Publicising your event
The more people who know about your event the better. Tell people about the amazing thing you are doing for Pancreatic Cancer UK.
Talk about it online
There are lots of ways to promote your fundraising events online using social media sites such as facebook and twitter. They are free to use and are a good way to reach lots of contacts. If you have a fundraising page make sure you circulate this on your pages. You will be amazed at the response you get.
Make a video and take photos
Why not put together a home video and post it on Youtube? If can be emotive, entertaining and can be of anything from a personal message to a diary of your planning. Setting up a video is a great way to encourage donations and get people involved. You can share your video on other social media sites too.
Tell your local press
Make sure you contact your local press to let them know what you have planned. You should be able to find contact details in the papers themselves or on the internet. Local papers are always interested in hearing personal stories as to why you are supporting Pancreatic Cancer UK so make sure you include this in your communication.
Pancreatic Cancer UK has a sample press release which you can use as a template.
Let them know the time, date and location of your event as they may be able to send a photographer or reporter along or if not make sure you take a photo to send to them.
Put it on a poster
Posters may seem a bit old fashioned when everything appears to be online but they do get noticed. Put up posters in your local area. Ask everyone from cafes , libraries and post offices to put up a poster and raise awareness.
Spread the word
Ask your friends, family and work colleagues to spread the message about your event. The more people who know about what you are doing the better.
Pick up the phone
Once you have sent out your press release, your posters and spoken to Friends and Family make sure you pick up the phone and follow up with them. The call may be just what they need to remind them about supporting your event.
After your event
Tell everyone how your event went and make sure you say thank you to everyone who supported you.
Please let the Fundraising Team know if we can help in anyway. As well as support we can provide fundraising materials to help you promote your event. Contact us at or on 020 3535 7090.