Online activity- ENGLISH - 1st GRADE - ENSINO MÉDIO


01- Complete each sentence with the correct noun in the correct form: travel, journey, trip or way.

a) We took a five-day ______to the Amazon.

b) You're back from vacation! How was your ______?

c) World ______gives you a new perspective.

d) Can you tell me the ______to the bank?

e) The ______takes 3 hours by plane or 28 hours by bus.

02- Complete each sentence with the correct noun in the correct form: dish, food or meal.

a) ______is anything that you can eat. It's a very general term.

b) A ______is when you sit down at a table and eat things. If you sit down to eat a meal in the morning, it's breakfast. If you sit down to eat a meal at night, it's dinner.

c) A ______is one plate of food. It is a recipe. You can eat a dish of sushi for a meal. You can eat a dish of rice. You can eat two dishes for one meal.

d) A diet is a particular way of eating. Someone who is on a diet will avoid certain ______, such as potato chips or cake. A diet is also a way of life. If someone eats a vegetarian diet, they do not eat meat at all.

e) The ______I ate for my main ______today was a chicken ______.

03- Fill in the gaps using verbs in the past perfect simple or past perfect continuous.

Recap: Past Perfect Simple: HAD + past participle An action occurred before another action in the past (had lived, had sung…) — e.g, I lived in Miami, Florida. I had lived in New York City before. Past Perfect Continuous: HAD BEEN + V-ing An action started in the past and continued up until another time in the past (had been living, had been singing…) — e.g, Remember that horrible day: You eventually arrived. I had been waiting for you for two hours!

a) It was a relief to find the documents. I (look) ______for them all afternoon.

b) He was dismissed, even though, in his opinion, he (not/do) ______anything wrong.

c) It was not the first time I'd met him. We (meet) ______many times before.

d) He called me at eleven in the evening to tell me that he (find/finally) ______a solution.

e) When he (finish) ______his speech, he waited for the reaction of the audience. But no one said a word.

f) The invoice (not/arrive/still) ______by the end of the week so we sent them a strong reminder.

04 - Use the words in bold letters to form an adjective that fits the sentence.

Example: He often acts like a child. → He often acts in a childish way.

a) The event was a big success. → We enjoyed a ______event.

b) We enjoyed the sound of the drum's rhythm. → We enjoyed the drum's ______sound.

c) She adopted a dog without a home. → She adopted a ______dog.

d) Look out, that plant is poison. → Look out for that ______plant.

e) It looks like it will rain today. → It looks like we'll have ______weather today.

f) She always acts with courtesy. → She always behaves in a ______manner.

05- Complete the sentences with the correct time preposition among in, on or at.

a) I'll meet you ______the morning.

b) The meeting starts ______three.

c) I'll go to the restaurant with you ______the evening.

d) I usually stay home ______night.

e) I get out of class ______noon.

f) I'll call you ______six o'clock.

g) She came ______Monday.

h) I was born ______1970.

06- You are given a piece of text with eight spaces. You are also given a set of words for each space which you need to change to create the correct word for each space.

The Tin Can

A tin can is a container for the (1) ______or storage of goods, composed of thin metal. Many cans require opening by cutting the end open; others have (2) ______covers. Cans hold diverse contents: foods, beverages, and oil.

The tin canning process was allegedly (3) ______by Frenchman Philippe de Girard and the idea passed to British merchant Peter Durand who was used as an agent to patent Girard's idea in 1810. The canning (4) was based on experimental food (5) ______work in glass containers the year before by the French inventor Nicholas Appert. Durand did not pursue food canning, but, in 1812, sold his patent to two Englishmen, Bryan Donkin and John Hall, who refined the process and product, and set up the world's first (6) ______canning factory in London. By 1813 they were producing their first tin canned goods for the Royal Navy.

Most cans are right circular cylinders with (7) ______and parallel round tops and bottoms with vertical sides. However, where the small volume to be (8) ______or the shape of the contents suggests it, the top and bottom may be rounded-corner rectangles or ovals.

The Tribune

(1) Distribute

(2) Remove

(3) Create

(4) Conceive

(5) Preserve

(6) Commerce

(7) Identity

(8) Contain

07- Fill in the gaps with either too or enough:

Recap: Enough precedes adjectives and adverbs:

He isn't old enough to watch this program.

Enough may also precede nouns:

We have enough money.

Too comes before adjectives and adverbs:

It's too hot to wear that coat.

Too may also come before nouns when it is used with the expressions too much and too many.

There are too many students in this classroom.

a) There are 3 bones in the fridge, one for each dog. ENOUGH

There are ______feed all the dogs.

b) Susan is so strong she can carry these heavy bags. ENOUGH

Susan is ______carry these heavy bags.

c) I can't go to the party because I'm very busy. TOO

I'm ______to the party.

d) Phillip could never kill a hen. ENOUGH

Philip isn't ______to kill a hen.

e) Why 10 sandwiches? There's only me and you here. TOO

Didn't you prepare ______sandwiches?

08- Fill in the gaps with either so, such or such a/an:

a) It's ______warm today that I'm going to the beach.

b) We're ______pleased with these new towels that we're going to buy some more.

c) He has done ______foolish things that he will get into serious trouble.

d) He made ______generous contributions to the university that they are naming one of the new buildings after him.

e) This hedge grows ______fast that we have to trim it often.

f) We had ______good time that we hate to leave the party.

g) The thief came in ______quietly that the sleeping couple never heard him.

h) He is ______extravagant man that all his money is spent long before his next pay check.


01- a) trip

b) trip

c) travel

d) way

e) journey

02- a) Food

b) Meal

c) Dish

d) Food

e) Food/Meal/Dish

03- a) had been looking

b) had not done

c) had met

d) had finally found

e) had finished

f) had still not arrived/still had not arrived

04- a) successful

b) rhythmic

c) homeless

d) poisonous

e) rainy

f) corteous

05- a) in

b) at

c) in

d) at

e) at

f) at

g) on

h) in

06- (1) Distribution

(2) Removable

(3) Created

(4) Concept

(5) Preservation

(6) Commercial

(7) Identical

(8) Contained

07- a) bones enough to

b) strong enough to

c) too busy to go

d) brave enough

e) too many

08- a) so

b) so

c) such

d) such

e) so

f) such a

g) so

h) such an


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