March 12, 2017
St. Stephen Parish
27519 Monroe Rd. 533
Monroe City, MO 63456
Holy Rosary Rectory
Very Rev. Michael W. Penn, V.F.
Deacon Mike Long
Current and past bulletins
may be viewed at
St. Stephen's website:
Scripture Readings for March 19, 2017
The Third Sunday Lent
Exodus 17: 3-7: The Israelites grumbled against Moses for leading them out of Egypt. They were thirsty, and there was no water in the desert, so Moses struck a rock with his staff, and water flowed out for the people to drink.
Psalm 95: 1-2, 6-7, 8-9: "If today you hear his voice, harden not your hearts."
Romans 5:1-2, 5-8: “The love of God has been poured out into our hearts,” and that love is immeasurable; “While we were still sinners Christ died for us.”
John 4: 5-42: Jesus met a Samaritan woman at the well. She offered him water from the well, and he, in turn, offered her the living water of eternal life. As a result, she and many others came to know that Jesus is the Savior.
The English translation of the Psalm Response from Lectionary for Mass © 1969, 1981, 1997, International Commission on English in the Liturgy Corporation. All rights reserved. 2) Excerpts from the Lectionary for Mass for Use in the diocese of the United States of America, copyright 1998, 1970, Confraternity of Christian Doctrine, Inc. Washington, and DC. Used with permission. All rights reserved. No part of the Lectionary for Mass may be reproduced by any means without permission in writing from the copyright owner
Prayer for Priests program: We are asked to include these priests in our daily prayer intentions:
Date Priest Ordination Date
03/12 Rev. Msgr. David Cox 1981
03/13 Rev. Msgr. Gregory Higley 1981
03/14 Rev Paul Hartley 1981
03/15 Rev. David Means 1981
03/16 Rev. Michael Coleman 1981
03/17 Rev. Alexius Ekka 1981
03/18 Rev. Robert Fields 1982
March 5thOffertory ~ $3,218.00
Three In One Collection ~ $20.00
· Choir practice for Sunday, March 26th will be held Tuesday, March 21st at 6:30.
· Mowing bids: Bids for mowing the parish grounds and cemetery for 2017 are now being accepted and will be awarded April 1st. Please give the bid to either Joe Purol or Fr. Penn by March 21st. Thank you!
· Altar Society dues of $15.00 may be given to Julie Hays or mailed to 27501 Monroe Rd. 391, Monroe City.
· The next Pastoral Council meeting will be Wednesday, April 27that7:00 PM in the gym.
· The next KC meeting will be Thursday, April 6th at 7:00 PM.
· The next Finance Committee meeting will be Thursday, May 11th at 7:00 PM at Holy Rosary's rectory.
Day Time Intention
Mon. Scripture Service 7:30 AM Leader-Connie Kendrick
Tues. Mass @ The Manor 9:30 AM Juanita Yates (Living)
Wed. 7:30 AM Purgatorial Society
Thurs. 7:30 AM Liv.+Dec'd Sterling Hays Fam.
Fri. 7:30 AM Patrick Henry McLeod
Stations of the Cross + Benediction
7:00 PM @ Holy Rosary
Sat. Holy Rosary 5:30 PM Dede Yager
Sun. St. Stephen 8:00 AM Families of St. Stephen &
Holy Rosary
Holy Rosary 9:30 AM Tom & Margo Conboy
Ordinary Reconciliation Schedule:
Saturday 4:30 – 5:00 PM at Holy Rosary
Sunday 7:30–7:55 AM at St. Stephen
(Or by appointment. Call Holy Rosary Rectory at 735-4718)
Second Sunday in Lent
Life is not without its challenges. Sometimes things tug and pull at us from many directions. Even our best efforts are not enough to meet the challenges and difficulties that befall us. With the misconception of being in charge of one’s life, frustration easily sets in and our pride will lead us on a spiraling downfall. Today’s gospel (Matthew 17:1-9) calls us toward a different direction and perspective. The direction is up: up a challenging mountain, with all of the distractions and trials of our life. The perspective changes as well: from looking inward toward satisfying our selfish desires to looking outward in fulfilling the Will of our Father, acknowledging we are not in charge…God is in charge.
The Transfiguration of Jesus on Mount Tabor was to prepare Peter, James, and John for His pending Crucifixion and Death. The glory of Jesus was not realized in His own success; His own recognition, but in the accomplishment of the Will of the Father. Not only was it the duty of Jesus to fulfill what the Father desired, but it is the duty of us all, as we aspire to be beloved sons and daughters of our heavenly Father.
What is glory? Wealth, success or worldly recognition that will eventually pass away or is it in the fulfillment of all the Father asks of us and challenges us with in our daily living? May this Lent change our direction from inward to outward; from ourselves to God, and may we seek the glory that comes from God that includes the cross and also the resurrection.
This Tuesday, March 14th, a Communal Penance Service for Lent will be held at St. Clement Church, St. Clement at 7:00 p.m. Communal Penance Services for the Lenten Season will be held in the following parishes in the Hannibal Deanery: Monday, March 20th: St. Joseph Church, Palmyra; Tuesday, March 21st: Holy Family Church, Hannibal. These services will begin at 7:00 p.m. On Wednesday, April 5th, a service will be held at St. Michael Church, Kahoka beginning at 6:30 p.m.
Beginning at 12:00 noon on Friday, March 31st and continuing until 12:00 noon on Saturday, April 1st, Holy Rosary Church will have a “Twenty-Four Hours with the Lord”. It opens with Exposition of the Most Blessed Sacrament at 12:00 noon and will continue throughout the twenty-four period in the church. The Sacrament of Penance will be available from 12:00 noon to midnight, March 31st and from 3:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon, April 1st, concluding with Benediction of the Most Blessed Sacrament and reposition. Priests from the Hannibal Deanery will be present during the scheduled times for individual Confession and absolution. An information flyer is included with today’s bulletin.
This Friday, March 17th, Bishop John R. Gaydos has granted a dispensation for all Roman Catholics in this diocese from abstaining from meat for the celebration of St. Patrick’s Day. This does not remove the obligation to maintain a penitential act. In place of this dispensation, either abstaining from meat on the Thursday before or the Saturday following, or additional works of penance or charity immediately following March 17th is expected. If you have any questions regarding this you may call me at the Parish Office.
For many years our parish has supported the upkeep and promoted the site of Servant of God, Fr. Augustine Tolton’s baptism at St. Peter Church, Brush Creek through the efforts of the Friends of Brush Creek. I am grateful for all of the work of this group and hope to continue the efforts and promotion begun by these enthusiastic and faith-filled individuals in bringing recognition to the history of, and the person of, Fr. Tolton. I wish to ask that if anyone of the parish would be interested in volunteering some time and energy toward this effort that you contact me. As the Canonization process of Fr. Tolton moves forward, there will be many exciting opportunities in the promotion of the site and joining in the Cause for Fr. Tolton. Most especially I am looking for persons who could assist in maintenance and in the guiding of tour and pilgrimage groups.
In the last several years there have been numerous projects to keep the building maintained. With the ice cream socials no longer an option at the present time, I am calling upon your generous support. At the Masses on the weekend of April 1st (the birthday anniversary of Fr. Tolton [1854]) and April 2nd, there will be a second collection to support the efforts of maintaining this historical building. To have your contribution recorded for tax purposes, place your offering in an envelope with your name and amount and the check made out to the parish, with the memo, “St. Peter Church, Brush Creek”. Your generous support will be most appreciated. I recognize that this appeal for St. Peter Church will immediately follow the weekend of the annual “Three-in-One Collection”. However, I trust that you will recognize this local need to support and maintain this holy and historical site.
Get your teams together for Trivia Night! Holy Rosary and St. Stephen CCD students will sponsor this fun event on Saturday, March 18th at 7:00 in the KC Hall. Cost per table is $80. Each table can have up to eight team members to give their best guess at answers covering a random selection of questions! So get your team together and email/text Riss Hays </573-406-7133> or show up that night and find your winning teammates! Proceeds for this event go to towards the CCD program and its activities.
Jim Hunt, Troy Ritter, Jeremy Smith, Alfred Timbrook,
Rosemary Evans, Sue Gilbert, Nick Hays, Jerry Botkins
Henry Hogan, Deanna Buckman, Natalee Amos,
Kyndal Underwood, Kimberly Spalding,
Anna Pennewell, Carla Libby, Paul Buckman
For all who are ill, especially those who are awaiting surgery or seriously ill, and for their care-takers,
we pray to the Lord.
If a family member is ill, injured or disabled please call and let us know so that we may put them on our sick list for prayers. We don’t know unless you call, and we cannot put a name on the sick list without your permission. Names will remain in the bulletin for two weeks, unless otherwise notified. The power of prayer is very strong and healing.
Sick, homebound or nursing home? If you hear of or know of someone who falls into these categories please have an immediate family member contact us at Holy Rosary's rectory office, 735-4718, so we can minister to their spiritual needs
· Classes will NOT be heldonFriday, March 17th, St. Patrick’s Day.
· Report Card Conferenceswill be held on Thursday, March 16th, at the KC Hall.
· Kindergarten Registrationwill be held onWednesday, March 29th at 6:30at Holy Rosary School.
Any high school student interested in participating in CHWC in Denver, Colorado from June 10th-18th should make plans to attend the meeting after CCD on Sunday, March 12th in Holy Rosary's church basement. Campers will spend four days helping the underprivileged in Denver and will end their week by spending two days hiking in the mountains. Please check out the website at for more info and photos of the camp. At the meeting, we will answer any questions and then complete the necessary paperwork, including having a notary present to finalize the information. All students and at least one parent must be present to sign. In addition, we will need a copy of the student’s health insurance card and they will have to know when they received their last tetanus shot.
We will collect the $100 deposit per student at this time as well. Also to be discussed at this meeting is CHWC’s biggest fundraiser, the annual pork burger sales. We will have the burgers ready in late March.
Our parish wide program, “Formed” has a program they are suggesting for small group use. It is entitled “Forgiven”. If you or your small group is interested in this program for Lent please register on the website. Leader’s materials, participant materials and anything you might need is offered on there for free. If anyone is interested and would like to have the materials printed off for you, please contact Deacon Mike at 735-4718.
~ "FORMED" ~
To sign up for formed please visit and use parish code: R8YRMG. If you have any problems or questions, please don’t hesitate to call Deacon Mike at 573-735-4718 between 8:00 AM and 12 noon.
The highlighted program for "Formed" will be the same all through Lent. It is the "Forgiven" program that is recommended for our Lenten studies and small groups.
Grade School: March 15th – Class
7th-12th Grade: March 19th – Class
The Monroe City Food Bank is looking for volunteers to help unload the truck on the third Thursday of each month between 3:00-4:00 PM. They are also looking for volunteers to help distribute food on the third Friday of each month anytime between 9:00 AM and 6:00 PM. If you would like to volunteer or have any questions please call Jina McClintic at 573-248-6750. The March Food Bank will be held Friday, March 17th from 9:00 AM-6:00 PM.
The Annual Shrine of St. Patrick's St. Patrick’s Day Festival, Sunday, March 19th, will begin with registration for the 5k Leprechaun Race at 9:00 AM. There will be live Irish music, silent auction, grab bags, souvenirs, and religious goods for sale. Bake sale and roast beef dinner from 11:00 AM – 2:00 PM. For more information please call St. Michael Church at (660) 727-3472.
The Religious Education program will be taking orders for Krispy Kreme Doughnuts from now until Friday April 7th. A list of available doughnuts and order forms can be found at Holy Rosary's rectory or in the vestibule of church. The orders will be available for pick up on the morning of Saturday April 15th at the K of C Hall. For more information or to place an order please call the rectory at 735-4718.