(Promulgated along with Decision No: /QĐ-HĐTVTTHCdated / /2012by the Chairman of the Advisory Council for Administrative Procedure Reform)

No. / Activities / Timeline / Chaired by / Implementation method / Outcomes
  1. Synthesize feedback, petition on administrative regulations

Develop template form for synthesizing feedback, petition / Jan - Feb / Vice Chairman Ngô Hải Phan / The Secretariat developes template forms used for synthesizing feedback, petition on APs which haven’t been inventoried, not inventoried correctly, fully on the National Database of Administrative Procedures (herein after referred to as the Database); inappropriate behaviors of public officials, civil servants, administrative agencies; difficulties, obstacles caused by administrative regulations on mechanisms, policies, administrative procedures affecting business activities and people’s life. / Form is consistently used in the Advisory Council.
Collect, synthesize feedback, petition of individuals, units represented by the Council members. / Jan – Dec / Council members / Council members:
- Assign a focal point unit under its authority to collect, synthesize feedback, petition of individuals, member units, on:
+ APs which haven’t been inventoried, not inventoried correctly, fully on the National Database of Administrative Procedures (the Database)
+ Public officials, civil servants, administrative agencies that fail to perform or improperly performing their tasks or self-setting out new regulations out of their authority.
+ Difficulties, obstacles caused by administrative regulations on mechanisms, policies, administrative procedures affecting business activities and people’s life.
- Email or send under a Dispatch the synthesis report to the APCA, OOG for timely settlement. / - Complete the Database based on absorbing the Council’s feedback on APs to be inventoried, updated on the Database.
- Information accumulated to correct administrative discipline by dealing with public officials, civil servants, Sate administrative agencies contracting improper behaviors
Study feedback, petition on difficulties, obstacles caused by regulations on mechanisms, policies, administrative procedures affecting business activities and people’s life. / Jan – Dec / Council members / - Council member assigns a focal point unit/task force under its authority to study about concerned administrative regulations; difficulties and obstacles in practice; consult international practices and use impact assessment tools introduced by the APCA to come up with reform initiatives. / Reform initiatives accompanied by impact assessment and compliance cost calculation
Organize workshops to gather feedback and petition by topic; consultations on administrative regulation reform initiatives. / Jan – Dec / Council members / - Each Council member by its self or in coordination with other Council members to organize workshops by topic or get them integrated with other contents to consult individuals and member units on difficulties and obstacles in implementing regulations on mechanisms, policies, APs; consult on administrative reform options for tackling those difficulties and obstacles.
-Council members shall inform the Secretariat that will support and coordinate to invite APCA, Council members and other concerned units (if necessary) to participate in these workshops / - 15 workshop organized;
- Synthesis report reflecting difficulties, obstacles and recommended reform initiatives after each workshop.
Propose administrative regulation reform initiatives / Jan – Dec / Council members / Based on local practices and international experience, Council members proactively propose new reform initiatives, both on administrative regulations and implementation method. / Reform initiatives on administrative regulations accompanied by impact assessment and compliance cost calculation.
  1. Review, simplify APs

Develop report form for reviewing, simplyfing APs / Feb – Mar / Vice Chairman Ngô Hải Phan / The Secretariatedraft report form for reviewing and simplifying APs. / Report form is consistently used in the Advisory Council.
Engage in defining priority APs/AP group for review and simplification in 2012. / Jan – Feb / Council members / With difficulties and obstacles observed and experienced in business and life, and based on the APCA’sdraft, Council members shall comment to make a list of APs/AP group that needs to focus review and simplification in 2012. / List of priority APs/AP group for review and simplification in 2012 by ministries and agencies.
Establish working groups by review areas / Feb – May / Council members / - Based on list of priority APs/AP group for review and capacity of organizations which the Council member represents,Council members shall select areas/fields to register chairing or coordinating the AP review.
- Based on Council member’s registration, the Secretariat shall request the Council leader to assign its members to chair establishing working groups. Head of working groups shall be appointed by the lead Council member.
-The Secretariat has the responsibility to support the organization and operation of working groups / Establish 15 working groups to study, simplify 200APs/AP group of 15 areas/fields
Develop review plan for particular fields. / Feb – Jun / Council members / - Council members direct working groups to select APs/AP groups to review and develop review plan for those APs/AP groups.
- The review plan needs to be approved by the lead Council member and sent to the Secretariat for implementation coordination. / Working group’s plan to review 200 APs/AP group
Organize implementation of review plan: studies, team meetings, meetings to work with specialized department of APCA, workshops, conferences to exchange specialized knowledge, information collection, consultation on simplification measures in service of AP review activities … / March – December / Working group / - Based on the approved review plan, working groups actively organize implementation of activities. Review of each AP/group of APs should be hosted by one assigned group member.
- Discussions, meetings of working groups, meetings to work with specialized department of APCA are conducted in various, flexible forms (in persons, by phone, by email, video conference…).
- Workshops, conferences may be integrated with other contents.
- These activities require close coordination of working groups with Council Secretariat. / 15 workshops, conferences and 100 meetings of working groups, meetings to work with specialized department of APCA and relevant bodies.
Complete review of APs and develop simplification measures / April – December / Council members / Council members provide guidance for working groups based on study of relevant legal documents; difficulties, obstacles in practice; consult international experience and use impact assessment tools introduced by APCA to complete review of APs and develop simplification measures / AP review dossiers sent to APCA, including: justifying document, templates of impact assessment and compliance cost calculation.
  1. Oversight and evaluation of AP control

Develop measures to oversight and evaluate implementation results of Council’s AP control / February – September / Vice Chairman Nguyễn Minh Mẫn / Secretariat, in coordination with IFC and other Council’s member organizations, studies domestic and international experience to develop measures to engage individuals, organizations in oversight and evaluation of AP control results / Measures to oversight and evaluate implementation results of Council’s AP control
Conduct surveys (using survey questionnaires) on implementation of AP control in ministries, agencies, provinces / March – December / Vice Chairman Nguyễn Minh Mẫn / Secretariat develops survey questionnaires and plan for topic-based implementation. / - 02 surveys;
- 02 reports on survey results submitted to Council
Assign missions to work with selected ministries, agencies, provinces on implementation results of simplification measures approved according to Project 30 and AP control / March – December / Vice Chairman Nguyễn Minh Mẫn / Secretariat develops programs, contents to submit to Council leadership for assignment of missions to work with selected ministries, agencies, provinces / - 3 missions assigned to work with selected ministries, agencies, provinces;
- 03 reports on oversight and evaluation results submitted to Council
Develop synthesis report on oversight results for 2012 by Council / November – December / Vice Chairman Nguyễn Minh Mẫn / Secretariat synthsizes and drafts report on oversight and evaluation of AP control by Council for 2012 / Report on oversight and evaluation of AP control by Council for 2012 submitted for Council’s end-of-year meeting
  1. Communication activities

Participate in development of 2012 communication plan on AP control(to be integrated in APCA’s Communication Plan) / February- March / Vice Chairman Ngô Hải Phan / Council members provide feedback to refine draft communication plan on AP controlled by APCA. / Decisions of Minister, Chairman of OOG and Chairman of Council approving 2012 communication plan on AP control.
Organize implementation of communication activities in accordance with 2012 communication plan on AP control / March – December / Council members / Council members organize implementation of communication activities in their agencies in accordance with the approved Communication Plan or as requested by APCA / Change of awareness, behavior of AP control stakeholders
Continue to coordinate with APCA to organize the contest “Join hands for AP reform” / January – June / Council members / Implement tasks assigned by the Host Committee and according to the Contest Organization Plan. / Successfully organize campaigns to engage the masses in AP reform; receive valuable AP reform initiatives
Create and maintain Council’s information exchange forum on website / January – December / Vice Chairman Ngô Hải Phan / Secretariat creates and maintain information exchange forums of Council and working groups on website / Forums for topic-based exchange of information on AP reform (minimum 15 topics related to sectors/areas).
  1. Other regular activities

Develop Council’s 2012 Activity plan / January- February / Vice Chairman Ngô Hải Phan / Secretariat drafts and consults Council members to refine 2012 Activity plan for submission to Council Chairman for decision / Decision of Council Chairman approving Council’s 2012 Activity plan
Develop a budget estimate for activities of Council in 2012 / January- February / Vice Chairman Ngô Hải Phan / Secretariat reviews and provides feedback on Council’s budget estimate included in APCA’s budget / Budget estimate
Provide feedback on regulations on APs in draft LNDs / January – December / Council members / At request of APCA, Council members assign experts to participate in consultation meetings organized by APCA or review and provide written feedback to APCA / Feedback to refine regulations on APs in draft LNDs
Mobilize resources to support AP control activities / January – December / Council members / Based on the plan or request of Council and APCA, Council members actively mobilize internal, external, and international resources to support implementation of AP control activities in various, flexible forms such as: support to experts; workshops, conferences; facilities; financing… / Diversify resources to support implementation of AP control activities
Council meeting / January – December / Chairman Vũ Đức Đam / According to Council’s working regulations, Council Chairman will host a whole Council meeting quarterly. In addition, based on task requirements, Chairman or Vice Chairmen Council may organize meetings to discuss certain topics and invite only relevant Council members. / - Whole Council meeting: 4;
- Seminars: 6.
Reports on implementation of Council activities / December / Vice Chairman Ngô Hải Phan / Secretariat drafts regular reports on implementation of Council activities or other special subject, unscheduled reports as requested. / - Quarterly reports on implementation and results of Council activities: 04;
- Other special subject, unscheduled reports.
Supervision, inspection, instructions, information provision, coordination activities, and other activities / January – December / Vice Chairman Ngô Hải Phan / Based on task requirements, Secretariat conducts supervision, inspection, instructions, information provision, coordination activities, and other activities.