Comunicación Oral en Español

SPAN 31103–065

3:30-4:50 martes/jueves

Primavera de 2017

SCHAR 1011

Prerequisite: SPAN 20203 (Intermediate Spanish 2) or 20123 (Intensive Intermediate Spanish 2) or equivalent.

Course Description: “Development of oral proficiency skills through intensive practice in a wide variety of common situations and topics. (No credit given to native speakers; heritage speakers may receive credit with permission of the department.)”

Instructor: Dr. Donald Frischmann-Carril, Profesor Titular

Office: Scharbauer 3107: Department of Spanish & Hispanic Studies

Hours: Tues. / Thurs. 12:00-1:50 pm / 5:00 PM

Phone: 817-257-6358 (Will answer only during office hours)


Texts: 1) ¡Imagínate! (Thomson/Heinle, 3rd Ed.: Chastain & Guntermann)

2) Some Spanish Grammar book for your frequent reference.

3) A good English-Spanish Dictionary for your daily use in class and at home. Approved internet translators for use in class are the following:





* Keep in mind that these dictionaries are not for in-depth reference or for discerning finer nuances of expression, as is proper of advanced Spanish students. There is still no free substitute for an unabridged, hard-copy Spanish-English dictionary.


* Objective: to develop and refine your ability to orally express yourself in Spanish, in a variety of contexts, including informal conversations and more formal, Powerpoint presentations.

* Your active participation in class is essential, in terms of both frequency and quality. BOTH will be the basis for your class participation grade.

* Your at-home preparation for class is also fundamental as is your daily class attendance. You will be allowed one (1) personal absence; additional absences will result in a proportionate loss of your class participation points. Remain mindful that your absences may also negatively affect the partner(s) with whom you are working in preparation for the Presentaciones Conversadas. Your failure to attend class for these evaluations will result in a grade of 0 (zero) for that exercise.

* The Prof will perform the role of organizer, facilitator and evaluator of the oral activities. However, YOU will be the single most important person for taking your oral skills to a new level, through your at-home preparation, by remaining aware of the cumulative nature of our coursework (i.e., by applying skills acquired in earlier chapters to new themes and situations), and by remaining on-task throughout our activities and speaking en español for the entirety of our class time.

Each student will take part in a total of 8 graded, oral presentations:


* "Mis vacaciones de Navidad" (#1): Oral presentation on your Christmas break activities, with the visual support of a Powerpoint presentation (Week 2). Desired length: 4-5 minutes. Pueden hacer referencias mínimas a notas. NO INCLUYAN TEXTO EN SU POWERPOINT (Sólo encabezados: "headings").

* "Mi interés (pasatiempo) especial" (#2): Oral presentation on some interest or pastime that has special meaning for you, with the visual support of a Powerpoint presentation. Desired length: 4-5 minutes. Pueden hacer referencias mínimas a notas. NO INCLUYAN TEXTO EN SU POWERPOINT (Sólo encabezados: "headings").

* "Mi amigo/a hispano/a" (#3 y Final): An oral presentation on the life and culture of a student or friend from a Spanish-speaking country, with the visual support of a Powerpoint presentation. Desired length: 7 minutes. Pueden hacer referencias mínimas a notas. NO INCLUYAN TEXTO EN SU POWERPOINT (Sólo encabezados: "headings"). Will take the place of a formal, Final Exam on Tuesday May 09, 3:00-5:30 pm.


* 5 Presentaciones Conversadas with one or more classmates, as the culmination of each chapter's work from ¡Imagínate! Grades will be for individual performance. Desired length: 3-7 minutes (as announced) depending upon the chapter theme (Prof will time). Grade will depend upon not just meeting the minimum length, but also the quantity of key phrases and vocabulary used from the current chapter, and those relevant key phrases and vocabulary you carry over from previous chapters, within an original framework (though based on given situations as assigned by the Prof.). Deben realizarse SIN NOTAS.

* Each student will also compile a Cuaderno Especial de Vocabulario Nuevo in which s/he will compile a minimum of 15 NEW WORDS OR EXPRESSIONS PER WEEK, BEGINNING IN WEEK #2. The Prof will grade each notebook at mid-term and at the end of the semester (and will announce the due date one week in advance). The new words/expressions must be recorded meaningfully in complete sentences and underlined for easy identification by the Prof. You may include vocabulary that arises in the course of our classwork (that the Prof writes on the board), or that you personally acquire through your participation in the course (pre-class preparation, in-class consultation with the Prof). Vocabulary should be presented in a special notebook you maintain for this purpose, or in a Word document, as follows (en LETRA TIMES 12). POR EJEMPLO...


1. pálida (pale)

Soy de altura mediana--no soy ni baja ni alta--y tengo la piel pálida, sobre todo durante el invierno.

2/3. generosidad (generosity)

honradez (honesty, integrity)

Las características que me hacen una buena amiga son mi generosidad y mi honradez.



Presentaciones Conversadas (5) ....40%

Presentaciones Powerpoint (2) ...... 20%

Participación Activa de Clase ...... 15%

Special Vocabulary Notebook .. 10%


Total...... 100%


Excellent: 100-94 / A 93-90 / A-

Good: 89-87 / B+ 86-83 / B 82-80 / B-

Satisfactory: 79-77 / C+ 76-73 / C 72-70 / C-

Poor: 69-67 / D+ 66-63 / D 62-60 / D-

Failing : 59-0 / F


fecha / martes / jueves
enero 17 / 19 / *Introducción / Conversaciones con sus nuevos compañeros / Presentación de sus nuevos compañeros ante la clase / * Capítulo Preliminar P1-P6 (pp. 1-11) + Ejercicios (*Las tareas exactas les serán transmitidas diariamente en un e-mail del profesor)
24 /26 /
*Presentaciones PPT #1: "Mis vacaciones de Navidad"
+ Cap. Preliminar P7-P8 (pp. 11-14) / *Presentaciones PPT #1: "Mis vacaciones de
de Navidad"
+ Cap. Preliminar P10-P12 (pp. 14-16)
31 / febrero 02 / *P14-P18 (pp. 17-20) (+P19, en clase)
Escuchemos/ Cap. Preliminar Conv. 1: Chismes / Capítulo 1 Initiating/Closing Conversations: Conversación #1
07 / 09 /

Cap. 1 / Conversaciones # 2 + #3

/ Cap. 1 / Práctica
* Presentación Conversada #1 (Cap. Preliminar & Cap. 1)
14 / 16 / Cap. 3 Description/Circumlocution
Conversación 1 (Giving/receiving directions) /

Cap. 3 Contin.

21 / 23 / Cap. 3 Contin. / * Presentación Conversada #2 (Cap. 3)
28 / marzo 02 / Cap. 4 Requesting/Providing Info.
(Interviewing for a job)
Conversación #1 / Cap. 4 / Conversación #2
07 / 09 / Cap. 4 / Conversación #3 / * Presentación Conversada #3

(Cap. 4)

14 / 16 / Receso de Primavera / Receso de Primavera
21 / 23 /

Presentación PPT#2: "Mi interés (pasatiempo) especial"


Presentación PPT#2: "Mi interés (pasatiempo) especial"

28 / 30 / Cap. 6 Recounting Events/Listening to Anecdotes
Conversación #1
Repaso: Pretérito e Imperfecto / Cap. 6 / Conversación #2
abril 04 / 06 / Cap. 6 / Práctica / *Presentación Conversada #4

(Cap. 6)

11/ 13 /

Cap. 7 Requests/Complaints/ Disagreements, Conversación #1


Cap. 7 / Conversación #2

18 / 20 /

Cap. 7 / Práctica

/ *Presentación Conversada #5

(Cap. 7)

25 / 27 /


mayo 02 / XX /

No clase: Preparación de PPT Final

/ [Día de Estudio]

* NO empleo TCU Online. En el momento en que alguno de Uds. desee saber su promedio corriente, que me avise y se lo calcularé con todo gusto. Mantengo contacto frecuente a través de correo electrónico, y respondo a mensajes dentro de 24 horas. Los suplementos ("handouts") del profesor, este sílabo, y otros documentos relevantes se subirán oportunamente a la página personal del profesor:



Acerca de la Presentación Powerpoint #3 y Final:


Su presentación sobre su amigo(a) hispano(a) le dará la oportunidad de conversar en español con un/a hispanohablante nativo/a y de compartir con nuestra clase algo de su vida y sus perspectivas culturales.

Su presentación: Debe durar de 6 a 7 minutos. Será una síntesis de tu conversación con la otra persona, junto con apoyos visuales que ayuden a apreciar mejor los varios elementos de su vida y cultura de origen.

Apoyos visuales: Una o más fotos de tu amigo/a; un mapa de su lugar de origen; imágenes/fotos relevantes de su lugar de origen y otros elementos interesantes de su cultura de origen.

Apoyo audio: Si graban la entrevista y tienen el medio de reproducir un breve fragmento, sería interesante oír su voz y su acento.

Otros apoyos: Como siempre, deben hablar con un mínimo de referencia a sus notas.


A. Sobre su vida:

·  ¿Dónde nació o de dónde es? (¿Dónde naciste o de dónde eres?)

·  Características geográficas y demográficas del lugar: ¿Dónde está ubicada su (tu) ciudad o su (tu) pueblo? ¿Cuántas personas viven allí? ¿En qué trabaja la gente?

·  ¿Cómo es su (tu) familia? (¿Cuántos son, a qué se dedican, dónde viven?)

·  ¿Por qué y cuándo vino (viniste) a estudiar en TCU o a vivir en Fort Worth ?

·  Etc. (Otras preguntas varias)

B. Sobre sus perspectivas culturales (MUY importante)

·  ¿Qué es lo que valora(s) más de su (tu) cultura de origen?

·  ¿Qué es lo que extraña(s) más estando lejos de su (tu) lugar de origen?

·  ¿Qué es lo que más le (te) gusta de estar en TCU o en EE.UU.?

ü  Recomiendo que graben su entrevista en audio (o video); de allí, la podrán transcribir selectivamente e identificar la información a presentarse ante la clase; así, también podrán incluir citas directas de la persona.

ü  NO INCLUYAN TEXTO EN SU POWERPOINT (Sólo encabezados: "headings").

Disabilities Statement

Texas Christian University complies with the Americans with Disabilities Act and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 regarding students with disabilities. Eligible students seeking accommodations should contact the Coordinator of Student Disabilities Services in the Center for Academic Services located in Sadler Hall, 1010. Accommodations are not retroactive, therefore, students should contact the Coordinator as soon as possible in the term for which they are seeking accommodations. Further information can be obtained from the Center for Academic Services, TCU Box 297710, Fort Worth, TX 76129, or at (817) 257-6567.

Academic Misconduct (Sec. 3.4 from the Student Handbook)

"Any act that violates the academic integrity of the institution is considered academic misconduct. The procedures used to resolve suspected acts of academic misconduct are available in the offices of Academic Deans and the Office of Campus Life. Specific examples include, but are not limited to:

1. Cheating: Copying from another student’s test paper, laboratory report, other report, or computer files and listings; Using, during any academic exercise, material and/or devices not authorized by the person in charge of the test; Collaborating with or seeking aid from another student during a test or laboratory without permission; Knowingly using, buying, selling, stealing, transporting, or soliciting in its entirety or in part, the contents of a test or other assignment unauthorized for release; Substituting for another student or permitting another student to substitute for oneself;

2. Plagiarism: The appropriation, theft, purchase or obtaining by any means another’s work, and the unacknowledged submission or incorporation of that work as one’s own offered for credit. Appropriation includes the quoting or paraphrasing of another’s work without giving credit therefore.

3. Collusion: The unauthorized collaboration with another in preparing work offered for credit.

[1]Subject to change via prior announcement