Paul Rosenberg to Green Team & Equestrian Committee

R# 57-17 Auth. Planting & Landscape Management Master Plan

R# 58-17 Appt. Teterboro Airport Noise Abatement Committee

R# 59-17 Amending Valic Plan

R# 60-17 Transfer Resolution

R# 61-17 Auth. Community Block Grant

R# 62-17 Adopt 2017-By Laws

R# 63-17 Appt. Nik Aktas Chairman Environmental Commission

R# 64-17 Approve NJDOT Grant Application

R# 65-17 Bid Award – Salt Shed Renovation

R# 66-17 West Bergen Mental Healthcare Agreement

R# 67-17 Tax Court Refund

R# 68-17 Authorizing Retaining Grant Consultant

R# 69-17 Appointing Certifying Agent

R# 70-17 Amending the Approving of Professionals

R# 71-17 Amending Cooperative Agreement with County of Bergen

R# 72-17 Appointing P.A.C.O Officer

R# 73-17 Sustainable Jersey Grant Application

Council President Jensen asked about the details of the Resolution for the Bid Award for the Salt Shed

Renovation and Administrator Giaimis provided the detail at this time.

Council Member Gray asked that the resolution Authorizing the Utilization of the Marker House for OEM

and CERT offices be removed for separate consideration.

The Social Media Policy was removed from the Consent Agenda.


Corinne Kerner, 229 West Saddle River asked about the Community Block Grant and this was clarified.

She also asked about the changes in the By-Laws and further stated that a Council Member must be

present in order to vote. Council Members have voted in the past by teleconference and she stated that

this is not permitted in Roberts Rules of Order. She asked about the resolution to retain a Grant

Consultant and encouraged the Mayor and Council to review several firms. Mayor Kurpis stated that he

would like to get a consultant on board as quickly as possible in order to take advantage of numerous

grant opportunities currently available.

Ms. Kerner asked about the 501 C-3 status which must be reinstated for the Bishop House in order for

them to take advantage of grant opportunities. She further stated that the Marker House is for passive

recreational purposes only.

Roll Call Vote: AYES, Unanimous

Resolution Authorizing the Utilization of the Marker House for OEM & CERT Offices

Council Member Gray stated that this property may only be used for Open Space and incidental activities thereto. Attorney Huntington stated that the funds used to procure this property place strict limitations on its use. It was determined that this resolution will be carried for further review.

Resolution Requesting a Written Report from the Wildlife Management Committee

R# 74-17 Offered by Council President Jensen

Seconded by Council Member Schulstad

Council President Jensen stated that he had concerns that this process has taken too long as this is a serious problem in town and requires a solution.

Council Member Schulstad stated that the non-lethal report should have been written some time ago and suggested that the resolution be revised accordingly. Council Member Gray stated that the Wildlife Management Committee liaison should advise the committee that the Mayor and Council as well as the residents are expecting an update.

Council Member Schulstad suggested that the resolution be revised to remove “using non-lethal methods” in the language of the resolution.

Roll Call Vote: AYES, Unanimous


Board of Health: Council Member Salazer gave the report for February 2017.

Landmarks Committee: Council Member Salazer gave the report for February 2017.

Bishop House Committee: Council Member Salazer stated that the committee did not meet but they are in the process of obtaining their 501 C-3 status.

Equestrian Committee: There was no report at this time.

Finance Committee: Council Member Salazer gave the report for February 2017, outlining details of the bond rating and the 2017 Municipal Budget.

Special Events Committee: No report at this time.

Public Relations Committee: Council Member Salazer gave the report for February 2017.

COAH: Council President Jensen gave the report for February 2017.

Planning Board: Council President Jensen gave the report for February 2017.

Saddle River Museum Committee: Council Member Acaster gave the report for February 2017.

Const. & Zoning Enforcement: Council Member Acaster gave the report for February 2017.

Public Works: Council Member Acaster gave the report for February 2017.

Zoning Board: Council Member Gray gave the report for February 2016.

Board of Education: Council Member Gray gave the report for February 2017.

Beautification Committee: Council Member Gray gave the report for February 2017.

Environmental Commission: Council Member Yates gave the report for January 2017. The need for the Wildlife Management Committee to work closely with or be combined with the Environmental Commission was addressed.

Recycling & Green Team Committee: Council Member Yates gave the report for February 2017.

Wildlife Management Committee: Council Member Yates stated that he has asked numerous times for a report and, to date, has not received either the report or the aerial survey information required.

Ordinance Review Committee: Council Member Schulstad gave the report for February 2017.

Parks and Recreation: Council Member Schulstad gave the report for February 2017.

Information and Transparency Committee: Council Member Schulstad gave the report for January 2017. The committee is currently working on the redesign of the Borough website, focusing on the Site Map.

Department of Public Safety: Council Member Acaster gave a general overview of the Public Safety Department, stating that the first meeting will take place on February 28, 2017.

Fire Report: Council President Jensen gave the report for January 2017.

Police Report: Council Member Acaster gave the report for February 2017.

EMS Report: Council Member Acaster gave the report for January 2017. Mayor Kurpis stated that CERT and OEM would like to use the Marker property for administrative purposes.


Marilyn Goldfischer, 124 West Saddle River Road stated that she is glad that the Mayor and Council has decided not to lease Borough water. She further stated that she is not in favor of the Streetscape Phase IV project and she asked about the Marker property and how it would be utilized. She suggested that it be used for special needs housing.

Amy Atkinson, 19 Westerly Road stated that she is not in favor of the language change in the Wildlife Management Committee resolution.

Corinne Kerner, 229 West Saddle River Road addressed contacting the Police Department in an emergency. Chief McWilliams addressed this matter in detail at this time, stressing that using 911 is preferable. She addressed the Wildlife Management Committee and the referendum and she stated that the residents want to see action on this matter as quickly as possible. She suggested that a lethal and non-lethal method of deer management be duel tracked in order to get a plan orchestrated. Mayor Kurpis was in agreement, stating that he gets inquiries from residents about this matter regularly.

Patty Nazzaro, 3 Westwind Court stated that she feels that the referendum was unclear and she discussed this in detail. She agreed that residents are frustrated with the deer management problem.

She further addressed Social Media and stated that most neighboring municipalities utilize several sites with no issues.

Bob LaViano, 59 Woodcliff Lake Road stated that he would like to see the Borough hire a part time forester to deal with the hazardous tree issue in Saddle River. A qualified forester can also identify invasive species in order to remediate this issue. He further stated that road side appearance needs to be improved.

Council Member Schulstad asked what regulatory power the Borough could exercise in order to have residents be more responsible for their property appearance, particularly wooded property along roadways. Attorney Huntington stated that he would review this matter.

Kim Nagelhout, Animal Protection League of New Jersey stated that this organization will provide $15,000 toward a non-lethal deer management plan in Saddle River.

Amy Atkinson stated that the large majority of residents voted for a non-lethal method and the Borough has been offered solutions from several organizations.

Corinne Kerner stated that a written plan from Dr. Cerf has not been submitted. An acceptable plan that will be viable with State agencies must be presented. Mayor Kurpis stated that Dr. Cerf is in the process of constructing a non-lethal plan.

Mark Nagelhout, Park Ridge, NJ stated that the deer should not be held fully responsible for damaging the understory.

Bob LaViano disagreed with this statement; he also suggested that there be both a lethal and non-lethal concept that works together.

Andreas Ohl, 185 West Saddle River Road addressed the deer issue, stating that deer are not the only problem with the native understory in Saddle River.




At this time, a resolution was read to go into Closed Session.

Resolution # 75-17 Offered by Council President Jensen

Second by Council Member Schulstad

Roll Call Vote: AYES: Unanimous

At this time, the Mayor and Council returned to the Regular Session of the meeting.

Mayor Kurpis addressed continuing to provide Wandell School with several shared services in order to assist with funding. Attorney Huntington addressed this matter in detail at this time.