Kent County 4-H Leader’s Meeting

February 20, 2017

President Joanne Carter called the meeting to order at 7:06 pm. The American Pledge was led by Paula Wood and the 4-H Pledge was led by Diana O’Hara.

The Secretary’s minutes were available to everyone in their packets. Sandy Reynolds made a motion to approve the minutes and it was seconded by Joelle Vincent. Motion approved.

The Treasurer’s report was available to everyone in their packets. Joelle Vincent made a motion to approve the Treasurer’s report and Jennifer Menard seconded the motion. Motion approved.

Old Business:

·  Wood/Photography Judging Contest was held on Jan. 23rd at the 4-H Office. There was a good turnout.

·  State Teen Conference- Was the end of Jan. Everyone that went had a good time.

·  Public Speaking Contest – We had a good turnout. All members did a good job.

·  Favorite Foods Contest Training- The training was heled at the 4-H Office. There was a good turnout. There was about 10 to 12 members there.

·  Honey Bee Contest- Essays were due on Feb. 14th. There were no entries turn in from Kent County.

·  Livestock Overnighter- Was Feb. 18-19 at the fairgrounds. There was good turnout and all kids at a great time.

·  Favorite Foods Contest Entries- They were due on Feb. 17th to the 4-H Office. We had about 69 kids register.

·  County Photography Contest Entries were due on Feb.17th to the 4-H Office. Entries numbers were good.

·  State Leaders Forum – Good event with a good turnout of leaders and everyone learned a lot.

·  Citizen Washington Focus- All kids that attended had a good time. We received a thank you note from Leslie Webb (Peach Blossom) for our $200 sponsorship from the Leaders.


New Business

·  4-H Enrollment Forms-March 1st is the Absolute Deadline. This is the Absolute Deadline for Fair Participations.

·  Club Audits- They are due to the 4-H Office by March 1st. Please use the online form.

·  Scholarship Notification for State Camp and Environmental Camp

o  Letters should be out any day now

o  Camp Registration begins March 1st

o  Environmental Camp information should be available soon

§  Possible location and date change to avoid the last few days of school, information any day now from State Office.

§  Teen counselors will be sought as soon as date and location available

·  Delaware 4-H Foundation Financial Support Request

o  Due March 1st-There is a form online.

·  Horse Show Ads - You can begin selling ads on March 1st.

o  This is a Kent County 4-H Leaders Association Fundraiser

§  Proceeds support: Camp Scholarships, Younger Member Weekend, Awards and Refreshments at all County Events, Leader Forums Registration, Financial support of various other initiatives including Building use charges.

·  4-H Exchange Group Quarter Auction – This auction will be March 3rd at 7pm at the Harrington Fire Hall. The doors will open at 6pm. Please share information about this event with family, friends, and other interested individuals.

·  Favorite Foods Contest/Foods Judging Contest - The contest is on March 4th at the Delaware State Fairgrounds in the Exhibit Hall. Set up will be on March 3rd at 4:00pm and all invited to help. The Committee should arrive around 8:30am or your schedule time if in the contest. Foods Judging will be from 11am to 1pm. Leaders committee is: Sandy-Chair, Ted, Shana, and Joanne.

·  County Photography Contest- Pictures will be on display the day of Favorite Foods Contest.

·  4-H Winter Fun Day - This event is on March 4th at the Delaware State Fair Exhibit Hall. It is conjunction with Favorite Foods Contest. The event is from 11am-1pm. This event is sponsored by the Kent County Order of Links. Please encourage 4-H Members to attend.

·  State 4-H Horse Bowl - This event is on March 11th at Lake Forest North Elementary beginning at 9:00 a.m.

·  Younger Member Weekend

o  Mallard Lodge on March 25-26th

o  Spots still remain open but not many

·  County Basket Auction - This event is on March 3rd at the Felton Fire Hall.

Tickets this year will again be $30.00. Orders are due on March 20th. Doors

open at 6pm, dinner will be served at 7pm and Auction begins at 8pm.

§  The clubs are asked to share basket themes with the 4-H Office.

§  Please send your list electronic to Caroline

§  Planning call is schedule for March 23rd at 7:30pm

§  Leaders Committee are: Shana, Shannon, Melissa, and Heather

§  Jr. Council Committee are: Lena Berry, Natalie Buchmoyer, Maci Carter,

Brett Clarke, Cheyenne and Morgan Galloway, Garrett Geidel, Ryan

Harrington, Hannah and Shannon O’Hara, Rachel and Riley Taylor, Lake

And Spring Vasey and Leighton and Leslie Webb

·  Teen as Teachers Training- There was a handout but the training will take place on April 17th

·  County Demonstration Day- The contest will be on April 19th. Please see the new document

·  County Clothing and Textiles Showcase – The contest will be on April 22nd at Lake Forest North Elementary

o  Need 2 teens (not participating) needed to emcee event

·  Paper Clover at Tractor Supply- Selling clovers from April 26th to May 7th.

·  National 4-H Congress

o  “State Record Book” also knows as the Congress Application

o  Due May 1st to the county 4-H Office

§  Go to State 4-H Page, scroll to bottom and click “button” that says “ state and national events”

·  Rhonda Martell- They will be having a Memorial Dedication, on May 11th at 12:00 noon. Pot luck lunch to follow

·  Fifer Front Porch Demonstrations

o  Sign-up sheet available

o  There will be NO demonstration the weekend of the Customer Appreciation Event

o  Peach Festival is on Aug. 12th

·  Kent County Archery Shoot

o  Discussion/Interest

o  Leaders Committee

o  Looks like we are going with May 21st from 1-3

·  Kent County 4-H Horse Show

o  Date is on June 11, 2017 at the Delaware State Fairgrounds

o  Need 10 youth volunteers for this day- Sign-up sheet

·  Delaware State Fair

o  Set up Date is July 7th…… PLEASE PLEASE plan to help with set up

o  4-H Department information available tonight on the table

o  All exhibits must be removed from the building between 8am and 12:00 on Sunday

July 30th.

·  Ideas for Science events to add to our Yearly Calendar for next year

o  Feedback needed from volunteers

·  Horse, Dairy and Poultry Judging Contest- Horse and Dairy Judging will take place very


·  Kid in Need: Joann Fabric Donation available- There was sheet pass out of what is open

·  2017 YAP (Youth and Adult Partnership) Healthy Living Conference-

o  We are currently looking for 4-H Youth and Adult leaders from each county to help plan, coordinate and execute the upcoming 2017 4-H Youth Adult Partnership Conference. The Theme of the event will be “Ride the Wave to Healthy Living.” The event will be held in Rehoboth Beach on November 10th-12th

·  Project Enrollment for Youth- Date Collection

o  There was a sheet in your club leader’s folder that has to be filled out and returned.


·  Congratulations to Rachel Mackie who has been recognized as the Middle Level winner of the Prudential Award. Prudential will be presenting the award to Rachel at an upcoming school event.

·  Zoom: Only works intermittently; will not be available until further notice

·  Social Media Guide

o  Please share the work you do with 4-H through social media

·  Chaperone Policy for next year is changing

o  Ratios and Gender Representation

·  Leaders Committee Signups- May meeting, we will look ahead at next year’s events. Please consider providing leadership to one or two (or more) events during the year. I will be making direct contacts to leaders to get the committees set over the summer.

·  How do you receive your 4-H information? - Talking more about it next meeting.

A motion was made by Sandy Reynolds and seconded by Elaine Webb to adjourn the meeting at 8:30pm. Motion carried.

Respectfully submitted,

Heather Crouse

Heather Crouse
