including the correlation formula that I use that is not in Gravetter & Wallnau:
Population: mean = , variance = 2 , standard deviation = , size = N
Population Variance = 2 = SS/N = (X-)2 / N
standard deviation = variance
Sample: mean = M , variance = s2 , standard deviation = s , size = n (or N), df = n-1 (or N-1)
Sum of Squares (of deviations from the mean): SS = (X-M)2 = (X-M)(X-M)
Variance: s2 = SS/df = (X-M)2 / (n-1)
Correlation (Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient): r = covxy / sxsy
Covariance: covxy = SP/(n-1) = (X-Mx)(Y-My) / (n-1)
Sum of Products (of deviations from the mean): SP = (X-Mx)(Y-My)
z = (X-) / [for individual scores], or informally for descriptive purposes z = (X-M) / s
z = (M-M) / M = (M-) / M [for sample means] where M = / n
t(df) = (M-M) / sM = (M-) / sM where sM = s / n
df = n-1
t(df) means "t on these df" NOT "t TIMES df"; e.g. t(24) means t on 24 df, not t*24
t(df).05 or t.05(df) means "the .05 cutoff value for t on these df"
Cohen's d = (M-) / [for the population, with d sometimes written as Greek ]
Cohen's d = (M-) / s [for the sample]
r2 = t2 / (t2 + df)
r2 = R2 = 2 (eta-squared) [but NOT = 2 (omega-squared) as G&W p. 299 says, because that's calculated differently]
Probability Density Function for the Normal distribution: y = [1 / (22)] * e^[-(x-)2 / 22]
-know how to integrate that expression to arrive at various areas under the curve between given limits
-yes of course I'm kidding
Assume all tests are two-tailed using = .05 unless the question states otherwise.