Paper A



Tracie Rees Director, Personalisation & Business Support, Leicester City Council (Chair)

Sue Batty, Adult Social Care Programme Manager, DH East Midlands

Christine Collymore, Skills for Care

Colin Selbie, Head of Contracting, Derbyshire County Council

Kristian Smith, Head of Contracting & Performance, NHS Northamptonshire

Helen Richmond, ASC programme lead EM IEP on behalf of Andrew Foster

Hannah Luck, Communications Manager One east Midlands

Melanie Weatherly, Independent Sector rep on SFC EM Regional Committee, SFC Lincolnshire

Chris Sparks, Assistant Director of Procurement, NHS Resources Procurement Hub

John Jennings, Rep from “Experts by Experience Group”

Surinder Peberdy Service Manager,Leicestershire County Council, part

Kate Osborne, PA to Kim Curry (minutes)

Item Action

1 / Introductions
HL up-dated about the regional Health and Social Care conference organised by ONE East Midlands. Handed out ‘Insight Magazines’ for board members.
HR advised that she is to replace Andrew Foster as the RIEP representative as she is now more involved with the relevant projects.. All agreed.
Kim Curry, Strategic Director Adults and Communities Leicester City Council
Jon Wilson Service Director Mental Health and Learning Disability, Nottinghamshire County Council
Sandy McMillan Assistant Director Strategy and Performance, Leicestershire County Council
David Sprason Cabinet Lead for ASC and Health, Leicestershire County Council
Debbie Stojak SFC EM Regional committee
Steve Burton, Group Buyer Strategic Procurement Commissioning, ESPO
Andrew Jepps Head of Planning and Commissioning Northamptonshire County Council
Carolyn Kus Assistant Director Strategic Commissioning & Performance Lincolnshire County Council
2 / Minutes of last Meeting
Agreed as a true and accurate record.
3 / Matters Arising
See ‘Action Tracker’
Item 6 - Sue Batty asked for Northamptonshire, Nottingham City, Nottinghamshire & Derbyshire who have not verified savings for ‘The Shaping the Market’ project to do so to Surinder as soon as possible. This is a requirement of the RIEP funding and the project is now due to close with this remaining outstanding since Sept 2009. / LA
4 / Presentation: Skills for Care
CC gave a presentation. CC advised that Skills for Care (SfC) are a sector skills council working with key stakeholders, statutory, private and voluntary both regionally and nationally.
TR asked how “In Laws” fits in.
CC advised that this came out before then, is about how to marry together a lot of key areas and core values. Links to the new Qualifications Credit Framework (QCF) which is due to come out soon. Can tailor learning needs of particular employee.
There are links with the SfC work to commissioning and market development and several leaflets have been produced which are accessible on the web site, including links to national occupational standards. SfC also looks at ASC workforce strategy, impact of commissioning, resources and future developments including the transient workforce and care first careers apprentices. Workforce planning includes concerns of voluntary sector and how to provide more personalised services.
CC advised that she has had engagement with sub regional brokers, looking at how to keep employers involved. If can get micro markets on board will have a clear view of organisations workforce development needs across the region. Ideally information would be input to the National Minimum Data Set (NMDS), with the incentive of being able to access some training/funds by doing this.
TR advised providers may need support to do this as some LAs have had..
CC advised some areas have a particular post to offer support. Also need to consider how we would work through issues if provider wants something totally different.
TR confirmed commissioners would want to work with providers to support improvement to achieve national and local standards, however, this is in a current context of limited resources so would need to be focused and effective.
CS talked of a national scheme “My Home Life” which aims to promote good practice in care homes for older people. Age Concern has used this. It is quite intensive, but incredibly useful. CS to ask Age Concern if they would come and do joint presentation on MHL with them.
HR to contact regional agencies such as Business Link and EMDA to see if have funds available to support provider development. / CS
5 / Progress Reports
Shaping the Care Services Market for Adults with Learning Disabilities & High Support Needs - Final Project Report
Surinder Peberdy joined the meeting and presented a draft of the final project report. Purpose is to provide a concluding report on the achievements of this EM IEP Funded project. Project has now been mainstreamed with Leicestershire providing a co-ordinating role. European procurement laws applied to this regional tender for a framework agreement for two residential and two supported living providers. LAs can draw down placements from the framework which can be extended to increase capacity over the next two years. The framework started on 01/01/2009. The majority of partners opted to go for supported living in line with the need to offer more people the opportunity to have homes of their own. Each Authority is making different levels of use and initial target number of contracted placements will be exceeded. There is an easy to use guide for using the frame work and Leicestershire have created a quality and efficiencies post. Now at a stage where will invite organisations to tender for new or extend existing frame work.
Projected annual efficiencies to-date are estimated at over 800k. This can not however be finalised as not all LAs have verified their savings. SP and HR re-informced the need for Northamptonshire, Nottingham City, Nottinghamshire & Derbyshire to send the information to SP asap.
Estimated efficiencies are also gross, without taking off the costs of achieving these outcomes (both the EMIEP project funding and the time individual staff have spent. MW advised that extending the framework to give more choice of provider would be beneficial, as it only has two currently.
SB advised that information from this and the Care Funding Calculator should be used to inform the joint social care and health QIPP/prevention work-stream on reducing high cost learning disability placements. To check with Helen Mycock regional Valuing People Lead.
SP advised that it can be time consuming getting each Authority has to sign up to a set of shared procurement rules and legal contract documentation.
In terms of personalisation, people are going to want to use their personal budgets to buy in, or have someone else buy in support.
SP is to distribute final report when ready.
Care Funding Calculator CFC, Final Project Report
HR introduced this paper. This is a National product engaged with all Local Authorities, 7 are now reporting good savings and all LAs have now verified these. Project is due to end now in April, a little earlier than planned due to Project Manager leaving. All LAs have had training and HR surveyed any outstanding needs so they could be met before the end of the project. Tools, trainers and user guides are to be put on the EMIEP website. Going forwarded nationally tools will be web enabled and developed for children services. Plan is to give free training but will not be able to provide the venue. Suggestion is to hold as East Midlands and West Midlands events, a maximum of 5 training sessions.
SB suggested that staff who attend could then cascade the information. All agreed best to hold joint session across WM where boundaries are near for travel.
HR to liaise with web enabling project manager and feedback to Board
Regional Approach to Residential Rehabilitation for Adult Drug & Alcohol Services
Project timescales delayed, but still deliverable. Lyn Mathews to revise payment milestones with HR and Project Sponsor.
Micro Market Development
Launch held 28th Jan 2010. All 7 projects underway and working with Community Catalysts to develop their outline plans and strategies,
E- Market Development
SB advised that there is not a JIP report at present as still waiting for Authorities to confirm project mile stones. There are currently 3 projects; LLR, Lincolnshire and Derby City, Nottinghamshire (Pauline Hutchinson) are also developing Support with Confidence web site for Personal Assistants based on the Oxfordshire model This includes a process of background checks. Pauline is interested to hear from any other LAs who may wish to do this as well to give consistency in neighbouring LAs and also potentially to share costs of developing marketing material (RIEP capital funding being held if LAs do this and can achieve efficiencies on set up). SB will to circulate slides from Pauline’s presentation on this to the board.
If you are interested please contact SB. / LAs listed
All interested
6 / National provider development programme
SB advised 6 or 7 submissions from East Midlands were made for the national programme, 2 were chosen and are underway. Worked in 2 stages; aggregating information from person centred reviews, then action planning for change/new models with commissioners, providers and people using services. Providers can make changes with a small amount of funding in many cases.
SB outlined a proposal to roll out this out across the region, including building local capacity for commissioners and providers to use the methodology.
SP advised that Leicestershire are about to pilot it local. It needs to be service area specific.
Proposal was supported. SB to develop the PID in more detail and circulate to the Board for comment prior to the next meeting. / SB
7 / Feedback from two regional events
SB discussed contracting for personalisation.
East Midlands Workshop Report Contracting for Personalised Outcomes
This was a workshop piece of work done nationally. All discussed the 6 areas for consideration for further work that arose from the day..
TR asked that SB puts together proposals for how the work listed could be taken forward.
Festival of Ideas
SB advised the report is self explanatory and will keep the board updated of the work Innovations Team is doing with twp providers following on from this. / SB
8 / Future Agenda Items
CC advised that Social work recommendations group and task force skills for care would like to attend a meeting to give a presentation.
9 / Date of Next Meetings
24th June rearranged to Tuesday 13th July
10-12 in Leicester.
Mayors room
New Walk Museum and Art Gallery
53 New Walk
Telephone: +44 (0)116 225 4900