
Dear Parent(s)/Guardian(s),

French Exchange to the South of France

June 2017

Prince Henry’s is pleased to be able to offer an exciting opportunity to visit France during the summerterm. We will be spending a week in and around the pretty town of Millau in the South of France.The visit will take place for one weekat the beginning of June (exact dates to be confirmed when flights are booked). Students will meet and stay with a young French person of a similar age and their family. They will spend time in class with their penpal in our French partner school, go on trips, go shopping and much more, experiencing French life for real in a spectacular setting. Visit the website:

Our partner school is the College Jeanne d’Arc which is located in the town of Millau not far from Montpellier on the edge of the Cevennes mountains. The trip will cost £300*and includes:

The return flight to France (route to be confirmed once flights are booked)

Return coach transfers to UK airport

Comprehensive insurance with the Local Authority

Organisation costs when the French students return to Evesham (except for local bus charges between your home and PHHS).

When the French students come back to England on their return visit they will stay with your family. We expect this to be in October 2017. When the French students are here they will take part in trips such as Cadbury World, the Almonry, Stratfordand Worcester Cathedral. These will take place during school time but they will also spend time in school with your child.

If you would like your son/daughter to take part could you please complete and return the slip below together with a non-refundable deposit of £100. A schedule of payments is shown below:

Initial deposit of £100 (non-refundable) payable by Tuesday3rdJanuary 2017.

Second Payment of £100 payable by Friday10thFebruary 2017.

Final Payment of £100 payable by Friday7thApril 2017.

If you have any queries relating to the exchange visit itself, please do not hesitate to contact me at the school.

Yours sincerely,

Mrs L.Boyle

Trip Leader

*The cost of £300 is based upon a minimum of 15 students taking part and this may change depending on the numbers of students participating in the trip.

To: Mr Barrington, Prince Henry’s High School

There is now the opportunity to make payments on-line. If you would like to take advantage of this you will need the following information:~

Royal Bank of Scotland

Sort Code 16-12-21

Account No. 10062980

Please ensure that your child’s name and “French Exchange 2017” are quoted in the reference column. If this is not done the payment may have to be returned. If you need any assistance please contact the Finance Officer, Mr Barringon, at the school.

Cheques should be made payable to Prince Henry’s High School and handed in to MrsShephard who collects in the concourse between 8.40 a.m.and9.05 a.m.daily.

Year 9 and 10 French Exchange to the South of France

June 2017

I / We would like our son/daughter to take part in the French Exchange visit to Millau.

Name*: ……………………………………………………… (Asit appears on passport) Form: …………………

Nationality: ………………………………………………………………… Date of Birth: …………………………………….

My son/daughter holds a valid passport. (*the passport is held in the same name as above) 

(At the time of travel the passport should have a minimum of six months before expiry)

We are applying for a passport 

(Please tick the appropriate box).

I enclose payment of £100 as a non-refundable deposit (cheques should be made payable to Prince Henry’s High School).

I understand the payment schedule requires a further payment of £100 payable by Friday 9thFebruary 2017 and a final payment of £100 payable by Friday 10thApril 2017.

Signed: ………………………………………………………………………………….. Date: ……………………………………


PRINT NAME: ………………………………………………………………………….