WIOA Title I Youth
Site Visit Monitoring Report FY17
OWD Staff:
Program Staff:
☐Interviewed Staff
☐Participant File Review
☐ Class/Activity Observation
Administrative Review
MOSES datais accurate and up to date☐ Yes☐No
Invoices are up to date☐Yes☐ No
Program Reports are up to date☐Yes☐ No
Service Plans are up to date☐Yes☐ No
Performance Review
Target Enrollment:
Program enrollment is being met☐Yes☐No
Program outcomes are being met ☐Yes☐No
Site Visit Summary
EEO and complaint process posters were located☐ Yes☐ No
Site is safe, clean, and conducive to the program services☐ Yes☐ No
WIOA Implementation
Please have available tools used for: eligibility determination; MOSES data entry; tracking enrollments and participants in follow-up
- What program adjustments have been made to effectively serve OSY?
- What activities are used to fulfill the 20% Work Experience expenditure?
- What program adjustments have been made to meet new performance measures?
- How are career pathways and employer partnershipsbeing strengthened?
- What partnership do you have with Career Centers?
- How is the ISS and its corresponding assessments used as a career planning tool?
- What is average length of follow-up? Any best practice strategies?
- What technical assistance topics would be helpful? In what form?
- Case management: how often do participants meet with staff? How large is a case load?
Fourteen WIOA Elements
Check if the following is provided directly by the organization, otherwise list the partners:
☐ Tutoring
☐ Alternative secondary school
☐ Paid and unpaid work experiences
☐ Occupational skills training
☐ *Education concurrently with workforce prep
☐Leadership development
☐ Supportive services
☐ Adult mentoring
☐ Follow-up services
☐ Guidance and counseling
☐ *Financial Literacy Education
☐ *Entrepreneurial Skills Training
☐ *Labor Market Services
☐ *Transition to Post-Secondary Education
Sample File Review
Name & MOSES ID / Eligibility docs / ISS / Career Assess. / Academic Assess. / Work Readiness / Skills / Labor Market / EEO Waiver / Moses App / CommentsIs Measurable Skills Goal entered for each youth?