
Citizenship Rubric

Outstanding (O): A student must have ALL of the outstanding qualities to receive an outstanding citizenship mark.

Work habits/Organization

___Rarely or never misses assignments

___Is consistently on task.

___Returns communication with parents when due (including test signatures)

___Consistently comes prepared to class with materials and supplies

Classroom participation

___Contributes willingly and effectively in class discussions

___Works well with other group members

___Pays attention and does not talk excessively

___Has a positive attitude about class

___Is respectful toward teacher, substitute teacher, and peers

___No gum chewing or eating in class

___Comes on time (no more than 1 tardy)

Satisfactory (S):

Work habits/Organization

___Occasionally misses assignments

___Is on task most of the time

___Returns communication with parents without additional teacher intervention

___Usually comes prepared to class

Classroom participation

___Participates in class discussion when called upon

___Attempts to work well with other group members

___Pays attention and does not need to be talked to about excessive talking

___Has a positive attitude toward class

___Is respectful toward teacher, substitute teacher, and peers

___No gum chewing or eating in class

___No more than 3 tardies

Needs to Improve (N): A SINGLE item may drop your citizenship grade from an S to an N/U

Work habits/Organization

___Consistently does not complete assignments

___Has difficulty staying on task during class

___Does not return parent communication promptly

___Copying or plagiarizing

Classroom participation

___Frequently unprepared when called upon

___Has difficulty working with others in groups

___Talks excessively

___Does not always follow classroom rules/teacher’s directions

___Needs to be redirected to focus and listen frequently

___No more than 5 tardies

___Chewing gum or eating in class

Unsatisfactory (U):

Work habits/Organization

___Habitually does not complete assignments

___Consistently off task

___Does not return parent communication

___Cheating on test (1 time) or copying or plagiarizing work (2 or more times)

Classroom participation

___Does not participate in class

___Disruptive behavior

___Talks excessively, does not pay attention

___Shows disrespect or disregard for others

___Displays poor attitude toward learning

___Six or more tardies

___Chewing gum or eating in class (2 or more times)