This report represents the final results of an ECP Transnational Networking Activity conducted within the framework of the ESPON 2000-2006 programme, partly financed through the INTERREG programme.

The partnership behind the ESPON programme consists of the EU Commission and the Member States of the EU25, plus Norway and Switzerland. Each partner is represented in the ESPON Monitoring Committee.

This report does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the members of the Monitoring Committee.

Information on the ESPON programme, projects, and ESPON Contact Points Transnational activities can be found on

The web site provides the possibility to download and examine the most recent documents produced by finalised and ongoing ESPON projects and ECP transnational activities.

ISBN number:

This basic report exists only in an electronic version.

Word version:

© The ESPON Monitoring Committee and the partners of the projects mentioned.

Printing, reproduction or quotation is authorized provided the source is acknowledged and a copy is forwarded to the ESPON Coordination Unit in Luxembourg.

1  Final Programme


Territorial Cohesion & Coordination in the BSR

Final Program

VENUE: Hotel Strand - Pärnu, Estonia

Seminar is co-financed by ERDF

through the Interreg III ESPON 2006 program

Monday, April 24

Cohesion: Trends & Analysis

Moderator: Mats Johansson, Associate Professor - KTH The Royal Institute

of Technology - SE

09:00-10:00 (coffee)


10:00 – 10:30

Welcome Words

Magali Bayssiere, ESPON Coordinate Unit – LU

Jaan Öunapuu, Minister of Regional Affairs - EE

Mart Viisitamm, Mayor Pärnu City – EE

10:30 – 12:00

Plenary Session 1

Convergence and divergence in the BSR & Possibilities and challenges of enlargement.

What does the BSR look like today in terms of convergence and divergence? How can convergence be achieved at EU, national and regional levels? Are there goal conflicts in achieving these?

Speakers: Urmas Varblane, Professor - Vice-Dean of Research,

University of Tartu - EE

Michael Wegener, Prof. Dr. Spiekermann & Wegener (S&W) DE

Tomas Hanell, Research Fellow - Nordregio - SE

12:00 – 13:00 Lunch

13:00 – 14:30

Parallel workshops (WS)

WS1: Territorial Cohesion in the BSR

How can we achieve territorial cohesion? Why is it important? Are there several methods to achieve cohesion?

Moderator: Lisa Van Well, Senior Researcher - KTH The Royal Institute of Technology – SE

Participants: Jaak Maandi, Ministry of Interior – EE

Jacek Zaucha, PhD-Associated Professor Gdansk University- CSD – PL

Piotr Korcelli, Professor - Polish Academy of Science, IGSO - PL

Rapporteur: Camila Cortés, MSc and Researcher - KTH, The Royal Institute of Technology –SE

WS2: Cross-border issues in the BSR

The aim of the workshop is to discuss the experiences and challenges of cross-border co-operation in the Baltic Sea Region, and the possible input of ESPON results in their analysis.

Moderator: Heikki Eskelinen, Professor - University of Joensuu- Karelian Institute, ESPON Contact Point – FI

Participants: Urmas Varblane, Professor - Vice-Dean of Research, University of Tartu – EE

Jussi Jauhiainen, Professor - University of Oulu and University of Tartu – FI

Ole Damsgaard, MSc/ Director Nordregio – SE

Rapporteur: Matti Fritsch, Uniersity of Joensuu – FI

13:00 – 14:30

WS3: BSR in Europe and the world

The aim is to shed light on selected aspects of the actual and potential role of BSR in a European and global context. According to VASAB documents the BSR plays "a significant role in the world economic system". However, the region also differs from the rest of Europe in important ways and is marked by significant internal territorial disparities. The questions concern some of the region's relations in its European and global context. The discussion may touch upon its potential as a "Global Economic Integration Zone"

Moderator: Olaf Foss, Research Director, NIBR - NO

Participants: Andreas Cornett, Associate Professor - University of Southern Denmark – DK

Ulf Savbæk, Ministry of Industry – SE

Mats Johansson, Associate Professor - KTH, ESPON Contact Point - SE

Rapporteur: Johanna Roto, MSc - Centre for Urban and Regional Studies, YTK

Helsinki University of Technology - FI

14:30 - 15:00 Coffee

15:00- 16:30

Parallel workshops (WS)

WS4: Dissemination strategies of ESPON results at national and transnational level

Most summaries take the ESPON projects as their starting point, but this workshop illustrates a different approach. A few key concepts - and their relevance to practice - provide entry points. References to projects, reports and maps are linked to these concepts. The approach is presented, one key concept is used to illustrate the approach and the participants are invited to discuss the relative merits of this form of dissemination.

Moderator: Susan Brockett - Programme Director, Nordregio – SE

Participants: Timo Hirvonen, University of Joensuu - FI

Ole Damsgaard, MSc/ Director Nordregio – SE

Garri Raagmaa, Doctor/Director University of Tartu, Pärnu College – EE

Rapporteur: Samuli Lehtonen, Researcher – CURS-Centre for Urban and

Regional Studies, Helsinki University of Technology – FI

WS5: ESPON in interplay with national spatial strategies

Relevance on ESPON results to national spatial strategies. The moderation will mention links between ESPON and the Danish national spatial Planning strategy.

Moderator: Niels Boje Groth, Senior Researcher - Danish Centre for

Forest, Landscape and Planning, KVL – DK

Participants: Janne Antikainen, Senior Researcher - Ministry of Interior – FI

Rivo Noorikov – Consulting and Training Centre Geomedia– EE

Peter Ache-Prof. Dr. Helsinki University of Technology (TKK) - FI

Rapporteur: Kaisa Schmidt-Tomé, Lic.Sc., Researcher - Centre for Urban

and Regional Studies (YTK), Helsinki University of Technology (TKK) - FI

16.30 – 16.50 Coffee

16:50 - 18:30

Panel Discussion 1

ESPON options and goal conflicts relevant for the BSR.

ESPON projects, their relevance for the BSR and the inherent goal conflicts in pursuing the recommendations of ESPON

Moderator: Lisa Van Well, Senior Researcher - KTH The Royal Institute of Technology – SE


Niels Boje Groth, Senior Researcher - Danish Centre for Forest, Landscape and Planning, KVL – DK

-  ESPON 111: “Potentials for polycentric development in Europe”

Mats Johansson, Associate Professor - KTH, ESPON Contact Point – SE

-  ESPON 114: “Demography”

Michael Wegener, Prof. Dr. - Spiekermann & Wegener (S&W) – DE

-  ESPON 113: “Enlargement of the European Union”

-  ESPON 211: “ Territorial Impact of EU Transport and TEN Policies”

Ove Langeland, Senior Researcher Dr.philos – NIBR - NO

-  ESPON 215: “Territorial Impacts of European Fisheries Policy“

Tomas Hanell, Senior Research Fellow, CURS-Centre for Urban and Regional Studies, Helsinki University of Technology – SE, FI

-  ESPON Lisbon/Gothenburg project

Lauri Frank, Dr. Econ., Assistant Professor, University of Jyväskylä- FI

-  ESPON 123: “Identification of Spatially Relevant Aspects of the Information Society”

Christer Bengs, Professor, Swedish Univ. Of Agricultural Science/Dpt Urban Rural Development, SLU -SE

-  ESPON 1.1.2 “Urban-Rural Relations” SLU, Swedish Univ. Of Agricultural Science- SE

Rapporteur: Mr. Tommi Inkinen, Professor - University of Turku - FI

20:00 Reception - Host Invitation

Place: Hotel Strand, Pärnu, Estonia

Tuesday, April 25

Coordination: Policy considerations & strategies

Moderators: Mats Johansson, Associate Professor - KTH The Royal

Institute of Technology - SE

Folke Snickars, Professor, Faculty Dean -KTH The Royal Institute of Technology - SE


Plenary Session 2

ESPON in BSR from an ESPON point of view

Speaker: Magali Bayssiere, ESPON Coordinate Unit – LU

09:45- 11:15

Plenary Session 3

Is there a need for a coordinated strategy for territorial cohesion in the BSR?

Framework for Preliminary Coordination Plan. Discussion of current agendas and also the common perspectives on cooperation across borders.

Moderator: Niels Boje Groth, Senior Researcher - Danish Centre for Forest

Landscape and Planning (KVL) – DK

Speakers: Folke Snickars, Professor, Faculty Dean - KTH The Royal

Institute of Technology – SE

Olle Lundgren, Chairman Committee of Spatial Dev. in the BSR - Ministry of Industry – SE

Sarunas Radvilavicius, Main coordinator of the BEN project- Nordic Council of Ministers Office - LT

11:15 – 12:00 Sandwiches and drinks

12:00 -13:45

Panel Discussion 2

ESPON in BSR from national point of view.

What can countries gain from ESPON? How can ESPON II be better formed to address the needs of the BSR?

Moderator: Folke Snickars, Proessor, Faculty Dean - KTH The Royal Institute of Technology – SE

Speakers: Magali Bayssiere, ESPON Coordinate Unit – LU

Maila Kuusik - Ministry of Internal Affairs, ESPON MC member – EE

Olle Lundgren, Chairman Committee of Spatial Dev. in the BSR - Ministry of Industry – SE

Odd Godal, Senior Adviser - Ministry of Interior, ESPON MC member – NO

Piotr Korcelli, Professor, Polish Academy of Science,


Ilkka Mella, Ministerial Adviser – Ministry of Interior, ESPON MC member - FI

Vladislavs Vesperis - Ministry of regional development and local Government, ESPON Contact Point – LV

Flemming Thornaes, Mst.of Arch. Spatial Planner – Ministry of the Environment, ESPON MC member DK

Rapporteurs: Lisa Van Well, Camila Cortes, KTH – SE


Closing Words

Mr. Garri Raagmaa, Doctor/Director University of Tartu, Pärnu College – EE

Mr. Folke Snickars, Professor, Faculty Dean - KTH The Royal Institute of Technology – SE

2  List of Participants “COBALT” 2006, Pärnu, Estonia

Name / Country / Institution / Address / Telephone / E-mail
Abbas Owoade / Nigeria / KTH- Department of urban Studies / Drottning Kristinas väg 30, SE 10044 Stockholm /
Abusafat Abusafat Osama / Palestine / KTH- Department of urban Studies / Drottning Kristinas väg 30, SE 10044 Stockholm /
Andreas Cornett / Denmark / University of Southern Denmark / Grundtvigs alle 150 , DK-6400 Soenderborg / 4565501369 /
Armands Puzulis / Latvia / Kurzeme Development Agency / Elizabetes 45/47 - 409 / 3717331634 /
Bilyk Krzysztof / Poland / KTH- Department of urban Studies / Drottning Kristinas väg 30, SE 10044 Stockholm /
Bo Löwendahl / Sweden / Boverket / PO Box 534 SE 37123 Karlskrona / 46455353148 /
Camila Cortes / Sweden / KTH- Department of urban Studies / Drottning Kristinas väg 30, SE 10044 Stockholm / 46 8 790 9430 /
Christer Bengs / Sweden / SLU, Swedish Univ. Of Agricultural Science/Dpt Urban Rural Development / Box 7012- 75007 Uppsala / 46018671914 /
Elina Veidemane / Latvia / Ministry of regional development and local governments / Lacplesa 27, Riga / 3717770390 /
Emma Byström / Sweden / KTH- Department of urban Studies / Drottning Kristinas väg 30, SE 10044 Stockholm /
Erik Sandström / Sweden / Skogtyrelsen / UV - Staben, S 55183 Jönköping / 4636155714 /
Eve Toomsalu / Estonia / University of Tartu Pärnu College / Ringi 35, 80010 Pärnu, ESTONIA / 37 244 50 524 /
Evelyn Gustedt / Germany / Academy for Spatial research and Planning (ARL) / Hohenzollernstr. 11, 30161 Hannover / 4,95113E+11 /
Feras Hammami / Palestine / KTH- Department of urban Studies / Drottning Kristinas väg 30, SE 10044 Stockholm / 46 8 790 7922 /
Flemming Thornaes / Denmark / Ministry of Environment, Agency of Forest and Landscape / Haraldsgade 53, 2100 Copenhagen Ø / 4539472467 /
Folke Snickars / Sweden / KTH- Department of urban Studies / Drottning Kristinas väg 30, SE 10044 Stockholm / 46 8 790 7909 /
Frank Gerdes / Germany / KTH- Department of urban Studies / Drottning Kristinas väg 30, SE 10044 Stockholm /
Frank Strand / Sweden / KTH- Department of urban Studies / Drottning Kristinas väg 30, SE 10044 Stockholm /
Fridolin Lippens / Germany / KTH- Department of urban Studies / Drottning Kristinas väg 30, SE 10044 Stockholm /
Gadd Håkan / Sweden / Institutet för tillväxtpolitiska studier (ITPS) / Studentplan 3, SE- 831 40 Östersund / 46 63 16 6638 /
Garri Raagmaa / Estonia / University of Tartu Pärnu College / Ringi 35, 80010 Pärnu, ESTONIA / 372 44 50520 /
Gerd Max Christian Halama / Germany / KTH- Department of urban Studies / Drottning Kristinas väg 30, SE 10044 Stockholm /
Giuseppe Roccasalva / Italy / KTH- Department of urban Studies / Drottning Kristinas väg 30, SE 10044 Stockholm /
Grammati Triantafyllidou / Greece / KTH- Department of urban Studies / Drottning Kristinas väg 30, SE 10044 Stockholm /
Gregor Clemens Wiltschko / Austria / KTH- Department of urban Studies / Drottning Kristinas väg 30, SE 10044 Stockholm /
Hanna Björklund / Sweden / KTH- Department of urban Studies / Drottning Kristinas väg 30, SE 10044 Stockholm / 46 8 790 7905 /
Hanna-Maria Urjankangas / Finland / Ministry of Interior / PL 26, 00023 Valtioneuvosto / 358 9 160 42997 /
Heikki Eskelinen / Finland / University of Joensuu (Karelian Institute & Department of Geography) / PO Box 111- FIN-80101 Joensuu / 358 13 251 2478 /
Helle Fischer / Denmark / Ministry of the Environment, Forest and Nature Agency, Spatial Planning Department / Haraldsgade 53, DK-2100 Copenhagen / 45 39 47 24 56 /
Henning Kipp / Germany / KTH- Department of urban Studies / Drottning Kristinas väg 30, SE 10044 Stockholm /
Håkan Ottonson / Sweden / Swedish Association of Local Authorities and Regions / Hornsgatan 20, 118 82 Stockholm / 4684527817 /
Ilkka Mella / Finland / Ministry of Interior / PO Box 26, FIN 00023 Government / 358 40 569 5329 /
Ilona Raugze / Latvia / Ministry of regional development and local governments / Lacplesa 27, Riga / 371 777 0399 /
Inge Nael / Estonia / Statistical Office / Endla str 13, 15174 Tallinn / 3726259271 /
Jaak Maandi / Estonia / Ministry of Interior / Pikk 61, Tallinn / 372 53 488 138 /
Jaan Öunapuu / Estonia / Minister of Regional Affairs
Jacek Szlachta / Poland / Polish Ministry of Regional Development - Warsaw School of Economics / Niepoollegtosci 162- 02554 Warszawa / 48 22 5649233 /
Jacek Zaucha / Poland / VASAB 2010 Secretariat / 8-10, Dlugi Targ str. - 80-828 Gdansk, Poland / 48 58 305 90 93 (301 30 8255) /
Jan Kaiser / Germany / KTH- Department of urban Studies / Drottning Kristinas väg 30, SE 10044 Stockholm /
Jana Häussinger / Germany / KTH- Department of urban Studies / Drottning Kristinas väg 30, SE 10044 Stockholm /
Janis Miezeris / Latvia / Development Agency of Riga Region / Kalku str 24, Riga / 371 6 415568 /
Janne Antikainen / Finland / Ministry of interior / PO Box 26, FIN 00023 Government / 358 40 7641829 /
Joakim Magnus Sturesson / Sweden / KTH- Department of urban Studies / Drottning Kristinas väg 30, SE 10044 Stockholm /