Statutory Authorities
For Use in Submitting FY 2004 Fee Requests
Statutory Authority:Installment Tuition Handling Fee, Section 54.007(b)
Installment Tuition Delinquency Fee, Section 54.007(b)
Students paying tuition under the installment option may be assessed a fee to cover the cost of handling such payments, including delinquent payments.
Statutory Authority:Graduate Tuition - Resident, Section 54.008
Rate shall be at least equal to but no more than twice the rate of undergraduate tuition.
Statutory Authority: Designated Tuition, Section 54.0513
The previously authorized building use fee has been redesignated as tuition. Before the fee may be increased, the Board must hold a public hearing. Legislative maximum allowed for 2001-2002 academic year is $42 per semester credit hour.
Statutory Authority: Tuition for Excessive Undergraduate Hours, Section 54.068
An institution of higher education may charge a resident student tuition at a higher rate than the rate charged to other resident students, not to exceed the rate charged to nonresident students, if before the semester or other academic session begins the student has previously attempted a number of semester credit hours for courses taken at any institution of higher education while classified as a resident student for tuition purposes that exceeds by at least 45 hours the number of semester credit hours required for completion of the degree program in which the student is enrolled.
Statutory Authority: Laboratory Fees, Section 54.501
A mandatory laboratory charge of not less than $2 nor more than $30 for any one semester or summer term for any student in any one laboratory course, not to exceed actual cost of materials and supplies.
Statutory Authority:Student Services Fee, Section 54.503
Fees may be charged to cover the cost of student services and are assessed in proportion to the number of semester credit hours for which a student registers up to a maximum of $150 per semester. If the total compulsory fee is more than 10% higher than the current total compulsory fee, the increase must be approved by a majority vote of the students or the student government. Requires a student fee advisory committee to recommend type, amount and expenditure of the fee.
Statutory Authority:Incidental Fees, Section 54.504
The rate of an incidental fee must reasonably reflect the actual cost to the university of the item for which the fee is collected. The Board may consult with a student fee advisory committee prior to fixing incidental fees.
Statutory Authority: Vehicle Registration Fees and Other Parking and Traffic Fees, Section 54.505
The Board may fix a vehicle registration fee and a fee for the provision of facilities and the enforcement and administration of parking and traffic regulations. No facilities fee may be charged to a student unless the student desires to use the facility.
Statutory Authority:Group Hospital Fee, Section 54.507
The Board may collect from each student a compulsory group hospital fee not to exceed $75 per long semester and $25 for each summer session. The fee must be approved by a majority vote of students prior to initial assessment. An increase greater than 10% must be approved by a majority vote of students; for an increase less than 10%, a public meeting may be held instead.
Statutory Authority: International Education Fee, Section 54.5132
A fee of $1 per semester to provide funds to assist students participating in international student exchange or study programs.
Statutory Authority: Student Center Complex Fees, Section 54.521
The Board may collect from each student a compulsory Student Center Complex fee not to exceed $40 per long semester and $20 for each summer session for operating, maintaining, improving and equipping the student center complex. The fee must be approved by a majority of students prior to assessment or increase.