This meeting was the monthly meeting held on the first Monday of every month.

President Lois Fick brought the meeting to order with old business. She and Deb Widger are ready to hand over Presidential duties, as their term is over and their children are graduating.

Brian and Char Schubauer agreed to take over the Presidential duties as long as someone would step up to take on the needs of the fall concession stands.Laurie Redding and Lois Rademaker agreed to tend to the concession stand, so the new Co-Presidents were elected.

There are a lot of items missing from the High School concession area that belong to the Music Boosters.President Lois Fick will address this issue.

There is still a need to increase membership, so inserts will be made to accompany the programs of the upcoming events. These inserts will include a form for enrollment that can be filled out and collected at the end of each of the 3 upcoming programs.

Music Booster picture buttons were again a topic of discussion for a fundraiser. A volunteer is needed to take on this task. President Lois Fick visited with photographer Joe Vculek regarding the buttons. Joe has agreed to help find the necessary volunteer.

Mrs. Anderson agreed to insert a 15 minute intermission in the Willie Wonka Junior musical to accommodate the Ice Cream Parlor fundraiser.

It was agreed that the tradition of serving popcorn and pop at the Pops Concert will continue. However, since it is the end of the year, water would better serve this purpose. Char Schubauer will order the water and pick up popcorn.

There was no Treasurer's Report this week. However, Cindy Nabity is retiring as a Co-Treasurer. Janine Lamprecht- Rowe volunteered to step into the newly vacated Co-Treasurer position. It was highly encouraged that she get in touch with Jen Rischling, the other Co-Treasurer. The treasurer reports from the past need to be retrieved from Rhonda Obert.

Discussion ensued in regards to paying the accompanist for the music program. It was requested that the Music Boosters contribute an amount for this position. President Lois Fick pointed out that this is a position that has been funded by the school. Final result was: the school paid for the accompanist.

Brian Schubauer and Pat Hancock have agreed to keep up the Music Booster website - - something previously done by outgoing President Lois Fick.

This concluded the meeting.