BIOL 311 Human GeneticsFall 2006

Lecture: Gene Mapping

Reading: Chapter 13

Lecture Outline

1. Recombination

2. Genetic markers

3. LOD analysis


1. Recombination

Maternal alleles: A1B1; paternal alleles A2B2

Person of genotype A1A2B1B2

Independent assortment gives 4 types of gametes in equal proportions


50% parental types (A1B1;A2B2)

50% recombinant types (A1B2;A2B1)


A1 B1






A2 B2

Complete linkage

No recombination

2 types of gametes

equal proportions



Partial linkage

Some recombination

Mainly parental gametes


Some recombinants


Fig. 13-1

Identifying recombinants and non-recombinants in a pedigree

Genetic distance is proportional to recombination frequency

1 cM=1 centimorgan=1 map unit=1% recombination frequency=

# recombinants/total x 100

Parental frequencies 50%

Recombination frequencies 50%

Multiple crossovers often restore a parental arrangement of chromosomes, therefore the calculated recombination frequency often underestimates actual genetic distance.

To correct for multiple crossovers, apply a statistical correlation called a "mapping function".

The genetic map is not the same for males and females of the same species and varies along the length of the chromosome. Fig. 13-4.

2. Genetic markers

Marker=any polymorphic Mendelian character that can be used to follow a chromosomal segment through a pedigree.

Need markers as landmarks on chromosomes. Disease genes can be placed on map relative to markers.

In 1998, 10,000 microsatellite markers were placed on framework maps of the human genome.

For linkage analysis, need informative meioses--where you can tell whether progeny are recombinant or non-recombinant.

Box 13-2

------A1 marker------Disease gene------

If A1 is transmitted, disease gene is transmitted, except for recombinants when marker is separated from disease gene.

Examples of uninformative and informative pedigrees

A1A1 x A2A2A1A2 x A1A2A1A2 x A1A2A1A2 x A3A4





Marker A1 notA1 not ass with

Ass. With diseasedisease

Types of DNA markers

RFLP: Restriction fragment length polymorphism

Involves gain or loss of restriction site

Not very informative

Only two alleles


(CA)n repeats

Trinucleotide repeats

Tetranucleotide repeats

PCR amplify region around repeat

Multiplex: multiple sets of primers to amplify many different microsatellites at once

Multiple fluorescent tags


Single nucleotide polymorphisms

Two alleles

Include RFLPs and nt sequence variation

Allow high throughput

Can be found anywhere in genome

Microsatellites too far apart to score entire genome

3. LOD analysis

logarithm of the odds

humans have small families

meioses are often not informative (see Fig. 13.6)

use probability theory to estimate recombination frequency even when there is ambiguity in the pedigree.

Odds of linkage = genes are linked θ/genes are unlinked 0.5

0.5 represents 50% recombination

LOD=logarithm of the odds

Advantage can include uncertain results

LOD scores can be added up across families to improve significance

Box 13.3 Calculation of LOD scores

If genes are linked,

RF =θ

Likelihood of a meiosis being recombinant=θ

Likelihood of a meiosis being non-recombinant = 1=θ

If genes are unlinked, the likelihood of a meiosis being either recombinant or non-recombinant = 1/2

Family A Fig. 13-6

Informative--can calculate RF

Calculated recombination frequency = 1/6 x 100 = 16.6%

Overall likelihood given linkage is (1-θ)5 x θ

First term is probability of non-recombinant and second is probability of recombinant

Likelihood, no linkage


product of probability for no linkage for all six

The likelihood ratio=(1-θ)5 x θ/(1/2)6

For each θ, calculate the log of the ratio (Z)

θ / 0 / 0.1 / 0.2 / 0.3 / 0.4 / 0.5
Z / -infinity / 0.577 / 0.623 / 0.509 / 0.299 / 0

More importantly, LOD scores can be calculated for families with ambiguity, although the calculations are cumbersome, so computer software is used.

Interpretation of LOD score curvesFig. 13.7

+ LOD: evidence for linkage

-LOD: evidence against linkage

only recombination fractions between 0 and 0.5 are meaningful.

All LOD scores are 0 at θ=0.5

Most likely recombination fraction is one where LOD score is the highest

Fig. 13.7Curve 1no recombinants RF=0

Curve 2RF ~0.23

If LOD score Z is greater or equal to 3, then genes are linked

If LOD score S is less than -20, then genes are unlinked. Can be useful in telling where a disease gene is NOT located.

If LOD score is between -2 and +3, linkage status is inconclusive

3 factor linkage useful for establishing gene order

mapping of multiple markers at once helps overcome problem of non-informative meiosis

High resolution mapping

Autozygosity mapping--homozygosity for markers identical by descent, inherited from a recent common ancestor.

Especially useful for inbred families with a genetic disease

Most likely the disease gene is transferred with a bunch of neighboring markers

Examine a person's "haplotype", transmission of a cluster of neighboring markers in vicinity of disease gene.

Fig. 13-9

Autozygosity mapping in inbred family with autosomal recessive deafness.