1. Juliet transforms from being a submissive young girl to becoming an assertive young woman who acts independently. Romeo’s love is the catalyst of this change in her.


Obedient Disobedient

Submissive Assertive

Polite Bold

Dependent Independent

Dutiful to parents Dutiful to self

Find evidence in ACT I that JULIET has all the qualities associated with the traits from column A.

Find a quotation for each of the Column A traits in Juliet. (find at least one quotation per trait)

Note the act, scene, and line number.

Write the quotation-trait combination on the chart (with citation).

Be ready to tell the class HOW the quotation is evidence of the trait.

2. Juliet transforms from being a submissive young girl to becoming an assertive young woman who acts independently. Romeo’s love is the catalyst of this change in her.


Obedient Disobedient

Submissive Assertive

Polite Bold

Dependent Independent

Dutiful to parents Dutiful to self

Find evidence in ACT 2 and 3 that JULIET is developing or clearly shows the qualities associated with the traits from column B.

Find quotations for each of the Column B traits in Juliet. (find at least one quotation per trait)

Note the act, scene, and line number.

Write the quotation-trait combination on the chart (with citation).

Be ready to tell the class HOW the quotation is evidence of the trait.

3. Juliet transforms from being a submissive young girl to becoming an assertive young woman who acts independently. Romeo’s love is the catalyst of this change in her.


Obedient Disobedient

Submissive Assertive

Polite Bold

Dependent Independent

Dutiful to parents Dutiful to self

Find evidence in ACT 4 and 5 that JULIET is developing or clearly shows the qualities associated with the traits from column B.

Find quotations for each of these traits in Juliet. (find at least one quotation per trait)

Note the act, scene, and line number.

Write the quotation-trait combination on the chart (with citation).

Be ready to tell the class HOW the quotation is evidence of the trait.

4. Tybalt does not change over the course of the play.

As you work, add CHARACTER TRAITS to the list below. Pay attention to what he says and to what others say about him.

1. revengeful

2. determined

3. hot-tempered

4. rash

Find evidence in ACT 3 that TYBALT clearly shows the qualities associated with the traits above.

Find quotations for each of these traits in Tybalt. (find at least one quotation per trait)

Note the act, scene, and line number.

Write the quotation-trait combination on the chart (with citation).

Be ready to tell the class HOW the quotation is evidence of the trait.

5. Tybalt does not change over the course of the play.

As you work, add CHARACTER TRAITS to the list below. Pay attention to what he says and to what others say about him.

1. revengeful

2. determined

3. hot-tempered

4. rash

Find evidence in ACT 1.1 and Act 1.5 that TYBALT clearly shows the qualities associated with the traits above.

Find quotations for each of these traits in Tybalt. (find at least one quotation per trait)

Note the act, scene, and line number.

Write the quotation-trait combination on the chart (with citation).

Be ready to tell the class HOW the quotation is evidence of the trait.

6. Romeo transforms from being a boy in love with the idea of love to becoming a young man who is motivated by genuine love. Juliet is the catalyst of this change in him. He does mature, but his weaknesses prevail in the end.


superficial (poses) sincere (genuinely feels)

changeable reliable (follows through)

passive (inaction) assertive (independent action)

rash (irrational) rational

self-absorbed concerned for others

Find evidence in ACT 1.1, 1.4, and 1.5 that ROMEO clearly shows the qualities associated with the traits from column A.

Find quotations for each of the Column A traits in Romeo. (find at least one quotation per trait)

Note the act, scene, and line number.

Write the quotation-trait combination on the chart (with citation).

Be ready to tell the class HOW the quotation is evidence of the trait.

7. Romeo transforms from being a boy in love with the idea of love to becoming a young man who is motivated by genuine love. Juliet is the catalyst of this change in him. Although he matures, his weaknesses do prevail in the end.


superficial (poses) sincere (genuinely feels)

changeable reliable (follows through)

passive (inaction) assertive (independent action)

rash (irrational) rational

self-absorbed concerned for others

Find evidence in ACT 2.2 and 2.3 that ROMEO clearly shows the qualities associated with the traits from column A and B.

Find quotations for each of these traits in Romeo. (find at least one quotation per trait)

Note the act, scene, and line number.

Write the quotation-trait combination on the chart (with citation).

Be ready to tell the class HOW the quotation is evidence of the trait.

8. Romeo transforms from being a boy in love with the idea of love to becoming a young man who is motivated by genuine love. Juliet’s love is the catalyst of this change in him. He does mature, but his weaknesses prevail in the end.


superficial (poses) sincere (genuinely feels)

changeable reliable (constant)

passive (inaction) assertive (independent action)

rash (irrational) authentic

self-absorbed concerned for others

Find evidence in ACT 3.1 and 3.5 that ROMEO clearly shows the qualities associated with the traits from column B.

Find evidence in ACT 3.3 that ROMEO clearly shows the qualities associated with the traits from column A and B.

Find quotations for each of these traits in Romeo. (find at least one quotation per trait)

Note the act, scene, and line number.

Write the quotation-trait combination on the chart (with citation).

Be ready to tell the class HOW the quotation is evidence of the trait.

9. Romeo transforms from being a boy in love with the idea of love to becoming a young man who is motivated by genuine love. Juliet’s love is the catalyst of this change in him. He does mature, but his weaknesses prevail in the end.


superficial (poses) sincere (genuinely feels)

changeable reliable (constant)

passive (inaction) assertive (independent action)

rash (irrational) authentic

self-absorbed concerned for others

Find evidence in ACT 4 and 5 that ROMEO clearly shows the qualities associated with the traits from column A and B.

Find quotations for each of these traits in Romeo. (find at least one quotation per trait)

Note the act, scene, and line number.

Write the quotation-trait combination on the chart (with citation).

Be ready to tell the class HOW the quotation is evidence of the trait.

10. The Friar transforms from being a dutiful and faithful servant of his religious duties to becoming a cunning man who craves recognition as a peacemaker. The lovers’ passion is the catalyst of this change in him. He does redeem himself in the end, but it is only after much tragedy.


genuine deceitful

reliable cunning

patient rash (irrational)

concerned for others self-absorbed

Find evidence anywhere in the play that FRIAR LAWRENCE clearly shows the qualities associated with the traits from column A.

Find quotations for each of the Column A traits in the Friar. (find at least one quotation per trait)

Note the act, scene, and line number.

Write the quotation-trait combination on the chart (with citation).

Be ready to tell the class HOW the quotation is evidence of the trait.

11. The Friar transforms from being a dutiful and faithful servant of his religious duties to becoming a cunning man who craves recognition as a peacemaker. The lovers’ passion is the catalyst of this change in him. He does redeem himself in the end, but it is only after much tragedy.


genuine deceitful

reliable cunning

patient rash (irrational)

concerned for other self-absorbed

idealistic, guiltless worldly, repentant

Find evidence anywhere in the play that FRIAR LAWRENCE clearly shows the qualities associated with the traits from column B.

Find quotations for each of the Column B traits in the Friar. (find at least one quotation per trait)

Note the act, scene, and line number.

Write the quotation-trait combination on the chart (with citation).

Be ready to tell the class HOW the quotation is evidence of the trait. How is he similar to Romeo in the end?

12. Juliet transforms from being a child, innocent of love and sheltered from the world, to becoming a young woman who is driven by passion and love. Romeo’s love is the catalyst of this change in her. She does mature, but her weaknesses prove tragic in the end.


dutiful (impressionable) rebellious (self-determining)

obedient defiant

passive (inaction) rash (impatient)

rational irrational

idealistic disillusioned

Find evidence in ACT 4 and 5 that Juliet clearly shows the qualities associated with the traits from column B.

Find quotations for each of the Column B traits in Juliet. (find at least one quotation per trait)

Note the act, scene, and line number.

Write the quotation-trait combination on the chart (with citation).

Be ready to tell the class HOW the quotation is evidence of the trait. How is she similar to Romeo in the end?